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StudioLogic Sledge 2.0 VA Synth


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Yay another owner! :D If neither of you are running into polyphony issues, maybe it really does have an honest 24 voices (which would be 12 with a full layer).


Any opinions on sync sweeps Majuscule?

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I did an experiment with taking two 3 oscillator patches, and layering them.

I was able to play with all 10 digits.

I did not hear the usual Waldorf cut notes.

(I have 4 other Waldorf products as well)

Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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In regards to synch sweep.

Select Osc2 only.

Synch to OSC3.

Set LFO 1 speed to 10

Set LFO1 amount to 38.

Set LFO1 to control OSC1 and OSC2 only.

Set LFO to Triangle Wave



Extra Credits: Play around with FM on OSC3!!!1


Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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I did an experiment with taking two 3 oscillator patches, and layering them.

I was able to play with all 10 digits.

I did not hear the usual Waldorf cut notes.

(I have 4 other Waldorf products as well)


Good to know thanks for reporting! :thu:


Regarding sync sweeps, my question wasn't how to do them (I've been setting up sync sweeps on analog synths for over 40 years) but if the Sledge could recreate them realistically. Since it's such a common sound, both SOS and Keyboard gave it a shot in their reviews. SOS said no (on the original Sledge) but Keyboard inferred yes on Sledge 2.0 - but wasn't all that definite about it either.


That's not exactly how I'd set up the classic tearing sound of an analog sync sweep but I appreciate your efforts! :thu:



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You sound like you are even older than me!

I was born in 1963, so the first time I saw a synth

was a home made modular whilst I was collecting for

the London Free Press (Ontario not UK) back in 1975

at the age of 12.


At my tender age of 52 I am more into modifiers

on the Blofeld, and I leave analog to those who know

better than me






Good to know thanks for reporting! :thu:


Regarding sync sweeps, my question wasn't how to do them (I've been setting up sync sweeps on analog synths for over 40 years) but if the Sledge could recreate them realistically. Since it's such a common sound, both SOS and Keyboard gave it a shot in their reviews. SOS said no (on the original Sledge) but Keyboard inferred yes on Sledge 2.0 - but wasn't all that definite about it either.


That's not exactly how I'd set up the classic tearing sound of an analog sync sweep but I appreciate your efforts! :thu:


Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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It's all good Mark :) Although a good sync sweep is an awesome thing to behold on leads, by far my biggest concern was decent polyphony in the real world.


A little story about VA polyphony and specs: My V-Synth is listed by Roland as 24 voices (with that qualifier "max" tagged on the end). But once you start loading a patch up with supersaws and COSMs that polyphony quickly gets reduced to as few as 5.


With latency issues.


It greatly affects how I use this board, which (at least live) is not much at all frankly.


OTOH I can imagine doing at least some gigs with nothing but a Sledge Black on my black Z stand - if the polyphony holds and the acoustic pianos are at least somewhat passable.


But I have a big imagination :D

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I made a 10 finger chord on Layered 3 Oscillator patch, so I have to say that it has the polyphony as advertised.


However, have not tested with wavetables or samples though.


Although my Sledge is my new newest poly synth, I still spend my greatest time programming the 3 Blofelds I have. :crazy:



Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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I highly doubt I'll run across a Sledge in the wild, so will have to buy one on faith - trusting Waldorf's reputation, Fatar's better keybeds (which I've had several - np), and online reviews.


Hope that's not a mistake. At one time I was considering a KingKorg until I actually played one! :freak:

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website is up with audio examples


Looks darker. Feels better. Sounds stronger.


Pianos, both AP's and EP's are not impressive by today's standards on the audio examples. That doesn't mean they couldn't be usable on a band gig. Certainly not why I would ever buy one of these, but nice to have on board for sure. :thu:

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Yes! A Waldorf Blofeld keyboard (not the module with no midi out) can control most parameters on the Sledge.

It gives you extra benefits such as detuning Osc1 on the Sledge

(not possible from front Sledge panel)

You can select ALL the Blofeld filters on the Sledge such as Notch, Comb, PPG, as well as disable.


Filter 2 Params on the Blofeld can be used to hack the reverb and delay on the Sledge.


As the Sledge only has one filter but the Blofeld has two, there are that control unexpected entities on the Blofeld.


But in reality the second filter is that layer on the Sledge (something the Blofeld does not have, except via multimode)


I have posted some of my hacked reverb patches on my Sledge II facebook group. A synth "so popular" that I have 6 members!lol



Can the programming you've done on the Blofelds transfer to the Sledge? Aren't a lot of the guts and controls common to both? Or do I have that wrong?

Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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On my Sledge, I deleted the factory samples and added in the

Mellotron samples for the Blofeld.



website is up with audio examples


Looks darker. Feels better. Sounds stronger.


Pianos, both AP's and EP's are not impressive by today's standards on the audio examples. That doesn't mean they couldn't be usable on a band gig. Certainly not why I would ever buy one of these, but nice to have on board for sure. :thu:

Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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Bill H:

I don't believe I have done a video on synch sweeps (yet)

Be carefull with patch remains, yes the Sledge does do this, but it you change patches with AutoLayer/AutoSplit enabled in the globals,(with your hands still on the keyboard) you will end up with exactly that.


Now if you let go of your fingers on a patch and swtich during the release portion of the old patch, the old one will still sound as you select the new one.

Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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So I've been thinking of selling my Sledge to offset the cost of an OB6, but it really is rewarding to dig into. I just programmed this sound today, and thought it sounded a bit CS-80ish, so I improv-ed UK's "Danger Money", recorded it poorly on my cell phone and posted it SoundCloud for the heck of it. Here's the link, if you're interested:



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