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Whatever happened to these forumites?

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Vagabundo? He turned into a troll...we had a huge battle...can't remember the thread, but someone asked a simple question like "Help me name my band", and he came back with all sorts of "If you can't name your own band, you're ugly and your mama dresses you funny" or other such mud slinging.


It was a lo-ong time ago.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You of course realise Marissa was me? I made that confession a while back. It was in response to the troll who kept going on about her (name escapes me)


(runs for cover)

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Originally posted by Tedster:

Vagabundo? He turned into a troll...we had a huge battle...can't remember the thread, but someone asked a simple question like "Help me name my band", and he came back with all sorts of "If you can't name your own band, you're ugly and your mama dresses you funny" or other such mud slinging.


It was a lo-ong time ago.

And I gave him a well deserved butt chewing.


It wasn't a band, but a home studio name that was being solicited by Abeck.




And the follow up thread...




No, I don't get mad very often, but you really don't want to tick me off. ;)

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I wonder where (and how) Chip went.
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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Chip's doing all right, I still correspond with him quite a bit.


I also wonder what happened to 'rold and quite a few other members... and Hippie (Matt) popped his head in here recently which made me very happy, but he hasn't been back since. Hopefully he will.


And yes, still very worried about the missing Coaster. :(

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Well Lee, I had an email from Harold last december in which he told me he had to use other people's internet connection, but he would go home next month he said then.


He also told me he was married to Cathy, the mother of his son Donovan.


I just mailed him, hope I will hear of him.


Peace, Han

The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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Originally posted by henrysb3:

What about young Patrick-don't-fret?



I can't say I blame him for not coming back.


That incident still leaves a bad taste ...

"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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A lot of former posters here (alphajerk, Jules Standen, Chris Lambrechts, Jon Atack, EveAnna Manley, etc.) may be found at the Gearslutz forums. Others (George Massenburg, Lynn Fuston, Fletcher, etc.) may be found at R/E/P. Still others (Bob Olhsson, for example) are at the MARSH. Then there's the Harmony Central Forums; and let's not forget our own Lee Flier's What The? Forums.


(I too hope Coaster is okay...)





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Originally posted by Brittanylips:

And of course, who could ever forget about


Peace, Love, and BRITTANYLIPS!!!

Howdy Brittanylips!!! I've missed your posts on occassion, but you had mentioned that you would be taking a break... so I knew the you just needed some time away. Welcome back.
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Originally posted by Brittanylips:

And of course, who could ever forget about


Peace, Love, and BRITTANYLIPS!!!

Hey Brit! How have you been doin'? :wave:


BTW, please notice my new member status... I guess you were right after all. ;)


I wish I knew how you knew about that before I did. :)


BTW, are you still willing to show me a link to your website so I can get some ideas? I promise not to reveal your identity.

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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Originally posted by NE-One:

How about Barrett (alphajerk)?

Matt, see my post above or follow this link .





Oh yeah, oops.
No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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Originally posted by Brittanylips:

And of course, who could ever forget about


Peace, Love, and BRITTANYLIPS!!!

Hiya Brit! :)


I would have mentioned you on my list of people I was wondering about, but 1) you DID announce you were leaving, and 2) I thought you had resurfaced under a different moniker and have still been posting, although I could be wrong about that. ;)


In any case, nice to see ya! :wave:

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OK, even if nobody wondered where have I been, here's the deal (right at this very moment I'm listening to the new Jeff Beck live CD, absolutely super):


I've had serious problems with one of my loudspeakers, and my technician can't seem to find a solution.


In my listening (hi-fi) system I use a couple of JBL 4410 (so-called studio monitors), they are not regarded as great by my hi-fi friends but I like them and I'm used to their sound.


About five months ago, all of a sudden, a big hole in the low-mids appeared in the right one. I checked them using the mono button in my amplifier, and the difference between left and right is huge. And the volume seems to be about 1/3 less. My technician (who, I should add at this point, seems to me reasonably competent and honest) checked, then witched, the woofers, midranges and tweeters, then replaced the condensers in both louspeakers, with absolutely zero results. He checked the potentiometers, which are OK. He hasn't done any spectrum analysys. He suspects the culprit to be the filter, but he's not sure about what to do.


So I have to listen using headphones, not my favourite medium during Summer in (the) Sicily.


If absolutely necessary, I'm ready to buy another pair of loudspeakers, but what? Hi-fi speakers I've listened to sound a bit "spongy" to me. I don't like tube/valve amps in hi-fi (not as guitar/bass amps!).


Thanks for your attention.



Beppe Colli
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JBL still sells parts for the 4410's. If you like them (and I have a pair of 4412's, although I only really use them for LOUD tracking now that I have my ADAM S3-A's ;) ), why not just update everything in them? New drivers are not that bad price wise - at least here in the USA... but I'd suspect the crossover. Could be the mid driver too. I'd start with those.


Have you tried switching components - one at a time - from the "good" speaker to the "bad" speaker? Each driver in turn, and then the crossover. When the problem switches sides, you've found your culprit. Buy a new part, replace the bad one, and you're back in business. :)


Or just get a set of ADAM's. :D Or whatever strikes your fancy - but the ADAM's are something you should at least audition if you're looking for new speakers.

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And hello to you too, Ani, Philip, and Lee!!!


Although I suffered the fate of Jessica Rabbit in this forum ("I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way"), I appreciate that Ani and Philip, the two people with whom my posts generated the most heat, were the first to say hello!


My time away was not so much of a break as much as an on-line suicide. At the time I wondered what would happen if someone committed suicide on line, and gave myself a limited number of posts to complete my virtual life. I'm still under that limit (not dead yet thank you very much) but I suppose my virtual suicide attempt could fail, as do most in real life. I suppose I could also inadvertantly succeed, even if I didn't mean to, which I understand also happens in real life.


So Phililp, I DO see your new member status! How DID I guess, how DID I know? Just good that way, I suppose. (BTW, congrats!)


About my website(s), since I don't sell commercial time as you do, I don't have a site that, like yours, is promoting a studio per se. At the time, my point was that less is more, and that studios on the web that avoid hyperbole seem more impressive.


While http://www.secondactstudio.com/ isn't my studio, I know the guy who owns it, and happen to think it's a very good. very straightforward, site.


I will point you to my site(s) at some point, but I can't do it right now because I am still in the throes of an online suicide attempt, and you know what that's like.


However, I will point you to a portfolio of sites by the same company that designed my main site http://www.ctsg.com/services/design/portfolio.cfm


I apologize in advance for all the porn you may stumble upon as you peruse their portfolio. But I think you'll agree that they do excellent work.


And Lee, my old friend from compuserve.... I'm not exactly sure what wolf in sheep's clothing you're referring to, so I'm not EVEN going to go there.




-Peace, Love, and Brittanylips

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