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Yamaha MODX

Joel Bouchillon

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Scott, looking back, could you tell us what eventually made you decide to keep the MODX7 over the MODX8 ? Much obliged.

GHS sems to feel better for me on some boards than others. I don't know for sure whether this depends on the model, or if it could even be the individual unit (something I've experienced on some other boards), but I wasn't happy enough with its feel on the MODX8 I played to be persuaded that it was worth going that way, considering the weight trade-off, the fact that I have other hammer actions I prefer the feel of, and that the MODX8 control surface is particularly deep which would put a second board above particularly far away (I like them as close as possible).

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I played and liked the MODX8 - but am really looking for a 7 to replace my MOXF6. However no stores around me have one to test.

The MODX7 will have the same sounds and same operation as the MODX8. Depending on who you ask, the action on the MODX7 is either pretty much the same as the MOXF6 or a bit better. So if you liked the MODX8 sounds/operation and the MOXF6 feel, it's a pretty safe bet you'll be very happy with the MODX7. And FWIW, I was in the same boat... owned MOXF6, played MODX8 in a store... ordered MODX7, and am very happy with it.


I have a MOXF6 and now MODX7. Very happy #2. I endorse this - if you were ok with MOXF6 as a synth action board, MODX7 feels to me a bit of improvement. Hard to describe, just slightly more sturdy. But If you hate MOXF6, not sure any synth action board qualifies.


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But If you hate MOXF6, not sure any synth action board qualifies.


Well, me for example doesn't hate the keybed on the MoX (that's the version I owned) and I guess that the keybed is similar on the MoXF, but I highly dislike it and definitely don't enjoy playing it. However, I like the keybed on my Montage very much. Unless I missed the point, we definitely can't throw all synth action keybeds into the same can.

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But If you hate MOXF6, not sure any synth action board qualifies.


Well, me for example doesn't hate the keybed on the MoX (that's the version I owned) and I guess that the keybed is similar on the MoXF, but I highly dislike it and definitely don't enjoy playing it. However, I like the keybed on my Montage very much. Unless I missed the point, we definitely can't throw all synth action keybeds into the same can.

Not sure MOX = MOXF = MODX, never had a MOX.


i guess we could qualify synth action below flagship level? Montagee6/7 weigh 30+ lbs and cost $3000+, its a different market segment. I prefer MODX7 to Montage7 for these exact reasons


I have a Motif XF7, there is a difference in action there too but not one i care much about. But thats me, every players feels differently

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Scott, looking back, could you tell us what eventually made you decide to keep the MODX7 over the MODX8 ? Much obliged.

GHS sems to feel better for me on some boards than others. I don't know for sure whether this depends on the model, or if it could even be the individual unit (something I've experienced on some other boards), but I wasn't happy enough with its feel on the MODX8 I played to be persuaded that it was worth going that way, considering the weight trade-off, the fact that I have other hammer actions I prefer the feel of, and that the MODX8 control surface is particularly deep which would put a second board above particularly far away (I like them as close as possible).

Good point indeed, thanks Scott.

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On a trip to the cities I got a chance to try out the MODX8 vs the Montage 8. I think the MODX is very nice from a sound standpoint. They had the Montage hooked up to studio monitors but the MODX hooked up to a Roland KC amp, so not the greatest of references, but I thought it sounded pretty good. A quick dive in the editing section did prove that it's not for me, but I think for many people this will be a great instrument. The screen reminded me of my Krome's screen rather than the Montage screen in feel.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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I didn't mind it at all. Coming from the Motif/Montage BH action, and also being familiar with the MOXF8 GHS, it felt a little "spongier" than either. Almost slightly heavier but more "plasticky". But the MOXF8 I played had been used for a while as a demo in a store so it probably loosened up a bit. I have also briefly played on the Korg Krome 88 action. The MODX8 felt similar to me, but I think either would work fine depending on the sound engine programming. I'd be happy to play on a MODX8 all the time if I only needed one board. I like the feel, it's just more plasticky than the BH, as expected. So perhaps the best description would be a bit slippery, smooth, slightly spongy resistance, and slightly but barely stiff. I think it was pretty new.



Felt OK to me. Compared it also the RD-2000 and Grandstage. Grandstage felt better for all-purpose to me, then MODX8, then RD-2000 (I think the RD's keys are too light and loose and it throws me off).


So smooth and fairly nice enough but a little plasticky. I reality a bit more piano-like overall than the balanced hammer action.




Hope that helps. I didn't have more than maybe ten minutes with it before I wandered on to other things. But I'd be happy to play that action all day. I like it better than the GH3 on my Clavinova actually. That's too heavy for my liking and bottoms out a bit hard.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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On a trip to the cities I got a chance to try out the MODX8 vs the Montage 8. I think the MODX is very nice from a sound standpoint. They had the Montage hooked up to studio monitors but the MODX hooked up to a Roland KC amp, so not the greatest of references, but I thought it sounded pretty good. A quick dive in the editing section did prove that it's not for me, but I think for many people this will be a great instrument. The screen reminded me of my Krome's screen rather than the Montage screen in feel.


Did everyone catch the significance here? Report is that MODX sounded good through a KC amp.


Imagine the possibilities ...

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Yes, that's right. Surprisingly good. Much better than, say, the RD-2000 through a similar KC amp with the settings the same. Strange. Rolled off the lows a bit and turned up the mids and highs a bit.


Here's a picture with the amp. It was very large. Far too much bass, so that's why I rolled it off a bit.



Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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The screen reminded me of my Krome's screen rather than the Montage screen in feel.


I have both and to me the MODX' display feels better than the Krome's.


local: Korg Nautilus 61 AT | Yamaha MODX8

away: GigPerformer | 16" MBP M1 Max

home: Kawai RX-2 | Korg D1 | Roland Fantom X7


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The screen reminded me of my Krome's screen rather than the Montage screen in feel.


I have both and to me the MODX' display feels better than the Krome's.


I believe it's the same screen on the Montage and MODX. I had a MODX for a short while and now have a Montage. I think the screen is fine, but I frequently get double-strikes most noticeably when using the virtual keyboard. Never had this issue with the Kronos.



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The screen reminded me of my Krome's screen rather than the Montage screen in feel.


I have both and to me the MODX' display feels better than the Krome's.


I believe it's the same screen on the Montage and MODX. I had a MODX for a short while and now have a Montage. I think the screen is fine, but I frequently get double-strikes most noticeably when using the virtual keyboard. Never had this issue with the Kronos.




Why did you get rid of the MODX? I always respect your opinions but I tried the Montage and the MODX side by side and to my ears the Montage was much better hands down. I know you were sold on the MODX at first what changed your mind just curious?

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Why did you get rid of the MODX? I always respect your opinions but I tried the Montage and the MODX side by side and to my ears the Montage was much better hands down. I know you were sold on the MODX at first what changed your mind just curious?


I'm working on bringing some of my sample libraries to Yamaha. With the MODX, I can't create products for the Montage. With the Montage, I can do both. My initial plan was to buy the MODX and rent a Montage to keep costs down, but I decided to go the Montage route in the end.


I do like and frequently use the additional buttons on the right to select parts/elements. I could do this on the screen, but the buttons make the process quicker. I use these all the time. I also justified it by the idea that the FM polyphony on the Montage makes my TX816 redundant. It is infinitely easier to deal with. The more limited polyphony on the MODX prohibits it from being a complete TX816 replacement. Also, based purely on the specs I didn't think the Montage would fit on my main studio desk (an Argosy console) but after renting it, it turns out it does fit.



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[...] I think the screen is fine, but I frequently get double-strikes most noticeably when using the virtual keyboard. Never had this issue with the Kronos.



That might be related to touch screen calibration - or not.






Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.



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[...] I think the screen is fine, but I frequently get double-strikes most noticeably when using the virtual keyboard. Never had this issue with the Kronos.



That might be related to touch screen calibration - or not.






Thanks. I tried the suggestions and it seemed to help some, but did not completely alleviate the problem for me.



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Great website, by the way.

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An update on the looping issue. I got a response back from Melas stating the Motif/Montage have an issue that if a WAV contains any audio after the loop, this can create audible artifacts. So I went through, re-edited everything, made sure there is nothing after the loop both in Wavelab and in the Melas Waveform Editor and I'm still getting artifacts that don't show up when the WAVs are played back on the computer or when saved as an X7U in SampleRobot. So something else is amiss. I've spent far too much time on this issue. SampleRobot can function as a tool to bring in WAVs, create waveforms (Yamaha-speak for multi-samples) and then export those as an X7U. But it's not as versatile for doing that as is the Melas Editor. But at least the results are good.


Here's an example of the issue:


Looping Issue: 1st SampleRobot - 2nd Melas Editor




FYI, this issue has been fixed in the latest release of the Montage Waveform Editor.





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I've done a couple shows now and i have to say - i'm loving my MODX7. I just did a big show with a fly-in band last weekend in Texas - alot of positive feedback from the band and sound crew on how great it sounds. the audience loved the band, though I don't think they discern that level of detail.


but the band members and sound crew heard a difference.

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Sorry for the old reference but, Is the keyboard of the MODX8 similar to a Yamaha P90?


I've never played a P90. But looking at the specs it had the GHE action, which is also on my CLP-130 Clavinova. I'd say that the MODX8 was not bad but that it is not all that similar to the P90. It's more like the P115 action (GHS in both). It's lighter and more plasticky in my opinion. The GHE is also lighter than most pianos, but is more "solid" feeling when you press down. Just my two cents.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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Sorry if this was asked before, but is the action on the MODX-6 the same as the MODX-7?
According to Yamaha it is. Users will get various personal impressions - I'm not sure I'd rely on a perceived difference as being accurate but I only have a 7, can't compare to 6.
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Sorry for the old reference but, Is the keyboard of the MODX8 similar to a Yamaha P90?


I've never played a P90. But looking at the specs it had the GHE action, which is also on my CLP-130 Clavinova. I'd say that the MODX8 was not bad but that it is not all that similar to the P90. It's more like the P115 action (GHS in both). It's lighter and more plasticky in my opinion. The GHE is also lighter than most pianos, but is more "solid" feeling when you press down. Just my two cents.


Ok. Thanks for the info and opinion

Casio PX-S3000, Elektron Analog Keys, Elektron Octatrack, Synthstrom Deluge, Eurorack 6U, Yamaha DXR10





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Sorry if this was asked before, but is the action on the MODX-6 the same as the MODX-7?
According to Yamaha it is. Users will get various personal impressions - I'm not sure I'd rely on a perceived difference as being accurate but I only have a 7, can't compare to 6.


Ok thanks so much for the quick response! Just pulled the trigger on the MODX7. Should be here next week.

Montage 7, Mojo 61, PC-3, XK-3c Pro, Kronos 88, Hammond SK-1, Motif XF- 7, Hammond SK-2, Roland FR-1, FR-18, Hammond B3 - Blond, Hammond BV -Cherry
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