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Zzzz, let me know when you change avatars

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Ditto on that. Man, that's not cool, and we've been over this a bunch of times with other posters.


Avatars of a sexual nature, gay or straight, or whatever, are not acceptable, and that's the general consensus of the people here, and of The Owner's Of This Website. Clear enough? Do you want to hear it from Craig, or Dendy, or Jim?

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Hmm. I'm not sure why this avatar has been singled out.


Is it because of the provocative way they are kissing? Because the last time I checked, there is nowhere in the world that has an internet connection freely available where a shirtless man is considered taboo.


Would you have a problem if it was a picture of Gus kissing his girlfriend? The implication of sex is the same, isn't it? I'm not implying in any way that Gus would do anything inappropriate...I'm just trying to use a concrete example.


I think we need an explicit policy beyond "common sense" and "social mores".


So please explain to me in a detailed manner why this is inappropriate, and then let's apply whatever that reason may be to all the other avatars on this board.


I am not saying that it isn't inappropriate, but if you're going to institute rules, let's do it right.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Like I already said Z, Avatars of a sexual nature, gay, straight, or whatever, are unacceptable. I personally don't have a problem with it, but people will start using anything they find on the internet for an Avatar.


It's not acceptable. In this case the only reason Zzzz has used that Avatar is to offend people. That's not acceptable.

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So here we go again. I don't care if it's gay people, or straight people, or animals, or whatever, doing whatever LeBlanc. The people on these forums have made it clear that they don't want to see that everytime they read a certain person's posts.


What's going to happen here if people don't follow some common sense rules is.....we're going to lose the right to have Avatars at all.


Common Sense Rules


Are you fighting for Avatars with sexual content?

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no, I'm not fighting...I don't care...just giving my opinion...I don't have the need to claim ownership over a community like so many others who hang here


you guys talk it out...whatever you decide I think this is a waste of time.


In short...you guys are crazy if you're concerned about a picture of two people kissing...that's my opinion, I've shared it...all done

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Well you just gave your opinion, and then invalidated it. Whattya you want man? You can't have shit like that on a public forum, at this date and time. I'm sorry, maybe when everyone is as liberated as you, we can deal with that.


That's not now.

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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

Avatars of a sexual nature, gay, straight, or whatever, are unacceptable.
huh? a picture of two people kissing?


you guys are nuts


KC, sorry if you're offended by it but fwiw, I think it's a silly thing to complain about

Even while I'm NOT personally offended by that avatar... it is just... TASTELESS: Two guys kissing, one shirtless and the other one ripping off his shirt, just getting ready to what comes next...


BTW, thanks for bringing me as an example, 0-9.


I usually try to put a pic or something's worth showing to other people, just like my current avatar, never trying to show anything but a cool pic of my loved ones.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

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:rolleyes: Here we go again...


I think I'll take a break. You guys let me know when you're finished playing in the sandbox! :mad:


We were pretty close to having all avatar privileges revoked the last time the subject of controversial pictures came up. This is probably going to put our esteemed moderator right over the edge!


A picture of two gay men open-mouth kissing is offensive to some forumites - not all, perhaps. But why not use a little common sense: if you there is a CHANCE that your choice of avatar may be offensive, why not be CONSIDERATE of others and use another avatar? Why do you continue to push and push this issue?


Personally, I don't have a problem with most gay rights issues - but that's not the point. Common sense, manners, and consideration for your fellow forumites is gravely important to the continued success of these forums.


Were you guys raised in a barn? Are you simply TRYING to be offensive? Get a clue - and some manners!


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I don't know, Stephen... I find it offensive and would find it just as offensive in the context of these forae, if it were a man and woman who appeared to be leading up to sex.


It's about context, not kissing. IMO, of course.


I'm with Wewus.. make it go away.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I noticed Zzzzzzz's avatar (shrug). I'll repeat my position on controversial issues, and then I'll shut up...not to sermonize anyone, but just to let folks know my position.


I have no problem with whoever wants to post durn near anything in an avatar, as long as it's work-friendly (I'm not going to get in trouble for having it on my computer screen). I don't think a gay kiss necessarily qualifies as being work-unfriendly. Just speaking for me, mind you, I can't speak for anyone else. Now, graphic gay sex, just as graphic straight sex, would be most work-unfriendly. I think someone had that sort of avatar a couple years ago, and they did remove it.


Allow me to add that some people do things of a controversial nature for the sole purpose of being controversial. Fine. But, as they offer a controversial opinion for that sake, they shouldn't be surprised when someone responds in kind. Very much like someone slapping you in the face and then calling you a jerk for "not being tolerant" and slapping them back.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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It's like that "rock 'n roll" music. Bunch of rabble rousers, I tell ya, bunch of rabble rousers.


Pretty soon, the girls will be wearing their skirts above the kneed and every guy's gonna wanna slick back his hair and dance like Elvis The Pelvis, like he's having sex in mid air for God's sakes.


Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with dance bands or even big bands, Tommy Dorsey, and maybe even Fats Waller as long as the drums aren't too loud. But Elvis The Pelvis? Little Richard??!!


It's the beginning of the end, I say, it's the beginning of the end!!!






Yeah, Yeah, I see it.


Yeah. Right over there.


I see it.


It's bait all right. A nice big juicy piece of bait.






Took the bait.



Dooby Dooby Doo
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This is why I keep my avatars disabled.


That said, I've seen far worse than Zzzz's. Hey, maybe that's him and his boyfriend. What if someone put up a pic of them kissing their bride at their wedding. That might be disgusting to homosexuals. Think about it.


The people who are complaining here probably watch Will and Grace and probably have at least one record by Elton John, Queen, Johnny Mathis, Culture Club, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Melissa Ethridge, etc. What's the big deal?


"You must remember this/A kiss is just a kiss..."

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dan South:

[QB]The people who are complaining here probably watch Will and Grace and probably have at least one record by Elton John, Queen, Johnny Mathis, Culture Club, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Melissa Ethridge, etc. What's the big deal?[QB]

Is Johnny Mathis gay ? :confused:
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Click to see Cowbell's new avatar
But Cowbell's is funny not sexual.




Zzzz's avatar would be sexual even if you replaced the the guy on the left with a fully clothed woman. Like Gus said, the guy on the right makes it obvious what comes next.


In the interest of keeping our avatar privileges, all of us have to be smart about what we use. I considered this one but decided it crossed the line.



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I think it's kind of sick to try to piss people off with images, and that's what has happened here. It's not like someone who uses that as an avatar doesn't know what they're doing.


It's obvious as HELL, and it is a way of disrespecting someone, the same way Hound Dog's Avatar was.


We ARE a community here, and if someone asks you to stop doing something, you should stop doing it.........or maybe you don't belong here.


It's called Respect.


Remember that?

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We ARE a community here, and if someone asks you to stop doing something, you should stop doing it.........or maybe you don't belong here.
I agree. I used some Monty Python photos to create a series of "butt ugly keyboardist" avatars that I was asked to pull. I didn't think they were offensive but pulled them anyway when someone said they caused him to hesitate using the forum at work.



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Hey crazy people, another fun-filled day!


I am honestly surprised that anyone would be offended, especially with all the lunacy that goes on here every day.


I did not put the picture up to offend, and I don't think it's offensive. And compared to a lot of other things, it's pretty pleasant.


But whatever. I switched it to something more universally beautiful.


And wewus, I think you've called me asshole or some other pleasantry enough now. Sure is funny how I was accused of attacking people, but I've never called anyone anything like asshole or the other countless names I've been called here. Thanks for the respect.


See ya.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Again Dan, you're missing the point. No Avatars with sexual content. This could bring down censorship on all the forums. Be cool, god damn it.

Okay, so, given that human beings are inherently sexual beings, from now on, we can only show asexual objects like amoebas and frying pans and doorknobs in our avatars. Well, maybe not doorknobs, maybe cucumbers. Well, no, not cucumbers - they could be problematic. How about Coke bottles. Er, no, pass on the coke bottles. Ears of corn? Zuchini? Um, no, we'd better ban those, too. How about some guy playing a guitar? Well, no, he has those fingers, you see. How about a woman, without any makeup, of course. And maybe we should cover her face the way they do in Afghanistan. Yeah, that might be safe, except I'd wonder what she'd look like under the hood. Darn, this is complicated!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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