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semi-OT: rates


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So I've managed to walk into a bit of a "dream" situation (at least for me). My son is going into 3rd grade, and I got into a conversation with his music teacher about electronic music. I've been to his school numerous times for career day (my day job is in IT), and they want me to come in (and possibly tour multiple schools in the district) and talk to the kids about electronic music. There's almost no electronic music curriculum in the district (especially at the elementary/middle school level). I've done a bit of research into the Bob Moog Foundation schools and I have a general idea of what I want to present, talking about the elements and science of sound, show some instruments (theremin, analog synthesizers, etc...), talk about music and computers (recording, multitracking, etc..), and some other things. Obviously the balance is to not get too in depth that it will cause their eyes to glaze over, but I've done enough presentations with smaller kids (and having some of my own) that I think I could get a sense when I'm losing them. Plus, I'll show them how to make laser gun and fart noises on my Sub37.


Anyway, I'm a total synth nerd and I love talking to kids (or anyone for that matter) about this stuff. It's a labor of love for me. I let all the neighborhood kids play with my gear (I've never had a problem)My day job pays fairly well and my weekend gigging is mainly just a release (although it funds most of my G.A.S.).


They've asked me for a rate I would charge to do something like this. There's a part of me that wants to just do it for no cost whatsoever, but if I'm going to be driving all over the county over months, that's going to be quite a bit of time. I'm a bit torn about the whole thing.


How would my KC brethren handle something like this?


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I would charge at least $40 per hour, especially if there is a lot of driving involved. I've often thought about presenting an electronic music seminar at the local high school with my Korg Radias and Alesis Ion. They had an old Kurzweil in the music room but that's all.


i'll show them how to make laser gun and fart noises on my Sub37.

I'm sure they will enjoy that. Just prepare yourself for the kids to do some knob twisting as well. Is your Moog insured? :laugh:

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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Mileage should be deductible or reimbursed, no?

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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So I've managed to walk into a bit of a "dream" situation (at least for me). My son is going into 3rd grade, and I got into a conversation with his music teacher about electronic music. I've been to his school numerous times for career day (my day job is in IT), and they want me to come in (and possibly tour multiple schools in the district) and talk to the kids about electronic music. There's almost no electronic music curriculum in the district (especially at the elementary/middle school level). I've done a bit of research into the Bob Moog Foundation schools and I have a general idea of what I want to present, talking about the elements and science of sound, show some instruments (theremin, analog synthesizers, etc...), talk about music and computers (recording, multitracking, etc..), and some other things. Obviously the balance is to not get too in depth that it will cause their eyes to glaze over, but I've done enough presentations with smaller kids (and having some of my own) that I think I could get a sense when I'm losing them. Plus, I'll show them how to make laser gun and fart noises on my Sub37.


Anyway, I'm a total synth nerd and I love talking to kids (or anyone for that matter) about this stuff. It's a labor of love for me. I let all the neighborhood kids play with my gear (I've never had a problem)My day job pays fairly well and my weekend gigging is mainly just a release (although it funds most of my G.A.S.).


They've asked me for a rate I would charge to do something like this. There's a part of me that wants to just do it for no cost whatsoever, but if I'm going to be driving all over the county over months, that's going to be quite a bit of time. I'm a bit torn about the whole thing.


How would my KC brethren handle something like this?


Dream gig, for sure. I'd love to be able to do something like that.

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Mileage should be deductible or reimbursed, no?


Yes, for our US forumites this would go on Sch C just like most of us do for our gigging income and this would be a separate Sch C as a teaching consultant. Make sure to use the appropriate business code.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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Mileage should be deductible or reimbursed, no?


Yes, for our US forumites this would go on Sch C just like most of us do for our gigging income and this would be a separate Sch C as a teaching consultant. Make sure to use the appropriate business code.



Yea, I already track and deduct mileage for band work anyway, so I can add this as well.


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I would charge at least $40 per hour, especially if there is a lot of driving involved. I've often thought about presenting an electronic music seminar at the local high school with my Korg Radias and Alesis Ion. They had an old Kurzweil in the music room but that's all.


i'll show them how to make laser gun and fart noises on my Sub37.

I'm sure they will enjoy that. Just prepare yourself for the kids to do some knob twisting as well. Is your Moog insured? :laugh:




Thanks for the suggestion. Like I mentioned earlier, money isn't a driver for this one, but I'm trying not to paint myself into a corner in case this ends up being bigger than it is. I don't want to go out there with $75-$100/hr (typical for any side IT work I do).


Curiously - how'd you come to the $40 suggestion?

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You can either deduct mileage or gas.Always do the mileage. Here at work the rate is .54 cents a mile.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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OP, you may find that public school administrators are averse to hourly rate quotes, because of the uncertainty regarding total costs. It might be useful to have in your back pocket a number you would find acceptable as a fixed fee per presentation, plus reimbursement for mileage.
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$40 sounds low to me. I don't want to suggest a rate that will cause them to decline your gig, but as you note, you make alot more on other consulting arrangement. I make $120/hr consulting in my field if I go onsite, $95 for offsite (home) work. My field is specialized (med device with extensive experience) but also our rate is significantly lower than industry avg for the services we provide.


which is why we get a lot of work and why I don't want to over-price you. I wouldn't want the kids to miss out because you had an idiot for a business manager (me :))


I'm not going to charge my usual commission, if that helps.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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Curiously - how'd you come to the $40 suggestion?


It popped into my head as a fair rate--affordable anyway--as I know some school districts have tight budgets. And as others suggested, you may as well charge for mileage.

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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$40 sounds low to me. I don't want to suggest a rate that will cause them to decline your gig, but as you note, you make alot more on other consulting arrangement.


I live in Lancaster County, PA. People are real cheap here. :(

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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TBH - I had originally suggested (when it was just my son's school) doing it on a strictly volunteer basis. A friend of mine (who is a music teacher at one of the other schools) is the one who suggested that I charge.


I really appreciate the input here, guys. thanks.

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You need to work with someone in the district to get a clear proposal. You don't know how much time and how often you're going to be doing this and how much traveling might be involved. That's a recipe for disaster. You might be able to get an agreement for a limited run -- say 1 or 2 schools -- then make a mutual decision about next steps.


When I first started charging a fee for my time, the tax accountant said to think that I would be getting half of whatever the fee was - the other half is taken in taxes because you're self-employed. So a $100/hr. rate is really $50 in your pocket. $40/hr. seems awfully low to me, but it may be a going rate in your area. What does a plumber charge in your area? I'd ask for $90/hr. (under $100) and see if anyone chokes.


Do you charge for travel time? You can spend half a day traveling to and from a school to do a 1-hour presentation. You can quote a rate much lower if you also charge for travel time. If it's just down the block from your house, then it's no sweat. But if you spend all day going to a couple of schools, you need to get paid for all that time.

These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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To come in and talk to the kids about music at my own son's school? I'd do it for free.


If it were consulting work or a demo or something instructional for the staff for an hour or two I'd charge a few hundred dollars.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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To come in and talk to the kids about music at my own son's school? I'd do it for free.


I did that once when my older son was in grade school... brought in a keyboard, talked for a bit and played a song. No charge.


But I gotta get me one of them high-paying, "Martha Stewart" jobs now. :w00t:



When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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When I first started charging a fee for my time, the tax accountant said to think that I would be getting half of whatever the fee was - the other half is taken in taxes because you're self-employed.


Ouch. High tax rates there. :pop:

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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