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Did Apple announce an expected release date for Tiger 10.4?

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My guess is Apple is ready to ship Tiger by the end of Q1 2005. Bootleggers are reporting that Tiger is just as fast as Panther now and it hasn't even been optimized yet. Now personally I wouldn't mind Apple taking all the time they need but something just tells me that they are shooting for no later than April to ship Tiger an Tiger enabled apps.


I tell you the developers are going bonkers over this OS. The features don't sound that sexy to the typical user because they can't see the effect the new technologies will have on everyday applications.


Just found something cool today. OSX will be resolution independent soon.








note the diffent resolutions of each app. Why do we need this? Because in 5 years our monitors will show twice the resolution we have now. For audio apps this means better display of audio waves for editing but what happens is that as we increase the rez everything shrinks. This feature will allow you to scale the OS back to where it's comfortable for you. Your eyes will love it. Also note is says "Quartz 2D Extreme". Yes that's new and yes your gui is going to be faster. No more annoying delays when resizing windows etc.


I hope Tiger keeps this feature. It all depends on how close they are to completing it. Tiger is going to rock. No doubt.

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