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Next big gig? My unsolicited Dawes audition tape

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First of all, if this post belongs in Shameless Plugs or the Let's Hear It thread, please let me know or go ahead and move it. Most of you know me by now and I do try to play by the rules around here.


I so appreciated everyone's kind, thoughtful responses when I posted a few weeks ago about feeling directionless and stuck. I had been having a really rough few months, and the support of this community really meant a lot to me.


Not long after I wrote that post, I spoke with a couple of folks on the forum about a long shot opportunity that came up. One of my favorite bands in the world, Dawes (which I slept on until the pandemic and quickly became obsessed with; one of those artists whose catalog is exactly what your soul needs at the time you find it), was saying farewell to their founding bassist following their spring tour.


I know all y'all know me as a keyboard player, but I'm a pretty accomplished bass player, too -- all the bands in middle school and high school needed one, and I had the edge of being a Dedicated Bassist instead of "the worst guitar player." So over the years I've had a lot of experience playing bass in rock bands, jazz ensembles, pit orchestras. And I thought ... the guys in Dawes don't know me from Adam, and they're based on the other side of the country, but ... what if I could just get my foot in the door?


I was encouraged to shoot my shot, because why not, right? An e-mail to the band's management returned a polite response that the band already had "a few ideas" but they would pass my name along and follow up if there's interest. A very kind way to brush me off, but it told me they hadn't already handed someone the gig. A few of you suggested I film myself playing, post it on social media, and tag the band. "Hey, can I be your new bass player?" So I decided I might as well go for it.


Thing is, great players are everywhere. I didn't want to half-ass it if I was swinging big. So I thought, how can I show off the breadth of what I have to offer musically to this band, which operates at a higher level professionally than I've ever quite reached playing music?


So here's me playing all the instruments and performing all the vocals for the 8-minute finale from the band's most recent record, Misadventures of Doomscroller. I figured it was worth showing off not just my multi-instrumental chops, but that I can sing while playing. All the vocals you hear were tracked while also laying down the instruments you see. No miming here.


I'm really psyched to put this out there. Even if I don't get the band's attention, this was so much fun to put together, it was worth it -- so liberating to have a musical project I was excited about again.


I hope y'all enjoy. And if any of you have any connection to Dawes or their circle... do put in a good word for me, would you?



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Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not familiar with the band beyond the name, but I know that they would be adding more than just a bass player if they had you, brother! I hope they take a look and go, "we have to check this guy out…" :thu: 

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"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Sam, Sammy, Samuel as the Aussie "Drawes" agent you are hired. Flite tickets organised soon. All gear supplied but bring that squishy looking keyboard thingy with you. Looks like a bunch of Mars bars floating in a pool. Hee hee. 


Oh oh...not "Drawes" you say....you meant the band "Dawes" sorry its the accent.


Joking aside. That was fantastic. If that doesnt get you the gig I am sure its going to get you something equally as exciting. Novel way of getting their attention. Please update us as you go.


Although I dont know the band or the song this was a thouroughly enjoyable experience sharing your journey with us.


Good luck which ever way it goes.


Cheers from Downunder



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3 hours ago, zxcvbnm098 said:

For those that don't know Dawes, this is one of their best songs....



You really gotta hear it live, with the soaring organ solo and the audience choir finale. It’s a religious experience.



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Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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Digging everything about this post, and resulting thread. Sam, the video resonated for me a lot. Great job with that!


I've been a distant fan of Dawes - based a lot on radio airplay from our regional station, WXRT - but have a feeling that's about to change.  And though I've covered a lot of styles - and attempted a few of those rather sketchily - this is totally in my wheelhouse, perhaps mixed with a heathly swig of outlaw country. Been out of touch with those styles lately, but being part of a jam/open mic last night  affirmed that direction; connected with a former bandleader, and picked up a few gigs. Brighted my outlook a bit today, as lately I've well related to 

On 4/7/2023 at 10:05 AM, SamuelBLupowitz said:

...feeling directionless and stuck.


Sam, I hope this shakes a few opportunities loose for you, if not something with Dawes - for which you sound quite qualified.  

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'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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