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AUM & Korg Module - velocity curve adjustable?

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I just started with AUM. I've been reading the online manual and searched the tubes but not found an answer to this particular issue:


In AUM I have two channel strips, one with Pure Piano and the other with Korg Module (free version) with the stock acoustic piano loaded. I've mapped buttons to turn turn each strip on & off, so I can quickly compare the two pianos.


The AUM manual says "Audio Unit Extensions shows their user interface directly inside AUM in a floating window. Tap the node to show the plugins user interface." When I do this with Pure Piano, every parameter from the standalone app is displayed. This includes the window letting me edit the velocity response curve. Not so with Module. On the standalone, there are a few parameters I see greyed out which I assume are unlocked with the paid Module Pro version, but the velocity curve setting is not greyed and is very editable. It just doesn't show up in Module. AAMOF only the two greyed-out parameters show up â and they're still greyed out!


I definitely need to adjust the velocity response curve for Module, so at this point it looks like I might have to buy another iOS app to do this and set up a midi strip in AUM. Yes, they're not big money, but the ones I've seen duplicate a lot of what AUM can already do â except for the velocity curve adjusting that is!


What I'm hoping to find out here is if I'm missing something in AUM that will somehow allow me to access that velocity curve window. TIA for any help!

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I have the paid Module Pro and just set up a strip in AUM, tapped on Module in the window, accessed all parameters including velocity.


Velocity is global in Module (not by instrument) so if you can find a compromise among all the instruments, that's what you'll get when you call it up in AUM.


There's no velocity setting in AUM that I've been able to find, except for its internal keyboard.


Here for the gear.

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Thanks for checking this out. I don't believe Korg mentions this in their "comparison chart" between the free & Pro version!


When I open the Module UI in AUM all I see of the Korg parameters is the gear icon, not the other icon for accessing the velocity curve setting:




And when I tap that gear icon all I see are the two parameters that are already greyed out in the standalone, which I assume are not greyed out in the Pro version:



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Velocity is global in Module (not by instrument) so if you can find a compromise among all the instruments, that's what you'll get when you call it up in AUM.

That does not appear to be the case with my free Module. Any velocity curve setting I make in the standalone is ignored when Module is loaded into AUM. Feels like a straight linear curve, not useful to me. Thanks Korg!


[edit - is there such a thing as a straight linear curve? :) )

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Rob, I think your problem accessing full settings stems from how you've loaded Module in AUM. Load it in Audio as an Audio Unit rather than MIDI. Tap on the app window and you'll go to your full Module app. Module is NOT an Audio Unit, BTW. Therefore there are limitations to what AUM can tell it to do. One such parameter is which notes it will play... in other words, AUM can't ask it to be a part of a split. Or course, the slider/mixer nature of AUM allows for layers.


Here for the gear.

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[align:left]And Module now has 'AUv3' support - that"s not the same as calling it an audio unit? I am the total iOS newb when it comes to this stuff!




I'm out of touch! Yes, you can load Module into a MIDI strip, then you get the parameters you pictured above.


Here for the gear.

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Yes, you'll need the full, paid version â Module Pro... if you're willing to go there! But that you have AUM, you may want to think about some other iOS apps and build your own multis. I think you'll be glad you did.... eventually :crazy:


Here for the gear.

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Actually, I have it happening now - the trick was to load Module in "Inter-App Audio" mode, which I suspect you're doing since you were unaware that AUM had AUv3 support!


Doing it this way, it looks like I can only have one instance of Module, and it has to be started from my iPad's home screen before I instantiate it in AUM. At least I can use the velocity curve I want. Now I'm trying to wrap my head around how my midi is getting to it, since I want to be able to block & unblock my Roland controller's notes using a button. I thought Module would let me choose a midi input somewhere but I can't find it. Oy, another headache.

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I have Module Pro, so to test it for your problem, I loaded it first in Audio mode, which gave me full access to it"s controls ie velocity. I also loaded it in MIDI mode, which gave it limited parameters, exactly as your video above. So that"s what I thought you were doing.


When I got into AUM and making my own multitimbral setups with Ravenscroft, VTines iFretless Bass and the like, Module pro was still IAA and I never did include it in my setup. It"s better as a stand-alone for me.


Here for the gear.

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When I got into AUM and making my own multitimbral setups with Ravenscroft, VTines iFretless Bass and the like, Module pro was still IAA and I never did include it in my setup. It"s better as a stand-alone for me.

Isn't IAA more or less stand-alone, except the audio is going through the host (i.e., AUM) now? Module is proving to be more of a headache than I like to deal with when using it in IAA mode. I would like to be able to turn its midi connection on & off using a button on my Roland controller. This is either proving impossible or might require another app to help. I'm close to throwing in the towel on this.


I could probably live with Pure Piano over the American D, but really want that Scarbee rhodes â and as far as I know it's only on Module.

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One last Q if you don't mind, since you have the pro version and I don't: is there any way to select from multiple midi sources in your Module Pro? There seems to be no way to do this with the free version. Any and all midi sources are simply merged together. Using a hub, I connected my Roland A800 and a Korg MicroKey controller to my iPad, and both keyboards play Module. I see no way to choose one or the other. Maybe there's a screen or a parameter somewhere I'm missing. I did go to the iOS Settings screen ("Advanced Settings" in Module) where there is a toggle for "Network Midi" but nothing else midi-related. Does Module Pro have an additional screen or parameter somewhere that lets you select from available midi sources? This has been very frustrating to deal with, especially after a lot of searching on Google with no answers (that I could find, anyway). The manual says nothing about this, aamof this entire app seems geared towards newbs and hobbyists, not pros. Can you tell I'm a little peeved? Thanks! :-)
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You can set your controllers to run on different MIDI channels and select which channel to use in Korg Module under Settings > MIDI Channel > [Omni, 1-16]. That"s about as fancy as it gets.


You can also set different MIDI channels for the 2 instruments in the Layer and Split menu. Layer and Split are both limited to 2 instruments, but I guess you could have one instrument responding to the A800 and the other to the Microkey. Of course I haven"t tried it, but it sounds doable.



- If you don"t have those MIDI options or Splits/Layers, there"s a specific Expansion Pack that enables all those features.

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You helped me solve this issue! It turns out I have an app on my iPad called StreamByter that does a bunch of midi mangling. I wound up putting Module on a separate midi channel (2) so it would not respond directly to my Roland keyboard (transmitting on 1). I loaded StreamByter into an AUM midi AU slot and entered a script that converted channel 1 data to channel 2. I linked a button on my A800 to enable/disable bypass on this midi slot. Now I have "on/off" control of Module â loaded into AUM in IAA mode â so I can use the velocity remap values I need. And, it seems I can still load Module as an AUv3 too, and have that instance on a different sound (though without my velocity remap).


I'm thinking I can use StreamByter to do the velocity remapping (though it's text-based so may require a lot of typing!). If that's the case, I can use multiple instances of Module as AUv3s, which would make things simpler. Getting there! Thanks again (and thank to Rod as well, for hanging in and trying to help me).

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Much as I could, anyway :wink: This morning, I adjusted the master velocity in Module Pro, then set up AUM as two-channels, loaded each channel strip as a different Module instrument, set up a fast split (AUM is amazing), saved the session and now Module Pro is more useful than ever. I had no idea things had come this far with the app, so right back at you for making me have to dig into it again. Thanks Groove On for jumping in before I was further over my head :laugh:


I'm sure this thread is on people's radar so any more stuff we discover will be useful to others.


Here for the gear.

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Much as I could, anyway :wink: This morning, I adjusted the master velocity in Module Pro, then set up AUM as two-channels, loaded each channel strip as a different Module instrument, set up a fast split (AUM is amazing), saved the session and now Module Pro is more useful than ever. I had no idea things had come this far with the app, so right back at you for making me have to dig into it again. Thanks Groove On for jumping in before I was further over my head :laugh:


I'm sure this thread is on people's radar so any more stuff we discover will be useful to others.

I've had AUM for about a year and just picked up Korg Module Pro last week. Like you, I built various splits and layers in a couple of AUM session files with different instrument sounds from just the Korg Module Pro. As a result, IMO the splitting/ layering capability of the $20 Performance expansion is not needed.


On the down side, the main thing Korg Module Pro lacks for my purposes is electric and upright basses. Unfortunately, it only came with three synth basses. I should have checked the sound list for Module Pro prior to buying. I just stupidly assumed it would include at least one upright and electric bass. To get upright and bass guitars it looks like you have to buy the Performance Expansion, which is redundant with AUM for layers /splits.


As a result, I'm going to hunt for some free or cheap decent bass guitar apps in the Appstore. Garageband, which is free, has a lot of decent sounds, including a few basses but unfortunately AUM doesn't "see" it.

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha MX88 & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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Much as I could, anyway :wink: This morning, I adjusted the master velocity in Module Pro, then set up AUM as two-channels, loaded each channel strip as a different Module instrument, set up a fast split (AUM is amazing), saved the session and now Module Pro is more useful than ever. I had no idea things had come this far with the app, so right back at you for making me have to dig into it again. Thanks Groove On for jumping in before I was further over my head :laugh:


I'm sure this thread is on people's radar so any more stuff we discover will be useful to others.

I've had AUM for about a year and just picked up Korg Module Pro last week. Like you, I built various splits and layers in a couple of AUM session files with different instrument sounds from just the Korg Module Pro. As a result, IMO the splitting/ layering capability of the $20 Performance expansion is not needed.


On the down side, the main thing Korg Module Pro lacks for my purposes is electric and upright basses. Unfortunately, it only came with three synth basses. I should have checked the sound list for Module Pro prior to buying. I just stupidly assumed it would include at least one upright and electric bass. To get upright and bass guitars it looks like you have to buy the Performance Expansion, which is redundant with AUM for layers /splits.


As a result, I'm going to hunt for some free or cheap decent bass guitar apps in the Appstore. Garageband, which is free, has a lot of decent sounds, including a few basses but unfortunately AUM doesn't "see" it.


Lack of bass was my biggest gripe with Module Pro from the beginning. The best app you"ll find is iFretless Bass.


Here for the gear.

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Garageband, which is free, has a lot of decent sounds, including a few basses but unfortunately AUM doesn't "see" it.

Coincidentally, I loaded GB last night in hopes of getting a half-decent bass sound into my AUM rig. No-go, of course. The GB electric bass is serviceable if not great, but the acoustic bass is terrible imo - it sounds like a cheap plywood bass.


I installed the free version of Sampletank and it comes with several sounds, including a bass, but again they are pretty bad - like a GM module from the 1990s. You can buy sound packs for this free Sampletank so I may go for the $10 Miroslav Philharmonic strings set, I do make use of string pads and these sound pretty good.

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BTW if anyone is interested there"s a good resource for AU apps which is always current and reflects sale prices. SynthyFrog

That's a great resource, thanks. I just found AudioLayer through there, and went for the BF deal price ($9). I may be transferring some of the sounds I use on my Mac setup to iOS via SFZ files or pure samples. This app looks very full-featured.

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Garageband, which is free, has a lot of decent sounds, including a few basses but unfortunately AUM doesn't "see" it.

Coincidentally, I loaded GB last night in hopes of getting a half-decent bass sound into my AUM rig. No-go, of course. The GB electric bass is serviceable if not great, but the acoustic bass is terrible imo - it sounds like a cheap plywood bass.


I installed the free version of Sampletank and it comes with several sounds, including a bass, but again they are pretty bad - like a GM module from the 1990s. You can buy sound packs for this free Sampletank so I may go for the $10 Miroslav Philharmonic strings set, I do make use of string pads and these sound pretty good.

I seem to recall reading on the Audiobus Forum that Garageband can be loaded into AUM by routing it through Audiobus. In AUM there is the option for importing sound sources via Audiobus which shows up in the channel strip under "External" - "Audiobus Source". But I don't want to spend $10 for Audiobus to conduct an experiment to see if it'll allow Garageband to be loaded into AUM. Yes, I know, I'm cheap.


WRG to SampleTank... I also have the free version, and yes, as you say, there is just one bass available ("JBass Pick Amp"). I agree it sounds really cheesy and I'm not very picky. I may try the iFretless Bass app for $15 recommended by drawback.

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha MX88 & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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I asked on the StreamByter forum and someone had a script (preset) that does exactly what I need to remap velocities. Now I can use Module as an AUv3 instead of IAA, which is a big plus. Both Ivory and Scarbee were unplayable before.


I'm going to a local jam session tonight and decided it would be a good place to try out my new iPad rig. Gonna load up Ivory, Scarbee and Galileo, maybe also VTines and Pure Piano and do a little shootout.


iFretless sounds pretty good and I was also gonna take a look at a horn section app called Heavy Brass - anyone reading this use it?

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I asked on the StreamByter forum and someone had a script (preset) that does exactly what I need to remap velocities. Now I can use Module as an AUv3 instead of IAA, which is a big plus. Both Ivory and Scarbee were unplayable before.


I'm going to a local jam session tonight and decided it would be a good place to try out my new iPad rig. Gonna load up Ivory, Scarbee and Galileo, maybe also VTines and Pure Piano and do a little shootout.


Let us know your findings on the shootout. I'm especially interested in Pure Piano vs Ivory (I use American D and Ravenscroft). Curious about your choice of Galileo when reports of VB3m for iOS are quite good for cheap â though I feel nothing comes close to B-3X and worth the expense to me. One comment on VTines â compared to the MacOS version it's rudimentary â I found a pretty good formula that works for me. Let me know if interested in some screen shots.


Here for the gear.

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Curious about your choice of Galileo when reports of VB3m for iOS are quite good for cheap â though I feel nothing comes close to B-3X and worth the expense to me. One comment on VTines â compared to the MacOS version it's rudimentary â I found a pretty good formula that works for me. Let me know if interested in some screen shots.

I'll be honest here, I'm cheap! Somehow I got Galileo for free - again, I think it was a "pandemic special" last year. I remember grabbing a few other iOS instruments for nothing too - [looking at them on my iPad screen] - Magellan, Kauldron, Moog Model D. At that time I wasn't thinking I would actually replace my MacBook pro rig on any gig - these were being offered up for $0, so I thought "why not"? I certainly had plenty of time to mess around with them back then! I may go with VB3m if I get serious with this iPad, but tbh I don't feel I'm a good enough organ player that a better-sounding app is gonna help!


As for the e-pianos, sitting at home listening on headphones and A/Bing VTines with Scarbee, right now I think it's Scarbee all the way. VTines just hits a brick wall at higher velocities. It's also pretty bass-heavy too, imo. Scarbee isn't perfect either, compared to what I experience with the Kontakt version on my Mac; you can easily hear the sample switch point at the top of the version for Module. Still, it's pretty darn good for what I'll be paying (after my 7-day trial), but the final word for me is how it will feel to play when it's going through my K8s on a stage at a gig. Tonight will be a first for that.

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Korg Module with Scarbee and the Ivory American D is pretty good sounding. The other Ivory piano kind of sucks, I deleted it.. VB3m is great too.


I would add one internal piano sound in Korg Module (Dark Grand) which is on pair with the best piano apps out there, ideal for jazz and ballads or lust playing behind a singer.

+1 for VB3 and Scarbee Rhodes and Wurlie

Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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Reporting from the jam session⦠digging the Scarbee Rhodes but both acoustic pianos (Pure Piano and Ivory American D) are not doing it for me. I might set up my speakers at home tomorrow and try some things with eq and verb but I"m not holding out much hope. There seems to be some resonances going on that are either baked into the samples or the software design - and while it sounds ok at home through my cans, live on a gig it"s a different story. I"ll try to be more specific in another post if I get any insights into what"s actually going on. It"s the same way on my MacBook Pro rig where I prefer my old Native Instruments 'New York' piano for live playing over their current 'Grandeur', which has a more detailed sound and a much nicer top end. The older piano just sounds better in that context, imo.
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