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Somewhat OT: Staying in or going out?

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Going out, and drinking Corona just to throw a middle finger at the world.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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The link is an interview with an experienced professional regarding the spread of infectious diseases and specifically Covid 19. I think it is important information and should be known.

It seems that while my advice to not touch your face won't hurt, it won't help much either. Be careful out there!!!

We were going to bring our own mics last night to our regular Thursday gig. The provided mics are used on Saturday and not again until Thursday. Metal grille is not a happy place for something to thrive.

We just turned them up a bit more and sang further back.


It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Mixed bag of news from where I live, in Montgomery County. Maryland. The original 3 local patients who tested positive for the virus, after returning from a cruise on the Nile, have all recovered, are testing negative for the virus, and have been released from quarantine. FWIW, this was a couple in their 70's and a woman in her 50's.


OTOH, the Governor has now asked everyone to cancel events or gatherings of 250 or more people. Even some of the smallest local performance spaces have closed, of their own accord, places that wouldn't hold 250 people even if you knocked down some walls.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Well, early this afternoon, while I was setting up my booth at the hunting show in Lansing, Michigan's governor declared one of those emergencies, cancelling events of 250 or more people. So, not only do I get to wave bye bye to about $5,000 in sales this weekend, but if the event cancellation lasts, not only do I not take in about $7,500 next weekend at a much bigger show, but I also get to lose the $250 for my hotel that is non-refundable. Oh well, I have 15 rolls of toilet paper here at the house, so there's one nice thing I don't need to worry about.
I rock; therefore, I am.
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Just had our Puerto Rico gig cancel, so at this point I now have no touring work until June. Just got off the phone with a studio client who was planning to fly to LA to mix her album here in April, but wanted a strategy in place in case there's no flying. Mix by Skype I guess.
Scott Fraser
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The latest info suggests that the virus is airborne, which means if you're close enough to bump elbows, you're probably close enough to be breathing the same air. It's not just a matter of washing your hands, at this point, although that's still worth doing. Being mindful of where you go, and how close you are to others is the primary concern now, if not for your own sake, for the sake of anyone less hardy, who might get it from you.


Anybody wants to trade Music files, ideas, come up with a mechanism for an online jam, let's talk. We're not going to stop playing, just because we're at home.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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We hadn't changed any of our plans, but some of our plans have been changed for us... :(


ALL of our plans have been changed for us here!!!!

I am concerned because many smaller bars and restaurants are surviving month to month and may not be able to take the hit.


Which means that many solid connections may be broken and need to be re-established or have simply disappeared.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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The latest info suggests that the virus is airborne, which means if you're close enough to bump elbows, you're probably close enough to be breathing the same air.


I'm still confused about this - mainly by the definition of "airborne". I think it's widely accepted that droplets from a cough or sneeze are required, which is generally not the same as an airborne disease. However, given the amount of time the virus can survive in a droplet in the air outside the body, I've been hearing it characterized as airborne. Maybe from a practical standpoint, it's just splitting hairs. But with all the hysteria, I think it's important to shed terminology and promote clear actionable information. So I would like very much to get clear data instead of terms like "airborne". (No criticism intended at all towards you - just like the rest of us, you're just trying to navigate the information provided and figure it all out)



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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The main difference seems to be that an "airborne" virus can remain suspended in the air, as a dry particle, much like dust particles, or pollen, and remain viable in that form.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I had Monday off for a funeral. Came to work today and found my building empty just me. Pretty quiet in a roughly 10,000 sq foot office with just me. Everyone who can work from home is ordered to do so. I car pool with a machine operator so I am here all day but working from home next few weeks. Jim
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We have 2 projects we wanted to work on and this seamed like the perfect time. We wanted to start a garden and plant some fruit trees and enclose our carport to make it a storage room and possibly another room in the future. Heavy rain and a flash flood watch have put that on hold. I'm really glad we went solar last year, it will really help us now with our reduced income. I took a voluntary reduction so my mom wouldn't have reduce, hopefully, anyone else's hours. With no utilities and no house payments we can get by for a long time.

Jennifer S.

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Yesterday I watched a news clip of kids on spring break, carrying on as if nothing had changed. Pissed me off.


I think the local authorities should have set up check points at the beaches, etc., and required ID for entry. The names and personal info would be logged, forwarded to a national database, and made available to health insurance companies and law enforcement agencies. Then, if they do get the virus, they can be made to pay out of pocket (no insurance coverage) for treatment.


Additionally, they can be criminally charged with, at the very least, reckless conduct.


Of course, this will never happen. It's just sad that we have so many entitled little sh!ts in this country.


There's a mantra I try to live by, which is: "One person's rights end where another person's rights begin".


I hope everyone is well.

My ears are haunted.
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I have often said there"s no situation so bad that people can"t make it worse. But clearly, there are still people out there trying to make things better. And I"m not talking about the MDs, first responders, and so forth who are doing their jobs at levels above & beyond.


I've noticed, as bad as things are and as bad as they will become, I"ve seen an increase in stories about regular people being kind to others. A gas station attendant paying for someone else"s gas; a young man letting the elderly woman ahead of him in line at the grocery take things she still needed from his basket; a husband & wife donating TP & sanitizer from their store to elderly people in their neighborhood; a guy running online D&D sessions for his (single mom) cousin"s kids to keep them entertained during their time in isolation.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I have often said there"s no situation so bad that people can"t make it worse. But clearly, there are still people out there trying to make things better. And I"m not talking about the MDs, first responders, and so forth who are doing their jobs at levels above & beyond.


I've noticed, as bad as things are and as bad as they will become, I"ve seen an increase in stories about regular people being kind to others. A gas station attendant paying for someone else"s gas; a young man letting the elderly woman ahead of him in line at the grocery take things she still needed from his basket; a husband & wife donating TP & sanitizer from their store to elderly people in their neighborhood; a guy running online D&D sessions for his (single mom) cousin"s kids to keep them entertained during their time in isolation.

Commendable to say the least.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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No gigs. No Karate. Gym is closed. No reason to go out. Been staying home working. I"ve worked from home for a few years.


Also working on thumb pick technique quite a bit. The way you use the thumb pick on guitar is different than steel, Dobro and banjo. I"ve never used thumb pick much on guitar.


Not much use for electric guitar with no gigs. Really happy with my all mahogany Martin I bought last year. Been playing some Dobro and banjo for fun.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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I left my house yesterday for the first time since last Monday. I had a small yard clean-up to get to, something I could do without having to see or talk with anyone directly, and I knocked that out in a few hours. I'm very lucky that I can be outdoors, and still make a little money.


Our Gov. Hogan has asked people my age (60+) to just plain stay home, avoid everybody and everything, as much as realistically possible. FWIW, I've tried to follow his recommendation, as much as I can. I keep a stash of nitrile gloves and Clorox wipes in my Jeep, for contact with anything beyond my own front door, but in general, I'm staying home, and planning on staying home for the foreseeable future. Our dogs enjoy having us home with them, at least.


We've been doing a lot of house-cleaning projects, and I've been working more in my garden beds. I can sit in my backyard and play Guitar during the day, and at night, I can plug in with headphones. If nothing else, I'll get some new Music out of this.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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According to the News here in the UK if one person has the virus then can go on to infect 500 others.


Each of the 500 can infect another 500 and very quickly you have major problems.


Look up what has been happening in Italy and in Spain, the rate of rise of the death rate should scare the cr4p out of you.


A typical seasonal Flu epidemic is one thing but covid19 is approx 15x more virulent.


We are now in lockdown, the UK is closed, the only shops allowed to open are grocery stores, pharmacies and a few selected others. All this mandatory lockdown is because people would not follow the advice given last week and people treated the weekend as your college kids treat Spring Break.


Stay safe, stay home and if you have to go out stay at least six feet from everyone.



It is not just an airborne virus, it can survive on surfaces and touching these surfaces can cause you to have the virus on your skin.



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I'll be staying in. My job has been cut down to one day a week for me, fortunately without cutting my pay. I don't have anyplace to be, no one depending on me for anything, and nothing to do besides watch TV and play my guitars. Speaking of which, I just bought a Recording King Dirty 30s in black and I'll be dinking around with it for a while. I wanted a small bodied 12-fret acoustic to get a more authentic country blues tone. It's very much like the $17 Sears Silvertone I started out on.


It's ironic to me; I couldn't wait to get an electric, and then a dreadnought acoustic because the sound of that Silvertone was so thin and plinky. Now, that's the tone I'm going for.

Weird to me.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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The company closed my offices a few years ago but kept me on to do Operational and Economic Analysis. Not much has changed for me. I wake, turn on the computer and work, turn off the computer and sleep. No music gigs or Karate so I don"t get out at all. I"m going to gain 500 pounds. My wife works at a medical school and she is working from home. My daughter is a hospital nurse and says work has actually quieted down for now. She has fewer patients because they only are admitting patients who absolutely must be. I assuming the idea is to conserve bed capacity until the hammer drops and to limit further transmission.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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I've been stuck inside the house for the last 2 weeks due to a face skin procedure where I could not be in direct sun. It felt great to be able to go outside and go for a walk these last 2 days. I'm retired, so staying at home is not a big deal. I hope and pray the sequestering ends soon so people can get back to work/normal and all of those that have tested positive with the virus get well soon and our first responders stay safe ... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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I still go out for a walk and I shop at a nearby location. They have disinfectant wipes at the entrances so I wipe my hands going in and going out.

Then I wash them again when I get home.


Plenty to do here so I won't be bored. For now, the world has changed. I am doubtful we will be coming back to where we left off, some of these changes will become stabilized as part of life.


Be SAFE everybody!!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Basically, Spring has been cancelled here except for the weather. We are in the process of deciding whether to put on the theater production in May. Rehearsals are cancelled this

weekend. So is finishing up our independent film next week. So is our outdoor cherry blossom party, but apparently most of the local population ignored the metro government's advice and

gathered in the parks anyway. A spike in virus cases is expected. The last month of the school year was cancelled, our contracts don't provide insurance and I was told yesterday that

the city said no to offering any compensation. As of now school is set to open in April, but that could change anytime. I can't afford to lose more work. I'm trying to find something to

get through the down time but there's not a lot out there.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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