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STATUE RECORDS IS SUCK I've been approached. bad touch, bad touch fire fire

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Okay the ten millionth "record company" to contact me has yet another offer for ol' rick.

they ain't said they'll make me a star just distribute my records.. ahahaha! if I had any records.

What I have is a bunch of recordings from my living room.. ahaha!

they talk about licensing and some other stuff but I went to their site and it seems to be another one of "those" sites with a few artists and they got pics and all and it seems really professional..

I ain't got a pressing nor do I have any ready copies(I just burn one as I go.)

So what do you thank they want? MONEY?

they ain't gettin' any. ahahaha! not of mine.

I'm waiting for some kinde of a real offer from somebody for something.

oh and I was offer'd fries this afternoon and as they was hot I said yase.

mmm. hot fries. mmm...


Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Don't use Statue Records! Everyone that works there is female, beautiful and wears VERY short skirts. I know your stance on not looking at other women so thought you should know :thu:
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If I were you - I'm not, but I could be...I'd just show them what recordings I have, songs etc. and if they think it is worth trying to distribute and market in a commercial enterprise then they can put me in a studio that can handle all the minute recording and production details, hehe, on their nickle. THen send me the checks - I'll keep my own publishing of course... :wave:
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Originally posted by Christopher Kemp:

Here\'s the first thing from Google after their web site. Telling, no?

yeah I figger'd as much.

those sites suck. .

I done tole' 'em I ain't got any money.

well.. I still have my YAIRI. ahahahaa!

thanks for the info.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by nursers:

Don't use Statue Records! Everyone that works there is female, beautiful and wears VERY short skirts. I know your stance on not looking at other women so thought you should know :thu:

hey you upside down beer swillin' dingo eatin' sister lovein' aussie!


You don't know my stance on lookin' at women!

I like to look at women. I just don't ogle OTHER women when I'm involved with one; out of respect for myself and the girly girl I'm a'seein'.

I might see a girl an' say: thatsa' purty girl but not as purty as my sweetie. but I would'nt SEE HER if I was with my sweetie. I see ONLY my sweetie when I'm with her. I think only of my ONE sweetie to satisfy all my needs. .

I ain't daid or a prude.

why do I want to look at cupcakes when I can eat pie as soon as I get home.

mmm, pie. Girl pie. mmmmm... ..

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by arellspencer:

Originally posted by nursers:

Don't use Statue Records! Everyone that works there is female, beautiful and wears VERY short skirts. I know your stance on not looking at other women so thought you should know :thu:

hey you upside down beer swillin' dingo eatin' sister lovein' aussie!


You don't know my stance on lookin' at women!

I like to look at women. I just don't ogle OTHER women when I'm involved with one; out of respect for myself and the girly girl I'm a'seein'.

I might see a girl an' say: thatsa' purty girl but not as purty as my sweetie. but I would'nt SEE HER if I was with my sweetie. I see ONLY my sweetie when I'm with her. I think only of my ONE sweetie to satisfy all my needs. .

I ain't daid or a prude.

why do I want to look at cupcakes when I can eat pie as soon as I get home.

mmm, pie. Girl pie. mmmmm... ..

Yeah Drew, you son of a bitch! Quit oggling the women when you're out of town working your ass off!!!!
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Some advice I got from Bob Welch:


Never pay a label to list or sell your product. Ever.


The idea behind selling product is to generate income. If the label doesn't think your product will sell enough to cover their printing & distribution costs, why would they want to talk to you at all?


Imagine you manufacture (for example) cars. Now you want to find some dealers to sell your cars to the public. Would it make sense for you to:

1) Provide your product to the dealers for free.

2) Pay the dealers a huge sum for their costs in taking ownership of your cars.

3) Sit back & hope that somehow the dealers will someday remember to send you a check for 2 or 3% of their income from sales of your cars?


This is what a vast majority of these 'labels' ask of you. Completely fucking ridiculous...

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so much for statue records.

The internet is the bomb. All that info just waiting to be accessed.

statue records is suck


On the Scene: Central NY Band Signed... Sort Of - An Insider's Report

Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 @ 00:39:11 EST

Topic: On The Scene


Central New York Country/Southern Rock band "Shiloh Road" signed a distribution contract with Statue Records of Hollywood California, on March 30, 2004. The band thought that by signing this "contract", that their career would finally take off. Right.


Statue Records promised production of an unstated number of CD's, promotion to 800+ radio stations across the US, Canada and Mexico. Then to follow, would be distribution to various retail stores within the same areas. Nope, hasn't happened.


Statue sells the bands CD's through "ccnow.com" at a price of $15.00 each. But when you order a CD, it takes no less than 4 weeks to arrive, by US mail. No FedEx, no UPS.


When you open the package, it seems to be packed ok. But here is what Shiloh Road found. The cover contained a group photo of the band, all out of proportion and looking like Lurch's relatives. At the top, is the band name. Spelled as such, "Shilo Road". The back cover lists the songs. Two of the 12 songs are misspelled. Looking at the very end of the CD case, at the trayliner edge; the bands name is SMALLER than Statue Records' name. Inside the case, behind the CD tray; were the "thank yous" and such. They managed to spell the band name correctly here. Only because they Copied and Pasted what the band emailed them. The reverse side of the CD insert cover contains another photo of the band. This time, the members are short and squattier than Danny DeVito. The Band name is spelled wrong on the CD itself too. Statue took the liberty to remaster the audio, making the vocals twice as loud and the bass twice as deep. Which totally ruined the sound quality.


And to top all this off, the CD's aren't even RedBook quality, like they claim it is. They are CD-R format.


Statue Records has been doing this to over 100 artists from SoundClick.com for the past several months. They all have very similar complaints. Forget trying to get a hold of the guy that undersigns your "contract". He never returns calls, or emails. Especially once you call him on the complaints.


Shiloh Road is currently seeking a solution to this problem, and at the same time concentrate on a new recording with a better firm.


So, in closing, I want to issue a "heads up" to everyone about Statue Records. Here is their contact info:


Statue Records

PO Box 1927

Lomita, CA










Toll free 24-hour number


(how is this "Toll Free"?)

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Originally posted by philbo_Tangent:

Some advice I got from Bob Welch:


Never pay a label to list or sell your product. Ever.


The idea behind selling product is to generate income. If the label doesn't think your product will sell enough to cover their printing & distribution costs, why would they want to talk to you at all?


Imagine you manufacture (for example) cars. Now you want to find some dealers to sell your cars to the public. Would it make sense for you to:

1) Provide your product to the dealers for free.

2) Pay the dealers a huge sum for their costs in taking ownership of your cars.

3) Sit back & hope that somehow the dealers will someday remember to send you a check for 2 or 3% of their income from sales of your cars?


This is what a vast majority of these 'labels' ask of you. Completely fucking ridiculous...

Right you both are. Good advice.


BTW, speaking of Bob Welch, I've been happily listening to his work on Bare Trees from his days at the helm of Fleetwood Mac on MusicMatch's On Demand. I'd been a subscriber to the same outfits Artist Radio, but it drove me crazy because you'd select Fleetwood Mac and have no way of knowing if you'd be getting classic Peter Green FM, Bob Welch FM, or, ahem, the later stuff. (Mind you I have Bare Trees on vinyl, but it's buried in the garage with about 1400 other discs. That's the beauty of online music... a song it would take you twenty minutes to find in your collection is available in seconds -- or it isn't, but at least the ambiguity's gone and you can move on.)


Anyhow, that Bare Tree stuff is really sweet in places. Bob did a nice job. It's too bad that period of FM is almost forgotten.

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Originally posted by philbo_Tangent:

Some advice I got from Bob Welch:


Never pay a label to list or sell your product. Ever.

And that should be carved in granite under every statue. No matter what else anybody who may be interested in marketing your music may say, when they ask for your money they are not legit. Period.


Sadly there are thousands of artists out there so desperate to get their music out that they sign those pillage deals all the time.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Yeah, I had stuff on Iuma a few years ago & some outfit in California emailed me with a similar "Great Opportunity". :rolleyes:


I can't remember how much they wanted, but it was an astronomical amount! Around $6,000, I think.


I told them I'd be more than happy to pay for what they were promising; airplay in every "hip" university, massive promotion and tour support.


...but first, I asked them to send me an advance for $10,000. Fuckers wouldn't do it. Can you BELIEVE that shit?! :D

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Originally posted by techristian:

But now here is the question. What if, for your money ,they not only promote your music, but also spend hundreds of hours in their recording studio with you?





Then you damn well better trust them. AND have an iron-clad contract spelling out what each party pays, what the money pays for, what each party is to do, and what each party expects from the other.


With all these parties going on, you'd think it'd be more fun....

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Originally posted by philbo_Tangent:

Some advice I got from Bob Welch:


Never pay a label to list or sell your product. Ever.


The idea behind selling product is to generate income. If the label doesn't think your product will sell enough to cover their printing & distribution costs, why would they want to talk to you at all?



That should be like a mantra to all of us.


Phil Mann


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