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Anyone Been Affected by the Coronavirus?

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Like concerts being cancelled? Or people not coming to clubs or shows? Or traveling on empty flights?


I can't help but wonder if it's been around longer than thought. I was really sick in mid-November and December, after not having so much as a cold for seven years. I had all the symptoms that are being described as part of the coronavirus - fever, coughing, shortness of breath. I went to the doctor because I felt so horrible, was tested for flu, and it showed up negative- but of course it would, because this is a new strain...who knows.


My daughter said that where she is in Los Angeles, people are hoarding supplies, and grocery stores have a lot of empty shelves. I'm not seeing that here in Tennessee, though.


For events like concerts, it seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If you cancel a concert, it's probably not necessary, and unnecessarily alarmist. But if you don't cancel it and people who go to it get sick, then you're in trouble.


It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

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I am getting over a lingering cold, first one I've had in a long time. I get a flu shot every fall and have never had the flu since I started doing that.


Bellingham is not far from the area where 9 people have died.


I've become very consious of not touching my face, a habit that can be broken.


A State of Emergency was declared in WA due to the lag in testing procedures and no way to know what our numbers are.

Meanwhile, just north of us in BC they developed a test, shared the results with WHO and everybody but the US uses that test, go figure.


I have also added a container of sanitary wipesto my vehicle, it is too bulky to carry around with me. If I avoid touching my face and open as many doors as possible with my elbows etc, then I think the car is a fine place for them.


The numbers for the death rate seem questionable since some people may get it and shrug it off and others will simply have symptoms similar to a cold and not get tested.

It could take long time to know what is actually happening!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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My state (Maryland) just declared a State of Emergency today, due to three confirmed cases turning up in the county where I live. FWIW, this is a bedroom/commuter community that sits right on top of Washington, D.C., so the virus is literally a short commute from the center of our Federal gov't. OTOH, we have NIH right down the road, and Ft. Derrick just North of us.


Locally, meaning throughout the area, there's been some hoarding of fiber masks, which do nothing against the virus? Haven't noticed any other changes, but this announcement just came this morning.


No cancelled shows that I know of, but sadly, restaurants, particularly Chinese restaurants, have taken a hit. I'm going downtown to see Steve Hackett tonight, so wish me luck . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I believe Musik Messe/ Pro Light & Sound have been cancelled.


Wow, that's a big deal - here's the info. To be clear, they say it has been "postponed," not cancelled, although no new dates have been announced. A few of the local elements will go on as planned.



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Just found out the next James Bond film, which was scheduled for an April release, has been postponed to November. Apparently something with that big a budget needs to do well overseas, and theaters are being closed in some major markets like Italy, China, Japan, and South Korea, while attendance is down elsewhere.


I guess they're taking the flick's title "No Time to Die" pretty seriously :)

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I guess they're taking the flick's title "No Time to Die" pretty seriously :)


"they" should. Over 100,000 cases worldwide. Over 3,400 people have already died from this virus. The numbers will continue to increase


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I have been in contact with brother marino in Rome, Italy. For those who aren't familiar with him, he is on the MPN advisory board and teaches music at a University there, in addition to being a brilliant jazz musician.

He tells me that schools and universities will be closed until April, and that theaters are empty.





I don't know why this global crisis isn't being taken more seriously in the USA.

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I don't know why this isn't being taken more seriously in the USA.


I think the US response is starting to ramp up Dave but see your point. Because the US health system is so fragmented (aside from oversight bodies like CDC etc), I can imagine coordinating a response there is a nightmare :(


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Just today I got email from both my old church and my gym with reminder on usual hand washing, covering mouth, etc. The church is one with a lot of physical contact even in service hand shaking and such and they said they won't be doing any and if people do want to make contact just do and elbow bump. When I worked for the church we had three services on Sunday and about 3000 people in attendance and a lot of them want to shake hands or give hugs all the time. During flu outbreaks many on staff including me wouldn't make contact with people and most understood why, but some would still get upset we wouldn't make contact with them.


The gym had a similar message encouraging people to wipe down gear before and after you use it. I'm taking advantage of being retired and going to the gym, grocery store, and other public places at off hours when I know there won't be a lot of people around. I think a good dose of common sense and hand washing will keep most people well. Plus if I don't go out of the my apartment as much I have more time to practice.

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So here's the deal. We're all gonna get it at some point, if not this year, next year or the year after. Flu strains stick around for a long time, resurface occasionally, etc.Viruses are sentient beings, regardless of whether or not that's the prevailing scientific opinion, and they're smart enough to know that they really shouldn't kill everyone, because then there will be no one left to propagate the virus. And like all (well at least the vast majority) of us, viruses want to survive too.


Most of us will be inconvenienced from it, and some people will die from it, like they die from any kind of flu. The difference with this one is that it's a new strain, so no one has immunity, and more people will die than usual. I'm on the wrong side of the demographic curve for this sucker, but don't have underlying conditions, so I'll likely make it through. And if not, well, breaking news - I wasn't going to live forever anyway. :)

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Tourism is down, so the people who hire us are not making as much money. If things keep going that way, it might be more difficult for me to find work gigging.


Fortunately it's getting close to the end of the tourist season here in Florida. If it happened in the beginning I'd be really out.


I rarely get sick. I've been gigging since 1964 and haven't missed a downbeat. I catch a mild cold every 15 or so years. They usually last 2 days, one day of runny nose and one day of a cough. That's it, and I don't get flu shots.


I play for an elderly population 55+ as that is the most reliable market here in FL. They love us, hug us, shake our hands, and the French Canadians who winter down here give is the 'air kiss' on both cheeks. Obviously I have a strong immune system, so does Leilani.


I can't remember that last time I got the flu so I suspect that if I catch this COVID thing I'll survive.


My unscientific gut-instinct take is that it will be about as dangerous as a severe flu was before we figured out how to make flu vaccine. But I'm not a doctor, don't play one on TV and could be completely wrong about that.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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So far no cases in MO, so not any noticeable changes in nightlife or other public events. My day job has had some extension of lead times for some products due to supply chain disruptions, but not serious.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I have a tour in May going to the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands. All the dates are ones that were rescheduled from a tour we were supposed to do this past fall but had to cancel due to the bandleader's emergency eye surgery. That cancelled tour was a pretty significant chunk of my 2019 income. All I can do now is wait and hope this May tour doesn't get cancelled, but it's not looking too good. As of today, New York has declared a state of emergency and several people have tested positive not that far from where I live.
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Well I spoke too soon, just had a news conference with our first confirmed case in St. Louis. We'll see if things start to change.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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San Francisco has canceled all public gatherings for the next two weeks, that involve public property. This means that the first performance of "A Midsummer's Night Dream" in 35 years, and all other ballet performances, along with symphony and other events, have all been canceled. I've waited my whole life to see that Balanchine choreography! I could have gone to the Friday premiere if I'd known, but my tickets were for next Wednesday. This overreaction could put a lot of companies and arts organizations and non-profits out of business. Supply chains, medicines, are affected.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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I was sick through most of January and February (when I was at NAMM I thought I was over what I had, but got really sick immediately after, then got better but not 100%, then sick again, then saw my ENT and I'm mostly better but I think it's just allergies now as things are sprouting here in Houston), so I really don't need to get sick again. I had big plans for this year. :(


Nothing has been canceled here yet. It seems weird to me that places are canceling events but this thing isn't going away so how long are we all going to do nothing? :idk: At least H5N-whatever had the decency to kill its hosts quickly and thus ruin any chance of itself spreading significantly. No, I'm not really saying that's a good thing, but in a way, it was.


I don't know why this isn't being taken more seriously in the USA.


I think the US response is starting to ramp up Dave but see your point. Because the US health system is so fragmented (aside from oversight bodies like CDC etc), I can imagine coordinating a response there is a nightmare :(

Um, I won't get political. Let's just leave it at that.


I am seriously glad this didn't happen early enough to cancel NAMM. It would have been a bummer since that was my first. (Same for you, right David Holloway?). People are talking about whether Apple should cancel WWDC but I think they have time to decide. Same with Sweetwater Gearfest, which I have been considering going to.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I gig two to four nights a week as a club DJ and KJ. The way this virus has been affecting business has been selective so far. Hardest hit is a small but very crowded downtown venue where I run a karaoke show on Thursdays. Last Thursday was clearly off - as in you could generally find a place to sit most of the night. Friday night in a much bigger and more expansive venue that seats at least 300 was above normal. My last DJ gig was last Saturday, and it was also at least normal if not above.


I think people are becoming wary of cramped crowded spaces - and frankly so am I. I'm on the north side of 60, and will probably pull that Thursday gig if this virus works it's way east of Portland OR. The word coming out of China is that this is three times more contagious than influenza.


Right now there are 5 people viewing this forum versus 217 over at Keyboard Corner. Fellow KC'ers should we start our own separate thread over there? I posted here because you guys are ;)



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Affected? Definitely - I'd say we all have been. Just going to the grocery store when I grab a cart, or get change back, or squeeze some melons (errr....never mind :blush:). Not making any changes yet but it's on my mind.


Impacted? Concert at the end of this month - shouldn't be a problem. Baseball game end of April...again not too worried. Made flight reservation to see my daughter in May - we'll see if there's an impact. My wife wanted to get tickets for a show in August and I told her we should hold off.


Infected? I hope not.

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I am seriously glad this didn't happen early enough to cancel NAMM. It would have been a bummer since that was my first. (Same for you, right David Holloway?).


Indeed - I feel lucky to have gotten to attend, even if I potentially picked my cold that I got off Craig ;)


The cancellations are only kicking off. The financial impact of this is going to be a close second to the health impacts I fear.


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Indeed - I feel lucky to have gotten to attend, even if I potentially picked my cold that I got off Craig ;)

You'll have to look elsewhere for the source of the NAMMthrax, my whatever-it-was ended in December.


You mentioned the economic impact...some of the variables are starting to come into focus. Know anyone booking any cruises? And to think Italy has quarantined 16 million people! I believe that area includes IK Multimedia.


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Exactly - if (and I think when) most countries of the world have similar levels of disruption then a worldwide recession may become the better of some bad scenarios. Love to be proven wrong though.
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Just popped into our Fred Meyer (part of the Kroger chain) to get a few things. Taking a shortcut, I walked through the aisle devoted to toilet paper and paper towels.


There was not one single package of TP left!!!! There was a sign posted limiting buyers to 5 packages each. I spoke with a relative in San Diego, their Costco was wiped (ha - pun!!!) out of toilet paper too.


So I'm gonna take a look at the stock market, maybe this could be a good short term flip - Kimberly Clark and Scotts etc.


Pondering what else might get bought up, all the other shelves seemed to have plenty.


Weird. I guess if you are planning on hiding away for a few weeks. Could take longer, might have to risk infection with CV to get more TP.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Silicon Valley is significantly affected. Many companies are mandating work-from-home, all but closing offices, eliminating all but the most critical customer related travel, cancelling event hosting and attendance. There is community spread in some towns. Schools are still saying "no one is infected, we are continuing", but I don't believe that will hold. Things are changing daily here, but there is little one can do for "social distancing" if you have kids in school. That pretty much eliminates any "distance".
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Confirmed cases are up in the D.C. area, but I agree that as more tests become available, it will turn out that a lot of people have a mild form of this.


There is a very good editorial in Sun Day's Washington Post, from a gentleman in his 60's who's been quarantined with the virus. He makes two very important points - One is that he felt much sicker when he had ordinary bronchitis some time back, and second, the course of treatment he's been getting is largely something you could do for yourself at home. He was getting some IV treatments, largely vitamins & nutrients, but otherwise it's lots of Gatorade for hydration and Ibuprofen for fever, no anti-virals, no extraordinary measures other than the quarantine itself. The message is, "Even if you get this, it's more likely to be an inconvenience than a tragedy." Let's all hope . . .


In the meantime, allergy season is about to break loose in the D.C. area - allergy season is hell on Earth here - and if everyone with a runny nose self-quarantines, it will look like a ghost town.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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allergy season is about to break loose in the D.C. area - allergy season is hell on Earth here


OT now. but spring came 3 weeks early to DC this year. I started using Flonase late February.

Cherry blossoms will peak in late March. Anyway, you get my point. It's here now. ;)

OK, back to coronavirus. Carry on.


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