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Britney Spears - Pop or Porn?

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Originally posted by Alndlnbot:

Originally posted by Mats Olsson.:

Britney Spears - Pop or Porn?

Neither,just a mall rat come to life.
totally on the money!!! i think she has no sex appeal whatsoever and even less musical talent... some clever marketing to appeal to young girls and for jive to make some mula
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Total lack of musical talent and a derivitive, banal, overproduced soundtrack demands further excavation to the depths of depravity to generate interest. Besides, with antics like that, it's easier to draw attention from the fact that you can't even lip-sync well.

Prediction: Britney will soon be competing with Courtney Love to generate ANY kind of publicity, and provide ever more bizarre entertainment for the tabloid's and late night talk show hosts.

Sooner or later, the fact that the musical career was never REALLY taken seriously will sink in, and the meltdown begins.



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Porn definetly.


Who was it who said Sex sells...?



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Yep... I think they hear the freight train coming.


When an entertainer (actually, the team of people) has to resort to this sort of stuff to get some type of attention is because they hear the Grim Reaper approching.


They paid a lot to some "hot people" to produce the record and still, sales didn't quite do it.


Betcha we will hear some addiction scandal soon (a fake one of course). How about a sitcom?


Glad to get this airhead of the airwaves, TV screen, etc. Shit, this doesn't even desrve my time.


Can I get a refund for the couple of minutes I been hating this girl?

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Dunno what the fuss is about. Anyone who's seen the opera Salome and its "Dance of the Seven Veils" has seen as much skin flaunted in as suggestive a fashion (in fact, in some productions the singer gets completely nude). And some ballets contain much more erotic moments than anything you'll see from Britney.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I agree that she has no vocal talent but the girl is damn sexy and can dance her ass off so she has something going for her. Hey, if sex sells and that's all she's got at the moment (and making millions from it), then so be it!
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Originally posted by DWBass:

I agree that she has no vocal talent but the girl is damn sexy and can dance her ass off so she has something going for her. Hey, if sex sells and that's all she's got at the moment (and making millions from it), then so be it!

That right.

I think she is pretty clear on the fact that she is more of an entertainer and not just a singer.


That sequence of images...that's from her latest tour...she opened that down in Miami...I watched some of it, and with the expectation of "Toxic" her opening number (which I do like, regardless of how it was produced)...the rest of her "singing" was not that impressive, but she put on a good show…she entertained the crowd.


She has stated the this show was a little more on the adult side...and that it is.


As far as her VS Madonna or Janet or Courtney...

...she may not have the vocal chops or songwriting skills, but from an entertainment perspective...she's hotter then any of them.

Hey..the girl has a knockout body...her tits and ass are perfect (even if there is some plastic in there)...and she is actually quite cute to boot!


Is she a serious vocalist/songwriter...nope.


Will she be doing this type of entertaining for awhile...and drawing standing room crowds...and making millions...yup!


Hey...if she wants to bare her tits and ass...I'd rather see hers than Madonna's or Janet's...and most certainly not that asshole Courtney's!!!


So...you go girl...fell free to take as much clothes off as you like! :thu:


In the mean time...I can always go and find some great CDs if I'm in need of really good music to listen to.

But watching little Brit bouncing across the stage in a push-up bra and lacey panties...well, you can't get that on a CD…no can you? ;)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I think Britney Spears should just go ahead and make a porno, it would be more honest. At least she could get it out of her system and move on. Or, if we're lucky, she'll decide she likes getting DP'd better than she does lip syncing and give up her "music"...
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Originally posted by DWBass:

I agree that she has no vocal talent but the girl is damn sexy and can dance her ass off so she has something going for her. Hey, if sex sells and that's all she's got at the moment (and making millions from it), then so be it!

Very true. Also, she's still a huge money making machine. So she'll be there for a while. Playboy's after her. No doubt.

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Some of us are musicians, and some of us are entertainers. Every so often, there's an overlap between the two, but not much. Example: watching a studio keyboardist lay down his part is about as exciting for most people as watching grass grow. And, of course, watching the Backstreet Boys perform has litle to do with music.


So, Britney makes no claims about being a great musician, or a great singer. She gets paid to entertain people, and apparently she's decided that her best meal ticket is to be sexy while doing so. It makes up for lack of talent in other areas that would make it worthwhile for people to shell out cash.


Anyway, who cares? Obviously, someone finds her interesting, or else she wouldn't have so much more money than me (or you, probably). So she's doing what's right for her, or so she believes.


If this whole controversy is about the fact that so many of her fans are little kids and that she's portraying the wrong message to them... well, like any other time in the history of the world, it's up to parents to steer their kids in a direction they feel is right, and hope for the best. Sex-based entertainment will always be out there (like it always has in the past), and every generation has its Britney. Nothing new here.


- Jeff

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hmmm - well, those photos do look a lot like some strip bars i may have gone to at some point in my past (i am not actually admitting ever having gone to a strip joint, mind you - i am married and if any of you mention this to my wife, i will deny the entire thing). i do like the name they have given to all the 12-13 year-olds who try to dress like brittney - they call them "prostitots"...


sunridge studios

salem, oregon

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The funniest part of it all is she's not marketing to males - indeed she's marketing to preteen girls! No self-respecting guy is gonna go to her show on his own. She's not talented enough as a singer, most guys don't really care about that kind of dance act, and you can see more flesh on any beach if that's your thing. You don't need to shell out fifty bucks (or whatever it costs nowadays) to see a chick shake her booty.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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She's always been about sex even when she was a minor. As unfortunate as it sounds, her youth certainly drew in "fans" she wouldn't otherwise have.


The whole thing is so terribly predictable. You just knew from the start that her image was going to go from sweet, innocent little girl to sexed up freak. The only thing open to debate was the intermediate stages and the amount of time it would take to get to this point.


Predictions suck, but the only thing I see in those pics are curtains.

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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:


like any other time in the history of the world, it's up to parents to steer their kids in a direction they feel is right, and hope for the best. Sex-based entertainment will always be out there (like it always has in the past), and every generation has its Britney. Nothing new here.


- Jeff

Makes you wonder what'll be going on when my kids have kids....



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Originally posted by Duddits:

I know I'm just a cat but I like her! I like "Toxic." Plus, what are most songs that most people write if not songs about sex, in one form or another?

Well, DUH, but I want my first sexual encounter to feel special, not dirty. Even if it isn't perfect. I want to feel the love, not feel as if I'm just going through the motions.


Is that too much to ask?


(sorry, that seems off topic but... whatever)

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