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Wa-a-ay OT: Happy Birthday, Nemo!

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Today, based on the best guess of our dear, departed Veterinarian, my foundling buddy Nemo turns 15!!!


If you're a dog person, you know that 15 is OLD for any dog, but . . . Nemo still takes long neighborhood walks with us, without tiring out. He still plays a vigorous game of "Squeeze"* with his little buddy Rowlf, before dinner every night. I even have a recent video of Rowlf (who'll be 12 in August), and Nemo playing in our back yard with a dear friend's 18-month-old Pit Bull girl!


When I first found him, he was scruffy but clean, calm, well-behaved, and obviously smart. My wife has often said that he's a "dog's dog" because he seems to be able to make friends with any dog he meets. Over the years, different friends have left their dogs with us, while they travel, and Nemo has welcomed them all, sharing his house, his toys, all the dog beds and furniture, and his people. In terms of generosity of spirit, I wish I were more like him.


I can't claim any credit for his long life and good health, other than that we've been feeding him on the 'real food' diet since I found him, over 14 years ago. He goes to the Vet once a year, for his regular shots and check-up, otherwise, that's it. No sickness, no injuries, nothing urgent, in 14+ years.


Of course, there's a slightly bittersweet aspect to all this. I don't know how many more birthdays we have left together, how many walks, or games of "Squeeze," but there's really nothing I can do about it, either, so I'm going to enjoy this day, because he's here, now.


Happy Sun Day, everyone!



*Basically, a very loud game of "I've Got The Favorite Toy, And You Don't!"

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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"Wa-a-ay Officially Tremendous"... !!

That's what you meant, right, Winston?

 💫* THAT * IS * GREAT * !! * 

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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My Siberian Husky, Baron, lived until he was 15 years and four months old.  Now, for a small dog, that would be impressive.  But for a 100 lb. Siberian Husky, that was nothing short of incredible.  As I loved to tell people, he sleeps most of the day, he eats good, and he goes for a walk every day.  He's got a great life, why would he want to die soon?  Anyways, happy birthday Nemo, and I hope you have at least one more birthday in the future.

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I rock; therefore, I am.
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Thanks, everyone!


We had a very good day, with time in the backyard, and a nice family walk where we met another new neighbor dog, and so made another new friend. That's one of the best parts of their day, meeting a new dog friend.


Big week coming up, with landscaping, packing Artworks for shipment, and then a local Music festival on the weekend. No rest for the wicked . . .


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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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