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Please guys, let's take a moment and show some empathy for that poor, original light bulb which first fell in harms way....

.....And then was mercilessly reharmed....and reharmed...and reharmed.... :idea:

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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None. They'll fight about the unbalanced connectors until it gets dark and then punch the wrong person for saying "But I LIKE it dark."


Well think about the length of cable that light is attached to,, you're seriously not going to use an unbalanced line for that length :)


I suppose if it was a 240V bulb on an American 240V outlet then it sort of would be balanced (180° phase difference like balanced audio), you could even use an XLR-LNE connector so it would still be connected with an "XLR"!

Stuff: Roland:SH-201/U-110/S-330/TR-626/M-48 Akai: miniAK/S6000 Yamaha:DX9/HS8/xs7 Korg:05R/W/AX10G Alesis: Vortex MK1 CME: UF70 classic V2/WIDI Behringer: DSP2024Px2/UMC204HD/101/340/D/03/8 ESI:1010e
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Please guys, let's take a moment and show some empathy for that poor, original light bulb which first fell in harms way....

.....And then was mercilessly reharmed....and reharmed...and reharmed.... :idea:


For the more traditional players - sure. I prefer experimenting with unique features.


Like polyphonic filamento :love:.

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None. They'll fight about the unbalanced connectors until it gets dark and then punch the wrong person for saying "But I LIKE it dark."


Well think about the length of cable that light is attached to,, you're seriously not going to use an unbalanced line for that length :)


I suppose if it was a 240V bulb on an American 240V outlet then it sort of would be balanced (180° phase difference like balanced audio), you could even use an XLR-LNE connector so it would still be connected with an "XLR"!


You're needlessly complicating the patch, you horrid little man. Santa will be leaving you only QuickDisks for Christmas. :mad::taz::D

 "Stay tuned for a new band: Out Of Sync."
     ~ "The Vet Life"

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What characteristics would a Roland-manufactured light bulb have ?


(I have some thoughts, but it's more fun to let others respond).


Roland would never use a highly technical term like 'light bulb' which may confuse and scare off potential customers.


Instead consider 'Dark Disrupter' or 'Brighty Nighty'


Roland"s lightbulb would have terrible midi implementation and proprietary interface that requires an adapter of some sort to fully integrate with existing hardware. Lord forbid anything should go wrong with it as the company no longer provides tech support or parts to the general public and would be forced to either buy used (and likely problematic) parts from third party, or spend more that the cost of the unit to ship it 100 miles to the the nearest 'certified' technician to wait three months to find out that it will cost three times the value of the unit to fix a small bit that the owner could have fixed for pennies and about 30 minutes with a screwdriver.


Whoops...I guess I still have some pent up issues with that company.

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Two. One to replace it. Another to put it in a closet for 30 years, then sell online for $1200 because it's vintage.




If it's Escape Rocks, just One. But the new bulb would have a stripe painted on it. And it would rotate. And he'd add 3 other sockets for accent lighting....just in case. :rocker:

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None. They'll fight about the unbalanced connectors until it gets dark and then punch the wrong person for saying "But I LIKE it dark."


Well think about the length of cable that light is attached to,, you're seriously not going to use an unbalanced line for that length :)


I suppose if it was a 240V bulb on an American 240V outlet then it sort of would be balanced (180° phase difference like balanced audio), you could even use an XLR-LNE connector so it would still be connected with an "XLR"!


You're needlessly complicating the patch, you horrid little man. Santa will be leaving you only QuickDisks for Christmas. :mad::taz::D


Well when life gives you quick disks looks like either a roland S10/20 or Amstrad computer is on the cards. Then again QD's aren't cheap so could be sitting on a goldmine.


I will say vintage bulbs are a lot warmer than LED's and I have proof, I can touch an 800lm LED bulb when it's on I wouldn't do that with an old style filament bulb!

Stuff: Roland:SH-201/U-110/S-330/TR-626/M-48 Akai: miniAK/S6000 Yamaha:DX9/HS8/xs7 Korg:05R/W/AX10G Alesis: Vortex MK1 CME: UF70 classic V2/WIDI Behringer: DSP2024Px2/UMC204HD/101/340/D/03/8 ESI:1010e
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