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I guess what makes me uncomfortable is when machines do something "good enough" and the world accepts that, instead of going the extra mile for something exceptional that's crafted by humans. The only problem is that humans do that as well. It's not just a machine thing.


My main concern is that AI will be music on the web x 1,000,000 -  a flood of so much crap it's hard to isolate the exceptional stuff, whether made by machines or humans. 

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1 hour ago, KuruPrionz said:

What bothers one person may delight another. 


I would hope so! The more the puckerbutts squirm over some minutiae, the greater my pleasure. I've made several friends by simply playing some odd thing for a group and seeing who grinned versus who looked puzzled or puckered. Its a proverbial dead giveaway.  


Opaque melodies that would bug most people

Music from the other side of the fence

  ~ Capt. Beefheart

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 "Let there be dancing in the streets,
   drinking in the saloons and
    necking in the parlors! Play, Don!"
       ~ Groucho Marx    

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4 hours ago, Anderton said:

I guess what makes me uncomfortable is when machines do something "good enough" and the world accepts that, instead of going the extra mile for something exceptional that's crafted by humans. The only problem is that humans do that as well. It's not just a machine thing.


My main concern is that AI will be music on the web x 1,000,000 -  a flood of so much crap it's hard to isolate the exceptional stuff, whether made by machines or humans. 

Each previous potentially artist-ending advance--phonograph, videos, synths, drum machines, MIDI--has only led to greater and greater creativity in the end. Artists use whatever the available technology is, and make it into something new. 

I'm excited to see how people incorporate AI into their art. It's already made stemming and noise reduction way easier, and even the best mastering engineers I know now use AI for certain elements of their work, even when the rest of it is done by hand/ear/slider. 

As you hint at, if it's really that easy for the public to imagine that a "good enough" AI track is made by "real" musicians, then the answer will have to be for musicians to raise their game. I am here for that. 


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Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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12 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

I'm excited to see how people incorporate AI into their art. It's already made stemming and noise reduction way easier, and even the best mastering engineers I know now use AI for certain elements of their work, even when the rest of it is done by hand/ear/slider. 


As you hint at, if it's really that easy for the public to imagine that a "good enough" AI track is made by "real" musicians, then the answer will have to be for musicians to raise their game. I am here for that. 



I think those are two different issues. I use AI in what I do for graphics, it's already generated two really cool book covers for me. I don't use it for mastering but my specialty is salvage jobs, so AI doesn't quite know what to do with that kind of thing yet. I can see many ways that AI could be of great assistance with things like comping, ADR, noise reduction, etc.


As to the second issue, it doesn't matter how much musicians raise their game if no one knows they in fact raised their game, because their work is buried under yottabytes of data. The effort involved in marketing anything to stand out will be prohibitive. By prohibitive, I mean that artists won't be able to do it themselve and also spend time learning new tools and making music. The option of hiring a marketing team will be beyond the financial reach of all but musicians who have accumulated wealth thorugh other means. We've already seen that record companies have more or less ceased to exist, so they won't be providing any support except in extremely rare cases.


The good news is you'll have more fun than ever making music. The bad news is that you and your friends may be the only ones who end up hearing it.


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Humans have always come up with technology to make things easier and more efficient and increase productivity, etc.


I'm inclined the believe the end state is that humans won't have to work or do anything else for matter.  Just live a life of leisure.


Maybe I should get started on the the azz wiper.  A device to....well, you know the rest.  The sh8t ain't that hard to figure out.🤣😎



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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I'd rather hear someone using AI to write a song, than to hear someone with a tin ear relying on auto-tune. 

But that's just me. I listen with musician's ears, the public does not.


So it really doesn't matter what we think. Whatever is fed to the masses, and whatever is 'in', good or bad, will be popular.


I'd rather hear an intense Shostakovitch symphony than anything any current pop star ever put out. But the masses definitely don't agree with me.


I wish I could predict what will become a hit with accuracy. If I could, I'd go into the consulting business, and make some big money. :D


Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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