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Cheating, and the cheating cheaters who cheat.

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Do you ever cheat? Does it bother you when other people cheat? Do you have to cheat to get ahead in this world? Is cheating only wrong when you get caught? Do you feel bad or guilty when you cheat? Do you try to rationalize why you cheated? Is it wrong for the rich and powerful big guy to cheat, but okay for the little guy? Is it foolish to be honest? Do nice guys finish last?



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I cheat on my diet all the time. I feel good about it.


And see there? I lied! I hardly ever cheat on my diet. But if I lied about that, how do you know that this isn't a lie? I mean, I might cheat on my diet, and I might not, but since I lied about the first...or did I? Maybe I lied on the second thing. Maybe I do cheat on my diet but don't feel good about it.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by offramp:

Do you honestly expect us to answer all those questions in one post? Or would you be happy if we cheated on all of them and just said "yes"?

Happy? What does that have to do with anything?


Maybe I should have just said: the topic is cheating...discuss.

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Originally posted by Tedster:

I cheat on my diet all the time. I feel good about it.


And see there? I lied! I hardly ever cheat on my diet. But if I lied about that, how do you know that this isn't a lie? I mean, I might cheat on my diet, and I might not, but since I lied about the first...or did I? Maybe I lied on the second thing. Maybe I do cheat on my diet but don't feel good about it.

Yes, lying, too! Goes hand in hand with cheating. First you cheat, then you lie about it. Okay, now we're getting somewhere.
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Originally posted by Phait:

I never cheat, on anything... it does bother me if I do.


If it's a video game and I can't pass a particular area, I might. If I passed the game and I wanna have fun with the cheats, then yep.

Cheating on yourself...that's probably the most interesting one.
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How about telling to others who you are?

Using a pointless nick and other person's pic as an avatar is not cheating in a certain way?


or just disguising from the enemy?

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Originally posted by Phait:

See, me and Gus are honest amigos :cool:

Shut up, you damn arrogant big assed teenaged poseur... :mad:




Amigos? That sounded great, mah brutha! :cool:

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Originally posted by Gus Lozada:

How about telling to others who you are?

Using a pointless nick and other person's pic as an avatar is not cheating in a certain way?


or just disguising from the enemy?

What enemy?


I suppose being anonymous is a kind of cheating if you look at it that way. But who am I cheating? You? I don't really see what difference it makes.


Btw, there are a lot of people here who have pointless names and avatars. If the "community" wants to change that, then let the community decide.


Also, your pointless avatar and name may actually be you, but you could be lying for all I know, and it wouldn't make any difference to me either way.


Anyway, this is my thread, either answer the question or don't.

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How about cheating the cheaters who cheat. I knew a farmer once, padded the amount of grain he sold. He was a wheat cheater. It didn't pay in the winter time...they shut off his gas. So he had to buy a heater. The wheat cheater with a heater. Had an old truck. Only two people could ride in it. A two-seater for the wheat cheater with a heater. He and his wife raised chickens. They'd lay eggs. Of course his wife used to bake with flour from the wheat. But the eggs she couldn't beat...so she went to town to buy an egg beater in the two seater for the wheat cheater with a heater. What could be sweeter? :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by songrytr:

If I played my recording of a sheep reacting to a mosquito bite would it be a skeeter bleater running through a tweeter?



Only if you ran it through an old board with a VU display...then you could meter the skeeter bleater through the tweeter.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ahhhhh, hush now, the next thing you know you guys will be singing that ole military song...


Nothing could be sweeter than her lips....... :D


Sorry zzzzzzzzz, your thread has been OFFICIALLY HIJACKED!!! :thu:

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Originally posted by Tedster:

Originally posted by songrytr:

If I played my recording of a sheep reacting to a mosquito bite would it be a skeeter bleater running through a tweeter?



Only if you ran it through an old board with a VU display...then you could meter the skeeter bleater through the tweeter.
According to my graph, that's technically impossible!
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Originally posted by Ani:

Ahhhhh, hush now, the next thing you know you guys will be singing that ole military song...


Nothing could be sweeter than her lips....... :D


On something that rhymes with "sweeter"? :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Back to the question. As far as cheating goes, and life in general. What goes around, comes around. Yin and Yang. Tit for Tat. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. etc.

If cheating is what you do, you'll eventually run into someone whose a better cheat than you are.

Besides if you're a cheater, you are dishonest.

I don't know if a video game "cheat" really qualifies. It's more like giving clues or letting you try a more difficult skill level.


Sly :cool:

Whasineva ehaiz, ehissgot ta be Funky!
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No exterior controlling agent is required for Karma to exist. All that is required is one's own conscience or, lacking that, the ability of other individuals to discern character. "You reap what you sow" is not a law, but a generality.

Originally posted by Rabid:

Do people who do not belive in God believe in Karma? If so, then how does Karma work?


As for anonymity (mentioned elsewhere in the thread), it can often contribute to an enhancement of honesty. Often, the self-images we try to project on the world become who we think we are and become bound up with the label we use; drop that name and we can sometimes express what's closer to our hearts than we might when our name is at stake. Also, not attaching a label to a thought can let that thought stand or fall on its own merit. You see this at work over in the Political forum; folks who are discussing an idea seldom worry about the name attached to the idea while folks looking to discredit the idea but lacking the conceptual or factual firepower to discuss the idea on its own merits immediately try to label it or attach it to a person. Nope... anonymity is not neccessarily the refuge of scoundrels.


I don't lie or cheat - not because of whatever moral objection I may or may not have but because the few times I tried I was unable to do it successfully! Life's so much easier when you don't invite the potential consequences of dishonesty.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I've been married for 23 years and lived with my wife for a couple years before we got married. I've never cheated. Every couple months I get this call at the studio from some company that asks if I'm single. They want to add me to their database for people looking for companionship.I guess the know what a fine catch a musician would be for some lonely women. I always tell them that I'm married, but I'll cheat. It usually flusters the girl on the other end of the phone. So... I lie that I cheat. Makes me feel more like a man.
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Originally posted by Thomas Wilburn:

Why don't you just call this thread "Another way to take a not so subtle dig at Lee and her friends" and be done with it?

I take it you've been watching from the sidelines, huh? Yes, that thread inspired this one, but I think this is an interesting topic, and some are taking it seriously.


So, if you have an opinion on cheating, let's hear it.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Do you think JayWalking is morally wrong? It is against the law.

Do you? This isn't about me, you know. I never claimed to be perfect or on some sort of moral high ground. In fact, maybe you should ask, "if you think jaywalking is horrible, and speak out on it, and then jaywalk yourself, are you not only a jaywalker, but a big hypocrite, too"?
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