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Acousticsamples B-0 Organ for UVI Workstation


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Over at V.I. Control in the B-5 thread, Arno just stated that a new update is live (with no version number change) that includes a mic distance parameter for the Leslie:



I was about to post it, but you beat me to it... ;)


Awesome. Maybe I'll fire this baby up again for another shot. Thanks!

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that includes a mic distance parameter for the Leslie:


Nice addition Arno. Works well and fixes my only issue. :cool:

I assume you know that when you cursor over this new "Distance" knob, it says "Drum Volume" in the display, but that can wait. :)


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I do not hear a noticeable difference either. If you turn the knob while playing a sound there are crackles making it hard to tell whether or not anything is changing. Which direction is closer? Anyway, still great fun to play.
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I do not hear a noticeable difference either. If you turn the knob while playing a sound there are crackles making it hard to tell whether or not anything is changing. Which direction is closer? Anyway, still great fun to play.


Same exact results. I hear the crackle but definitely no difference in the closeness of the mics.

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I turn the mic distance knob and it's not affecting my sound at all...


Seriously? It was immediately obvious to me. Perhaps you guys are expecting something more dramatic, but to my ears, it sounds just like it does when you move the mikes from a foot away to 3 inches. Well, there are all the other Leslie sims already mentioned that may be more to your liking.

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I turn the mic distance knob and it's not affecting my sound at all...


Seriously? It was immediately obvious to me. Perhaps you guys are expecting something more dramatic, but to my ears, it sounds just like it does when you move the mikes from a foot away to 3 inches. Well, there are all the other Leslie sims already mentioned that may be more to your liking.


I'll try uninstalling and re-installing.


EDIT: Did that. No difference for me :( bummer. When I turn the dial while I'm holding a chord the volume gets louder but then softens after the minute it stops turning. I have no idea what I could possibly be doing wrong, but there is no difference in the mic closeness to the horns that I can discern.

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Is it possible the sound wont change in real time while you twist the dial?


What happens if you make a change, lift your fingers and reengage?


Yeah. Tried that too. Didn't seem to work. I may use the plug-in every now and then but vb3 2 works for me.

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Well, I don't know what's going on in your situation Kwyn. All I can say is, that's not my experience with it.

I'm MPB, DP9 with most recent UVI player and it works great. I assume you've made sure you UVI player is latest update, so beyond that, I don't know what to tell ya.

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Alright, let me just explain quickly what this does ;)

This distance just slowly cuts out the ambience, it does not make a HUGE difference, but if for example you play staccato notes with percussions, you will hear that the trail gets smaller and smaller as you set the value to the minimum. It is very hard to hear the difference only with sustained chords.

The crackling you hear is the IR change when you move the knob and i'm afraid there is no way around that, but it does make a difference, it's just subtle.

There is one thing that might cause you to not hear this, if you reopen the same session as before, it will simply not work as the UVI Workstation preset is being recalled and the new effect is not there, so just create a new session or re-instanciate UVI Workstation or try this in standalone and you should hear it ;)


Thanks steve for the report... damn copy paste ;) It will be changed in the next version when we also add the sustain pedal control (a few users have been asking for it).


And sorry jmolino... moving the mics would mean redoing many graphic things...



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I will probably sound dumb, but, i tried everything to be notified of new posts in this topic... but i never get them... is there something i need to do besides ticking yes in the preferences to be emailed when a change is made?

I could have answered earlier, but i did not see anything new was posted here...



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Alright guys, since you (and people from other forums) have been asking for a few features including the possibility to make it more Rock oriented, we just added a few features (there will be a newsletter about it given how many new things have been added since the release).


First, we added the Amp section present in our other libraries, so there is a list of about 10 amps in mono or stereo versions including Fender amps, Rhodes and even Bass amps (and others). The last two demos in our demo list are using amps and not the Leslie.


Second, there is the possibility to use the sustain pedal to actually sustain notes.


And then there are a few other things that some of you might already have in their versions like the toggle rotation speed for the pedal, the possibility to assign on/off buttons from hardware keyboards to percussions buttons, the possibility to de-activate the presets keys, a distance knob to control the amount of "room" present in the Leslie simulation (this one is subtle and you can hear it when playing staccato notes without the reverb engaged), and we made the texts bigger for the non-retina screen users (this has been there for a while, but wasn't in the first release).



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I will probably sound dumb, but, i tried everything to be notified of new posts in this topic... but i never get them... is there something i need to do besides ticking yes in the preferences to be emailed when a change is made?

I could have answered earlier, but i did not see anything new was posted here...

Hi Arno - Thank you for all the updates! You are kicking A double "S" w/ this Plugin.


Feature Request:

  • CC Mapping "Load" functionality. Please provide some "built in" Mappings like the HX3 does (Please include default DMC-122 midi controller assignments first and perhaps create a way for people to let you know which controllers they need (and this will give you an idea of what types of controllers people are using w/ your plugin)
  • Easy Mapping facility ("Click to assign" feature)
  • Please animate those mics when you change the distance and it will provide visual confirmation you are engaging this feature


Look at the images below to see the things you'll want to make sure are checked, some are in "My Stuff, some in Preferences, some when you "Reply" to a message" - this is what I have and it works.


  • From "Reply to Message (or "Create New Post" )
  • *OR* Click the "Topic Options" Link (upper left at top of page) and Check "Add Topic to Your Watched Topics"
    Then make sure it's there afterwards:
  • Click the "My Stuff" Button at top and then click "Watched Topics"
  • Tick the "Immediately" button
  • Manage Your "Watched Topics" by clicking the "Watched Topics" in your list (Under My Stuff)


Best Regards,


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Ok thanks for the detailed info, i actually did all this... but i received a reply this time, so hopefully i'll get notifications now ;)


About the Load functionality, why not, but i'll need help from users that actually own these, looking for that info is usually a nightmare...

The easy mapping is already here, it's called MIDI learn, and you can just right click and move a controller and they are linked.

About the Mic animation, it's not worth it, this would mean many images (and in retina resolution, these are big and use Ram).

At some point, there will be more Irs at different distances and maybe there will be such a feature, but it is probably poing to be for a V2.



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Hi Arno -


Glad you are getting notifications finally!


Having a Midi CC load facility would cut down on time to setup the plugin if you offered compatibility "out of the box" - at least for the basics. Some popular controllers would be: Voce' MIDI drawbars, Hamichord (same as Mojo/DMC-122), Hammond XK, Hammond SK,& KeyB Duo. So one would pick a starting point and customize from there. It's just a "user friendliness feature"....


Most info should be available on the web - but, no hurry or worries, I'm fine w/o it but it would be nice.


Thanks again,





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Updated again today (ver 1.2).


Cut and paste from email:


Here is a list of new features


1- We added a list of regular amp simulations to use instead of the Rotary Speaker (shown in the image of this email and demonstrated in the last two demos of our website by our friend Scott Yahney).


2- You can now use the sustain pedal to sustain notes like on a piano.


3- We added a distance knob to control the distance of the microphones to the speaker. This allows you to add more or less ambience (it's subtle and neds to be tweaked without the reverb on, but allows for the organ to be very dry).


4- We now offer the ability to disable the preset keys (to avoid playing them by mistake).


The following might already be in the previsous version that did not have a new number.


5- You can use on/off MIDI buttons to change the interface buttons like the percussions for example.


6- You can use the sustain pedal (or any other continuous controller) to toggle the speed of the Leslie everytime you press it (instead of having to leave it pressed).


7- You can now raise the overall volume of drawbars above 1 in the advanced preferences (this avoids changing all drawbars volumes but one).


8- A better support for non-retina displays with increased text size on the main interface.


There are a few other minor fixes and improvements not listed hre so if you don't have the 1.2 yet, you should download it.

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Unless I screwed something up I would suggest holding off on installing 1.2 for the moment. Have contacted Arno - waiting for reply.

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Greetings to you all!

I'm a young pensioner (74) enjoying my Tyros3 and never could afford a Hammond. So, today I bought this B-5 and am quite excited... but now I have to jump from PC to Tyros for every lousy change. There must be a better way? A MIDI compact controller might do the trick? The problem is I don't know a thing about CC MIDI assignment.

Also, this controller might be more expensive than the B-5 module. What's the next best option?

Thank you in advance for your invaluable advice,

Joh from St'go de Chile

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Joh the Tyros 3 will send midi to host over USB. So you should be able to control say the B-5 drawbars from the 9 faders on the Tyros, the Leslie fast, stop, slow from the modulation wheel and map whatever else you would like to control.


Whatever you get you will need to get an understanding of midi So why not start with the Tyros you all ready own?

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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So you should be able to control say the B-5 drawbars from the 9 faders on the Tyros, the Leslie fast, stop, slow from the modulation wheel and map whatever else you would like to control.


Good thought Mark but unfortunately I don't see anything in the documentation indicating the 8 faders/sliders transmit midi data. There appears to be 1 "assign" slider for this purpose. Also as you mentioned the mod wheel could be of use in controlling the virtual Leslie speed.

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You could well be right Mark, having never owned a Tyros or tried using one as a controller I had a quick look at the specs, saw the USB to Host feature 9 sliders and assumed they, and the other buttons would send midi.


I am used to controllers where it's a given and forget the midi limitations of most 'hardware' boards.


Maybe there is someone who is familiar with the midi transmit features of the Tyros and can help out.

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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