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Roland VK-7/8; - What do you guys think, for mostly distorted hammond rock with lots of rolls, and jazz secondary, do these boards still hold up on a pro sound quality level, compared against the rest thats out there? Both for gigging and plugging it in for recordings?


Does the VK-8 have any weaknesses compared to the VK-7? (I heard the firmware on the 8 has to be updated for the leslie and distortion to sound more like the 7 - can anyone confirm this?)

Any other major differences between the two otherwise to make you prefer one over the other?


I plan to use it mostly live. I suppose for recording I can always tweak with EQ and use plugins to finetune/extra warmth etc.


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I still have a VK7 but wouldn't recommend it on its own. As a controller for VB3 it works pretty well. It sends drawbar CCs but you'll need something else to switch the Leslie on and off. I used a Korg micro controller as a second set of drawbars. Clunky, but it worked. More of a proof of concept thing for me. Now maybe if you ran it through a Vent or something similar, you'd get better results. And if you had a choice, I'd go with the VK8. Or get a Mojo and be done with it.




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The Roland Clonewheel sound is not all that bad.


There are many fans of the VR09, as witnessed by the thread on this forum that has gone on for several years.


To me the sound of the VK8m module was years ahead of its time. Many people have not delved into it because to find out what it can really do, IMO you have to bypass the leslie sim.


The VK8m has chorus vibrato that I like ( I am owner of several 3 series tonewheel instruments) and some good overdrive possibilities. The leslie sim isn't great.


As it turns out, you either love the Rolands or you hate them. Everyone has their own taste.


I sent my Crumar Mojo back a week after I got it. So there.

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I played (and still own a retired) VK8. I have played a VK7, but I can"t say that I am qualified to give you a comprehensive comparison between the two. The 8 has a more authentic keyboard (waterfall vs. VK7"s diving board). The 7 has a display for editing, while the 8 has a somewhat arcane editing system where you use the vib/chorus knob to enter values and look at LEDs for visual feedback. People complain about that, but if you have half a brain and a manual, you would not have any problems.

Yes, you have to update the OS to acquire the better Leslie effect. If it is of any use to you, a few years ago I posted a short audio sample comparing the VK8"s updated internal Leslie vs the instrument through a Ventilator:


The VK8 keyboard (or at least some of them?) has a tendency to sort of double trigger notes intermittently. I don"t know if that is by design or not. I read some people"s comments complaining about that, but I actually liked that response. To me it feels like an older instrument with dirty, funky contacts and it sounded good for percussive Jon Lord sort of playing.


The 8 has a number of decent modes for distortion.


I won"t argue against Moe"s preferences and there are a number of newer great solutions available, but though I moved on to an SK2 a few years ago, I would not have a problem doing a gig with the VK8-Ventilator or VK8-Leslie 147 today if the SK2 went down.

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I had a VK-7 for years, but I sold it just as the keyboard weight glue started melting. What a mess that was. Fortunately some lady bought it for her church, I think.

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I used the VK7 and VK8 for years and still owner VK8M. I agree with the post that the sound was ahead of its time and also thought it was a pretty good. Never did like the Leslie on the VK8 but the pure organ sound was defiantly useable.
Montage 7, Mojo 61, PC-3, XK-3c Pro, Kronos 88, Hammond SK-1, Motif XF- 7, Hammond SK-2, Roland FR-1, FR-18, Hammond B3 - Blond, Hammond BV -Cherry
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I had a VK-8. I loved the action, and through a Vent it was beefy and soulful.


I also dropped it flat on its face from a ridiculous angle and it never complained or even mentioned it to me again.


I only sold it because the action was "too" good, in that anything other than organ was unplayable on it, and I wanted to move toward a more versatile option. But I will third the "ahead of its time" sentiment above.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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VK8 for 700 euros incl. flightcase n stand. Worth it? I keep reading from peeps I can get better, but what would you recommend for under 1000Euro/USD then in a similar pricerange?

Most of the other recommended gear is quite a step up.

I prefer to have one that also has a good retro stage presence. The VKs really have it with its wooden slick design. It gives you the feeling youre playing an organ, not a synth full with buttons displays and gadgets like the VR-09.

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