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OT - Carpal tunnel surgery

Justin Havu

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This will be fun...


I ended up getting carpal tunnel last August. Not sure it was from keyboard playing, probably from playing bass with my cover band. Probably would have been from my left hand position on the bass. My doctor gave me a couple braces to wear until I could get it resolved.


Went to an orthopedic surgeon and he did a bunch of isometric strength tests, and I pretty much failed every one.


Going in for surgery tomorrow morning on the left hand, and while I'm knocked out, they're giving me a cortisone shot in the right hand. Hopefully I can schedule an operation on the right hand 4 or 5 weeks out.


BTW, I'm deathly afraid of needles. This should be a total blast!


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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If you are afraid of needles, don't look. Seriously. Most of the fear is the needle itself, the pinch is never as bad (in most cases, anyway) as you think it is going to be. Best of luck to you with your surgery.
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A couple of years back I had symptoms after a long road trip gripping the steering wheel too tightly for many hours. I had the cortisone shot and it helped. I also made myself aware of just a few of the body mechanics in playing piano. I don't have formal training in them. But watching some videos can communicate some of the ideas.


There's something called the Taubman method. They keep the material secret and charge high dollars in teaching clinics. But relaxing the wrists and using gravity and momentum to help things along can help.


And I try to take breaks when it feels like I should.


This is one video I got some tips from. I want to watch it again now.


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Maybe it makes sense to get the opinion of a traditional chinese doctor . I had very similar symptoms and it got resolved quickly with some massage / accupressure and some easy exercises . And I was very sceptical before .
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If you are afraid of needles, don't look. Seriously. Most of the fear is the needle itself, the pinch is never as bad (in most cases, anyway) as you think it is going to be. Best of luck to you with your surgery.


What Dave said. Trust me - you get used to the prick.

:cofee: :laugh:

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Hi Justin,

Best of luck to you on your surgery today. I had this done last year and had great sucess, regaining almost all of the feeling in my fingertips. But I had a severe case that developed pretty rapidly. Now I just have the slightest numbness. Your going to come out just fine. But don't rush recovery. Its important to give your wrist time to heal. ~ Anthony

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Remember, you won't feel or see the steroid injection because you are out. If the person who starts your IV is good at it, it will be minimal. Having been a patient more times than I care to think about and having started more than 100,000 IVs over the years, I can honestly say that the pain from the IV is minimal when compared to the chronic pain you have now and, well to be honest, the healing discomfort from the incision, which should be gone in a day or two. The nice thing about it is that when the pain is gone, it is hard to remember exactly what it felt like...sort of divine amnesia.


Hope all goes well. I'm sure it will.



"Yes, on occasion I do talk to myself, sometimes I need an expert's opinion."


Alesis DG8, ARP(Korg)Odyssey Mk.1, Roland JU-06 & Keystation61. Stratocaster if I get tired of sitting.



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Best wishes to you for much good health.


In 2010, I had carpel tunnel surgery on my right hand. Numbness went away - big relief. You'll be fine. Do the physical therapy exercises afterwards.


With age, comes other hand maladies (I'll be 64 in a few weeks). Numerous trigger fingers started in May 2017 - cotrisone shots helped these. Then, I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's contracture not long thereafter.


Getting old sucks.

Steve Coscia

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Surgery went well. IV hurt like all hell, but they gave me some Valium to calm me down. Anesthesia knocked me right out. I was in and out in a few hours. Right now, my hand is still sore, but manageable. I can't really stretch it or lift anything over 5 or 10 lbs. I can play okay as long as I'm on an unweighted keybed and don't go for left-hand octaves. Should be another week or so before I'm fully recovered and back in the saddle.


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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I did a little blog video ten days after my carpal surgery last year. It was a really quick recovery, I was lifting boxes out of the loft space a week after surgery. Haven't put the video on direct incase some people find it a bit much, although there really is nothing to see apart from a few spots where the stitches are.


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