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best acoustic guitar for faster solos ?


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My 22-year-old Ovation Legend 1867, super shallow bowl, strung with Martin Silk & Steel strings. Legend has it that Charlie Kaman modeled the original Ovation neck after the neck on his favorite Stratocaster. Most definitely an A/E Guitar made for Electric Guitarists.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Welcome aboard B! I have a couple of Nylon and one acoustic Taylor(s) and they are very nice sounding and have no problem keeping up with my fast Speed (which is not all that fast LOL!). I also have a parlor sized Takamine New Yorker which has a narrower neck and is a little faster. I think any good acoustic with a good set up will allow you to play "faster solos". :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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What you're actually looking for is developing greater agility in yer playing & more experience in performing various styles, which will enable you to execute parts faster.


While there's something to be said for having a well made, well set-up gtr that's comfortable for you to play as a way to improve any technique including faster playing, or, to use a technical term, fingeration, there's absolutely no defining quality per manufacturer that relates to playing faster per se.


To be honest, it's kinda preposterous---where'd you get this notion ?


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Actually, any acoustic can do the job. Just plane or sand down the height of your bridge saddle.


I took 1/4" off the bottom of mine and it does just fine. :)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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+1 on Fangs comments. The brand of guitar does not matter for speed, it is the action and the practice habits that matter for speed, also the strings as well. A good guitar tech will set up any decent guitar to work for you if you can find a good guitar tech.


I had this lady student who brought over a Yamaha Dreadnought shaped guitar she bought new for three hundred bucks with case, so I played it a bit, and I was amazed at how well the thing played. So brand does not matter, it is the string height from the frets, and the levelness of the fret board as well as the string sizes..

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+1 on strings. I tried light guage strings for a short while. They're good for fast action, but I was disappointed in their ability to give me volume. Let's put it as: The "volume-to-effort" ratio. in other words( but in MY case) the effort it took to get any volume tended to slow down my speed.


But then, it might work OK for YOU, but didn't for ME. I'm just tossing out MY personal experience with it. YOURS might be different. That's something you'll have to find out on your own.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Welcome to the GPF, b.cloud[/i]! :wave:


For ease of solo playing on an acoustic guitar, I will add that along with a good set-up including relief, action, intonation, and precise fret-work, one might look for such features as a large (ie, 'flatter') fretboard-radius, and the kind of neck-shape and scale-length that one prefers- full or thin, short or long, respectively.


Regarding strings, I tend to prefer heavier gauges than most seem to; one benefit of medium to heavy gauge string-sets is that their increased tension makes for the capability of lower action with less string-to-fret buzzing. I also find that the thicker plain-steel (non-wound) treble-strings feel more comfortable to my finger-tips, where thinner treble-strings seem to bite into my fingers. "YMMV"!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I agree, it's entirely subjective. The Ovation Legend is my choice, because it works for me, and the way I play. I know plenty of Acoustic players who hate Ovations, the sound, the feel and the look. Doesn't mean that they're right and I'm wrong, or vice versa. There is no One-Size-Fits-All Guitar. Play on . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I can't respond per se to which guitar is better for speed. That was never something I thought important. When I tried out a new guitar I'd flatpick an acoustic and if it felt right it worked, otherwise I'd move on. With an electric I'd play some boogie or a Carl Perkins tune, again if it felt and sounded good, great, otherwise move on. About the only thing I really remember standing out was the action and feel of the neck and the bout. It's purely personal but I've always been partial to ebony for the fretboard. To me it's more finger friendly.
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Funny thing about speed. We discussed it in these forums before, and I mentioned something I read in a Downbeat magazine interview with saxophonist Paul Desmond....


When asked how many hours a day he practices, he replied, "I don't follow any set time. I'll practice until I notice I'm playing TOO FAST, and then I'll back off or quit."


I found that interesting because at that point and leading up to it, speed seemed to be the goal of many modern day players. Whether sax or guitar.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I found that interesting because at that point and leading up to it, speed seemed to be the goal of many modern day players. Whether sax or guitar.



+1 Fang. Yep, the need for speed. Not necessary. Just be proficient in the music you want to play. If it's shredding, well practice, practice, practice!

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I agree, it's entirely subjective. The Ovation Legend is my choice, because it works for me, and the way I play. I know plenty of Acoustic players who hate Ovations, the sound, the feel and the look. Doesn't mean that they're right and I'm wrong, or vice versa. There is no One-Size-Fits-All Guitar. Play on . . .


I have never been a fan of Ovation, mainly due to the body shape. It's like you have to wear a strap or it will get away from you. For me it's like trying to play an upside down turtle LOL! But, my old guitar buddy from 65 bought his around 72. He still has it and it is well worn from us playing many beach parties and campouts. He makes it sound great and when I have played it, I can say it is very easy to play. The electronic volume pot is starting to give out and I keep trying to get him to take it in some day as it would be easy to swap out. But, now he wears hearing aids and doesn't hear it shorting LOL!


Anyway, I bought my daughter an Ovation with the thinner body for her 1st guitar and she and her instructor loved it. Glenn Campbell played them for many years (enough said!)...Nothing wrong with Ovation IMHO... :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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"Upside-down turtle"! :D


I like that. Ovation's been around about 50 years now. I remember when I looked them up some years back that THEIR first "signature" model was one made under the guidance of bluesman JOSH WHITE in '66. White would die a couple of years later. It was also the first "signature" guitar in honor of a black guitarist. White's son, Josh White Jr. used to be featured in a local Detroit children's show called "Hot Fudge". My kids would watch it every Sunday morning, and I'd be there sittin' and watchin' it with 'em! :D


I remember both Campbell and Buck Owens on their TV shows would also play those Red, White and Blue MOSRITE acoustics. Nver saw any of tHOSE in any music shop though. I don't know anyone with an Ovation, but I tried a few in shops and noticed that the round back was counter to the roundness of my midsection, so I too, had a problem with it "getting away" from ME too. :D


I also noticed CAT STEVENS and JIM CROCE playing them back in the "day".


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Have you noticed that bcloud hasn't posted anything else or commented beyond his 2nd post, which offered some of his music (page 11 of Share Yer Music).

A talented player who by evidence has no problem playing quite fast (chk fer yerself).

Talented enough to know that the OP was a silly question.


I'd guess that this was an attempt at stealth marketing for Taylor gtrs.

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Have you noticed that bcloud hasn't posted anything else or commented beyond his 2nd post, which offered some of his music (page 11 of Share Yer Music).

A talented player who by evidence has no problem playing quite fast (chk fer yerself).

Talented enough to know that the OP was a silly question.


I'd guess that this was an attempt at stealth marketing for Taylor gtrs.


I suspected it was a "Hey, look what I can do!" post, disguised as a discussion topic. Like I said, there is no One-Size-Fits-All Guitar, not for speed, or tone or anything else; if there were, we'd all have one, and there'd be no discussion.


Even with all the collective years of experience in this Forum, there are no 'final answers', so to speak. Ask what everyone's favorite tone wood is, you'll get half a dozen responses, at least. Favorite body style, same thing. Pickups, strings, picks, heck, ask "What's your favorite color for a Guitar?", and see how many different replies you get. Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to, let's call the whole thing off . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I wish the mods would move all of the music postings by new forum members to the "Post Your Music Here thread". The Mods allow some to post and others not to post on our GP threads and if they would just move them all, it would cut down on spammers and hidden agendas. I think the guys trying to advertise their YouTube stuff would be better served even if they get no comments from us, on the other thread, as it has about 84 million views. They would get their stuff out to way more guitar players that way and still serve us all as we can look at that thread too... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Have you noticed that bcloud hasn't posted anything else or commented beyond his 2nd post, which offered some of his music (page 11 of Share Yer Music).

A talented player who by evidence has no problem playing quite fast (chk fer yerself).

Talented enough to know that the OP was a silly question.


I'd guess that this was an attempt at stealth marketing for Taylor gtrs.


I suspected it was a "Hey, look what I can do!" post, disguised as a discussion topic. Like I said, there is no One-Size-Fits-All Guitar, not for speed, or tone or anything else; if there were, we'd all have one, and there'd be no discussion.


Even with all the collective years of experience in this Forum, there are no 'final answers', so to speak. Ask what everyone's favorite tone wood is, you'll get half a dozen responses, at least. Favorite body style, same thing. Pickups, strings, picks, heck, ask "What's your favorite color for a Guitar?", and see how many different replies you get. Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to, let's call the whole thing off . . .


Yeeeaahh, I was thinkin' much the same as you guys even before I posted above. Still, I wanted to offer a little good will and my thoughts on the matter. And besides, what we post on such threads will be read by others who may be searching for useful info.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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That's true I guess , Caev, although here's it seems to be a circle chasin' it's own , uh, tale.


What I really wonder abt is why ?


Cat's a very skilled player (chk his site) & smart enough to create a well-crafted site & then record & market his material, i.e., savvy.

Why such a poorly executed ploy ?


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A marketing class teacher I had put it this way...


When trying to market ANYthing, you throw EVERYthing on the wall to see what sticks." ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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hi d.,

i am rather new to forums... i try to play and record more. from time to time i check and read something good and for the first time i was thinking to share something useful. i have no connections with taylor and this is the only acoustic guitar that i currently have ... the video was recorded with basic camera with built in mic and i was thinking to take that down anyway..



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Well, sorry if I was mistaken.


You are , as I noted above, quite skilled at playing, recording &, I presume, composing + the whole marketing skill set.

That's one thing that made your OP (opening post, for those new to forums) seem odd. It is a strange question for an experienced player.


All that aside (unless ya wanna

beat me like a horse :deadhorse:

or hammer my noggin :hitt: ), I do encourage others to chk yer work out. :thu:

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I wish the mods would move all of the music postings by new forum members to the "Post Your Music Here thread".

I think CA's scanning things regularly (IIRC he moved somebody, maybe bcloud just this week).


I'd point out that it seems usually acceptable to include site links in signature lines & even , as some may, in the body of a post as long as that's not the only reason for the post.


Of course , if y' say, "Well, Darryl said it was OK !", I'll deny it vehemently & NOT bear the costs of yer prosecution &/or incarceration.


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Don't take any wondering about you too seriously, b.cloud; we get a LOT of hit-and-run posters and spammers around here, and sometimes it rubs people the wrong way. 'S OK. :wave:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Thanks Larryz


You're welcome B! I'm glad you are sticking around...We do get the fly-bys, spammers, and those that just want to promote their sites and/or products. It's nice to have new players like you on board! :thu:

Take care, Larryz
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I wish the mods would move all of the music postings by new forum members to the "Post Your Music Here thread".

I think CA's scanning things regularly (IIRC he moved somebody, maybe bcloud just this week).


I'd point out that it seems usually acceptable to include site links in signature lines & even , as some may, in the body of a post as long as that's not the only reason for the post.


Of course , if y' say, "Well, Darryl said it was OK !", I'll deny it vehemently & NOT bear the costs of yer prosecution &/or incarceration.



+1 D, I think the Mods do a good job...some one time posters are going to sneak by now and then. :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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