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OT: Small sources of happiness

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So here I am at the end of one of the most stressful weeks of my Software Engineering career.


Monday I got "The Email." That one that says my annual performance review is scheduled for Friday 1/31 @ 0830.


All week I'm anticipating anything from "You suck. See ya." to "We're gonna hafta go ahead and a... put you on a formal performance improvement plan... yeeeaaahh..."


Maybe I'm too self-critical but I got a thumbs-up at the meeting. Now I can go to my gig tonight and have fun. :D


~ vonnor


Hardware: Nord Stage4, Korg Kronos 2, Novation Summit

Software: Cantabile 3, Halion Sonic 3 and assorted VST plug-ins.

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Monday I got "The Email." That one that says my annual performance review is scheduled for Friday 1/31 @ 0830.


Maybe I'm too self-critical but I got a thumbs-up at the meeting. Now I can go to my gig tonight and have fun. :D

Bill, glad the performance review outlook was positive.


IMO, along with sign in/out sheets, being tied to brick and mortar buildings and most meetings, I think performance appraisals/reviews are ridiculous carryovers from the post-industrial revolution. :rolleyes:


Either employees are delivering a quality product or not. But, so many aspects of a "job" only serve to satisfy the ego of either somebody higher up or status quo.


I'm fortunate in that my performance appraisal/review is always favorable. But, it doesn't stop me from telling management that it is totally useless.:laugh:


Enjoy your gigs and have a blast at least for the next 362 days. :D:cool:





"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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After a lifetime of working for other people and dreading performance reviews, I have now learned these two truths:


One of the best parts of being your own boss is that there's no one to give you a performance review but you.


One of the hardest parts of being your own boss is that there's no one to give you a performance review but you.


Congrats, though, on getting through another one!


Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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In a Keyboard interview many years back, Talking Heads keyboardist Jerry Harrison was asked what he thought the next big trend would be. He said "Competence." Its nice to see another example of it actually paying off. :thu:

 "Stay tuned for a new band: Out Of Sync."
     ~ "The Vet Life"

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What it tells me is that you are better, more capable, and more highly thought of than you think of yourself. That probably means that you are indeed making an impact on your work responsibilities and the people around you. Most of us accept the lie that we are insignificant or unimportant to some degree. Experiences like this point out just how wrong that idea is. We all matter and it is good to be reminded that even when a job is hard, or thankless, we are often still making a positive impact. I'm happy for your success!!
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What it tells me is that you are better, more capable, and more highly thought of than you think of yourself. That probably means that you are indeed making an impact on your work responsibilities and the people around you. Most of us accept the lie that we are insignificant or unimportant to some degree. Experiences like this point out just how wrong that idea is. We all matter and it is good to be reminded that even when a job is hard, or thankless, we are often still making a positive impact. I'm happy for your success!!



So well put - it's often the people who think they're going to suck at review that may be doing some of the bbest work :thu:


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Performance reviews suck. I've had to give them as well as get them, and I almost hated giving them more.


In my 25 years in programming, times changed drastically. At the beginning, we were basically code cowboys with almost complete responsibility for our section of the product. Product was not released until R&D was good and ready, say every 14 months or so.


At the end of my career, we had team programming with every line of code you wrote peer reviewed. Product releases were daily. Plus weekly meetings with your supervisor going over your progress towards your goals - basically a performance review each week. Goal plans. Code jams ( a euphamism for "all programmers give up your life for 2 weeks and work around the clock".)


As I am a mostly antisocial individualist, these changes were not welcome. Along with having to learn a new mountain of API frameworks in completely new languages for every stinking project, it caused me to retire the second I turned 62.




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