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OT: Second eye cataract done this morning

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Congrats, I remember the relief of having both eyes done.


I'm doing well overall, I wear glasses to read and use the computer and go without while driving.

My far vision is so much better it's impossible to come up with a valid comparison.


I would do it again in a heartbeat, no contest.


Heal well and enjoy!!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I'm pulling for you, DBM!


Cataract surgery liberated me from my house, brother. My vision had gotten so bad, I had to give up driving, and couldn't see the television clearly from 3 feet away. Took less than 24 hours for each eye to heal up, and get back to normal vision again. If only everything in life could be fixed that easily!

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Thanks for the well wishes, so far it is progressing to clarity in the eye that was done yesterday. I am not wearing glasses at this point and it is only one day since the procedure was done.
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One week after the second eye today, all is going pretty well so far. Thanks for asking.



A couple more weeks and you can get an eye exam for close up glasses. I made the same choice you did, get my eyes fixed for far vision.

It's made driving easier and safer. I was used to wearing glasses all the time, now I don't have to do that.


I figured both cars and computers crash but nobody gets killed when computers crash. :)

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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A couple more weeks and you can get an eye exam for close up glasses.


October 11 for the refractory exam & 3 week follow up. I can drive without glasses right now. I do get a single pair of glasses via my insurance with maybe a small co pay. I usually get glass lenses but the insurance won't pay for that, so I will probably get several back up glass lens pairs at Walmart or Sam's club, one for each car. The plastic lenses will be my daily wear if needed, and suffice til the glass lenses with bifocals can come, probably months in the manufacturing process. All in all, I am pleased with the whole process so far.


The reason I like glass lenses is because I was a bricklayer by trade, and my lenses always got lots of dust on them on the job, and all I ever did was wipe that stuff with my work shirt which scratched the plastic lenses big time, so I will try to get the glass ones as well for longevity sake.


I have been using cheapo 2.5 magnification Walmart 7 buck cheaters for reading the ultra fine print, my wife has 1.5 and they are clearer.

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A couple more weeks and you can get an eye exam for close up glasses.


October 11 for the refractory exam & 3 week follow up. I can drive without glasses right now. I do get a single pair of glasses via my insurance with maybe a small co pay. I usually get glass lenses but the insurance won't pay for that, so I will probably get several back up glass lens pairs at Walmart or Sam's club, one for each car. The plastic lenses will be my daily wear if needed, and suffice til the glass lenses with bifocals can come, probably months in the manufacturing process. All in all, I am pleased with the whole process so far.


The reason I like glass lenses is because I was a bricklayer by trade, and my lenses always got lots of dust on them on the job, and all I ever did was wipe that stuff with my work shirt which scratched the plastic lenses big time, so I will try to get the glass ones as well for longevity sake.


I have been using cheapo 2.5 magnification Walmart 7 buck cheaters for reading the ultra fine print, my wife has 1.5 and they are clearer.


Yeah, I got a pair of cheap readers at Krogers and they got me through a couple of weeks of computer. I got progressive close up lenses with the scratch resistant coating and the anti-glare coating.

The anti-glare is a must have and the scratch protection will make the lenses last much longer. Maybe not as long as glass but they are nice and light too.


I plan on getting a back up pair. It's been my experience that the optical and glasses departments at Costco punch well above their weight and are a real bargain in terms of value rendered for the reasonable cost.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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