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OT - How much time do you spend watching TV?

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It amazes me how many people seem to know everything that's happening on EVERY reality show - Survivor, American Idol, Bachelor, Bachelorette, etc. - plus they never seem to miss a Sopranos episode or an awards show (Grammies, Oscars, MTV weird hairdo awards, etc.). I don't watch ANY TV except for an occasional football or basketball game and maybe a little bit of Animal Planet or the Weather Channel once every couple of weeks. How do people find time to watch all of this crap?


By the way, I've never seen the Sopranos, Sex In The City, or any reality show with the exception of the occasional police chase video car crash extravaganza (they're kind of cool).


How many hours a week do you spend in front of the tube?

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I spend about 4 hrs a day in the car when I'm in NY + 10 hrs on the PC.


When I get home, the Wiggles rule (or Kipper the Dog). Never seen The Sopranos, or Sex in the City. One time I saw 1/2 of 6 feet under when I was at a hotel...


I like Homicide, and Law & Order (original). Not seen those for ages though.

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In our house we tend to turn it on like some turn on the dishwasher or AC. I like it as background noise.

Interesting though, I work over in the Empire State Building, and they just installed seven inch TVs in the elevators. They show ads and news. As if elevators are not weird enough, now you see people get semi-zombified staring at the monitor in the upper right hand coner of the elevator, very odd (and not too pretty)...

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Eh, maybe 15 minutes a day during the week and, not counting watching DVDs, about an hour or two total on the weekends. And it's not that I have anything against TV. There is a lot (24, Smallville, Twilight Zone, Spongebob, Monk, Family Guy) that I do enjoy when I see it, and wish I could see more of. I have a couple of tapes and some DVDs that I've filled recording stuff (Family Guy and History Channel, and some others) so I can watch when that cold day in hell comes that I have the time to watch TV.


I used to enjoy TLC and Discovery Channel, but now they show a bunch of dreck, horrible fix-em-up shows and such, especially TLC. I now like the History Channel more since they've stopped being the "Hitler" Channel. But, again, I don't have time to watch it.


Some stuff I watch for pure entertainment purposes, other stuff to actually learn something. But other than the above mentioned shows, there's nothing on, so I've missed all of the "hit" shows over the years.


If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do suck seed!
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Originally posted by Bunny.:

Some people watch TV, some people surf the internet.


Judging by our post counts, Dan, I'd say you and I are in the latter group. ;)

Yes, but I only surf when I'm driving. :D

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Very rarely do I ever turn a television on. Only if I am hog tied, whipped, and FORCED to set down and watch a show with my kids will I then spend the time. Once in a while I will watch a movie with them. Now, the computer is an entirely different story; I have it set up in the same room as what the main TV is so the kids can watch TV in the background while I work, or pass time on the computer. We are together in a family setting, but doing our own thing. I'll turn and watch for a few moments if they call for my attention. Also, somewhat, without actually watching the shows, I can monitor what they are watching while still giving them a bit of freedom to choose.
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The TV comes on soon as I walk in the door. It's permantely tuned to "The Discovery Channel", which I listen to while surfing the 'net. And then it lulls me to sleep. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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I watch sporadically just to keep in touch with what stupid people are doing. :D


There's some seriously dumb shit on TV, but I've watched this reality show Casino a few times, and it's kind of interesting.


I also watch travel shows, and cooking shows on PBS, and also that Antique show, where people bring their stuff in and experts evaluate it, and... I love a good movie, for sure. I love a good story. I'd like to make movies. I'm making one right now, as a matter of fact, and you're in it.

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I like watching Lakers games during the playoffs especially, so maybe 6 hrs. a week. The rest of the time, just about zilch. And no, I'm not a TV snob, but I don't have that kind of time.
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I like the Sopranos, though next season won't start til 2006!

TV is a night cap at my home. It's either South Park/Dave Chapelle or a cooking thing.

Always NFL during the season.


I like a good movie, but it's always on DVD.


TV was better when we had 13 channels.


And why watch TV when you can read great stuff like this? :D

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Right now I'm watching too much cause I'm watching the Tour de France everyday. Go Lance!! :thu:


Most weeks though I watch 1 hour of HBO on Sundays for Sopranos or 6 Feet Under and 1/2 Mon -Thurs for Jon Stewart's Daily Show.


Sometimes catch 60 minutes, sometimes CBS Sunday Morning. There are various other things I'll watch like Discovery or Science channel but not regularly. Maybe that adds up to another 2 hours per week.


And 15 minutes a night of ESPN to put me to sleep.

Searching for a new sig
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How much TV? I like to watch the CBS nightly news every night. I subscribe to HBO and the digital lineup that Time Warner offers. I also enjoy Tech TV and the jazz jams on BET.


The reality shows don't do anything for me. And it's a kick in the pants that the morning "news" shows promote their reality shows as if they were important! Ha! They're simply big money makers for the networks.


My wife watches the Home Improvement Network. They mostly show folks buying houses in California. Whew! That's a lot of money for a small amount of square footage! Trading Spaces is another show that she finds interesting. She also likes the British comedies on PBS... I believe the title is 'Are You Being Served?' We like programming from Animal Planet and Comedy Central. The kids like 'Golden Girls' and 'Will and Grace'. They also still enjoy watching Nickelodeon. Southpark and Saturday Night Live and Dave Letterman can be funny at times. I'll tune in to the Weather Channel to check the forecast and I like CNN 24 hour news. There's a local channel broadcasting classes on finance from NC State University that I enjoy. I like to tune to the Spanish-speaking channel 'cause the women are hot - I can't understand a word they say though! ;)


So, sure, there is some good programming on television. There's a lot of programming that I don't care for. That's why TIVO has become so popular - you record what you want and leave the rest behind. I've got a coworker who has TWO Tivo units - one in the bedroom and one in the living room. All she enjoys watching are sitcoms. She doesn't have the patience to sit through a movie. Tivo makes TV that much enjoyable for her.


The bottom line is that TV has it's place in my home. We have a healthy balance of television and everything else. It's not a problem. If it ever became a problem, of course I would make a change.


People who SAY they don't watch TV because they think it's politically correct are kidding themselves and they're missing out on a lot of good movies, sports, news, weather, comedy and additional programming.


Being consumed with television is just like being consumed with anything else - but who really cares - who am I to judge? Do I care if Grandma gets a kick out of watching soap operas all afternoon or Grandpa falls asleep watching the ballgame on Saturdays? If they enjoy it, why should I try to get them to change? The answer is I shouldn't and I'm not going to try - that's their business.


As for me and my family - it's about balance. As far as I'm concerned, we're doing just fine. The kid's grades are exceptional, the wife is happy, I'm happy. And frankly, if my neighbors or anyone else think that I watch too much television or practice my music too often or wash my car or mow my lawn more than I should or go to church too often or too little - I don't really care.


Ummmm, thanks for asking & have a good day! :thu:


Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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People who SAY they don't watch TV because they think it's politically correct are kidding themselves and they're missing out on a lot of good movies, sports, news, weather, comedy and additional programming.
I don't just SAY that it because I think it's politically correct; I hate TV... PERIOD!!! Never have been one to spend any time at all watching TV, or even movies at a theater for that matter. I'm too much in touch with nature and all the entertainment that being outdoors and actively involved in participation sports. I enjoy swimming, boating, water tubing/skiing, tennis, racquetball, fishing, running, hiking nature trails, mountain biking and all the other great outdoor adventures; during the winter, there's skiing the slopes and snow boarding although not quite as affordable. I live too full of a life to waste time in front of a boob tube letting life pass me by while watching what somebody elses life might be like.


I wouldn't consider living an active life as being politically correct... none whatsoever. TV just bores the hell out of me and has been a problem in two of my marriages to where men were couch potatoes and married to sports and sitcoms rather than a wife.

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The only reason there is a television in my house is because when i bought my dvd 5 disk player, the only way i could get to see the menu to get it to shuffle was if i had a tv, so i went and got one. I watch the odd movie but watching television makes me embarrassed to be a human.

I havn't been hooked up for close to 15 years now. I do get a glimpse of it now and again and think the cartoons are great.

But man, life is so way too short for that garbage.

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Hi Ani! :wave:


I wasn't directing my post specifically at you. If I offended you, that was not my intention.


It sounds like life in your household was unbalanced by how you describe the television viewing habits of your first two husbands. I hope that you can get over that and move on.


Lifestyles choices are a very personal thing and vary widely for most everyone. The point of my previous post is that one shouldn't try to dictate what is right for others in this regard.


If you are happy with the way things are for you now, I congratulate you. Things are going just great for me too! :thu: Independence in making your own lifestyle choices is a wonderful thing; don't you agree?


Ummmm, Sorry Ani... I gotta run! The news is on! ;)


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I watch maybe one to two hours a week. No cable here... so, the ad I saw for a cool concert in a couple of weeks... bummer, I won't see it. Stuff like that is cool. Sports for sure, necessary for me. I really like Discovery and Nova and stuff like that, so I wish you could just buy those channels.


To me, it is incredible for people to pay $40 a month for basic service. Do you realize how much $40 a month would buy, amortized?

> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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Commercial broadcast TV is really insulting to me. I just can't stand watching it. The stupid reality shows, the stupid commercials, the totally formula dramas and sitcoms. I haven't seen anything original on network TV since Ally McBeal and that's been beaten to death. OTOH, I'm totally hooked on HBO Sunday nights. The Sopranos, Six Feet Under and Deadwood entertain me. Other than that, I enjoy Monster House and the History Channel. And of course the O'reilly Factor. :D


With movies and news, it all probably averages out to about an hour a day. I'd rather read or play music.

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No problem Gas...


It sounds like life in your household was unbalanced by how you describe the television viewing habits of your first two husbands. I hope that you can get over that and move on.

When I was a kid my parents limited our family to 3 hours of TV for the entire day. With there being 5 kids and 2 adults, and me being the runt of the bunch :D ; rarely did I ever like the selections that would get chosen for the daily viewing. I would resort to playing baseball or tether ball or whatever else I could find to do to entertain myself. I saved my TV time for the weekend morning cartoons :D . I will still opt to watch a good Disney animated movie over a Drama any day. ;) If I HAVE to watch something... that is.


Now, when dating, I don't take a man's word for it when he tells me that he enjoys outdoor activities. I make sure that he and I "DO" them together first..... things like water parks and boating..... if he complains about being allergic to the sun or motion sickness on a boat.... or if we going fishing and he squirms about putting a worm on the hook for bait........ OR HE INSISTS on doing other things; then I know right away he's not for me. I love the outdoors... it's second nature to me.

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An hour a day or so as I wind down, but it's usually with my daughter and we're watching whatever's on Toon Disney.


I used to watch TV all the time as a kid. But once I hit my 20's, it all started getting redundant. Now in my 30's I'm positive I've seen it all before and I'm bored with it. That, and all the forced drama through banal music and quick edits leave me feeling manipulated and resentful.


Try watching TV sometime with the sound OFF. It's an enlightening experience to reduce the mental clutter and expose the manipulation for what it really is.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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I get up at 6am and watch the MSNBC and some of the Today show while having coffee. Then I'll sit in front of this mac and DP all day, have dinner around 6, then more Mac, stop working around 7, then it's back to Tv til I pass out. I'm in front of a tube most of my life. Sad, but true.
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Dan South asks: "How many hours a week do you spend in front of the tube?"


Too many!


But as I'm retired, take medicines that prohibit long periods in direct sunlight, and there's just so much yardwork and housework that needs doing, there's not much else to do. I listen to music, sure, but my wife has a much lower tolerance for doing so than anyone I know. And I can pick and practice exersizes on my guitar while doing so. And know what else?


Those fuckin' soaps ARE addictive!



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Hardly any,


I have satellite TV with however many channels that is but it's my wife and kids that watch it(when they aren't playing video games). I have tried to convince them that for what it costs per year I could buy practically every movie and show they like on DVD but that hasn't worked. :rolleyes:


I don't have anything against TV,I am just not interested in most of the things on it. But the real problem I have is my work schedule. I work from 2:00 in the afternoon until 12:30 at night. I don't care how many channels you have, there isn't anything worth watching at 1:00am.


So on the rare occasion that I watch TV it's usually a DVD movie (mostly Sci-fi) or a concert.



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Very rarely do I ever turn a television on. Only if I am hog tied, whipped, and FORCED to set down and watch a show
You and I are watchin' TV :freak::D


I very rarely watch TV. If I am bored enough I'll see what movies are on, or watch an interesting true story about either something with military aircraft or learn about soldiers or an intriguing murder case or REN AND STIMPY or Family Guy... and we have Satellite.. oh hey, how can I forgot. I do sometimes watch Cosby, Cheers, Wings.. theres this whole block of those shows on like evernight, I love them.

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I used to watch very little TV. Now that I'm married, my TV watchin days, except during football season, are basically over. My wife watches the worst garbage, I refuse to allow that crap in my head. If I have idle time I spend it on my porch drinking booze and listening to my Itunes. Seriously, these days if I watch TV its to catch Family Guy at 11:00pm. I get my news from the web, the people on TV are just second rate comedians.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

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