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beer time


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i know nothing about music but beer is good here the one i drink right now


sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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While I will say that I spent something like 9 hours under my car today, trying to get it running (I did), and will also say that I do drink more than my Governmentally approved allowance of cheap beer all too often, I stop short of drinking the O.E.


Just not my thing, man.







I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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While I will say that I spent something like 9 hours under my car today, trying to get it running (I did), and will also say that I do drink more than my Governmentally approved allowance of cheap beer all too often, I stop short of drinking the O.E.


It may be crap beer but there's a whole lot of crap beer in that bottle.

Scott Fraser
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the first time i try this beer and the taste was not so bab is different from the canadien beer i drink but the taste was to light for me

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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OE was the stuff of my late teens, they used to make it in a 64oz bottle we called it the terminator. Damn good times with a bad beer.



1997 PRS CE24, 1981 Greco MSV 850, 1991 Greco V 900, 2 2006 Dean Inferno Flying Vs, 1987 Gibson Flying V, 2000s Jackson Dinky/Soloist, 1992 Gibson Les Paul Studio,


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I like what I like, and I don't mean to be snobby; I just tend to like more 'high end' beers.


But I also love instant mashed potatoes (if you know how to make 'em right), hot dogs, one particular cheap 'store-brand' root beer, Chinese take-out, those frozen 'Jamaican meat pies', cobbled together leftovers (like my "NAFTA poutine")...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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It doesn't matter how refined your tastes get- sometimes, you want the cheap crap.* Why? Because it's comforting. It catapults you back to a time when you were young, strong, and master of the universe. It gives you the warm fuzzies deep down inside.






* This applies to all things: beer, burgers, cars, dessert, etc.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I don't mean to be a snobby, either. :whistle: But my girlfriend tells my I just am. :o I do a beer review on Facebook for my friends. They've suggested I make a page for it. If I do, I'll let you guys know!


Cheap beer is just what you need, sometimes. When I want something cheap, I go for Yeungling Light, Pabst, or Black Label. Don't know that I've seen Olde English 'round here. I'd say Dannyalcatraz is just about right. For me, it definitely is a sense of nostalgia!

We cannot accelerate the growth of a tree by pulling on its branches. - Ricardo Iznaola
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My go-to cheap beer used to be LabRatt by the pitcher, no glass, thanks; or- before the price went up, presumably due to trendiness and "what the market will bear"- Rolling Rock.


______________ http://images1.americanlisted.com/nlarge/labatt_blue_beer_soda_pitcher_5_normal_9243900.jpg

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Cheap beer is just what you need, sometimes. When I want something cheap, I go for Yeungling Light, Pabst, or Black Label.


Only cheap beer I like is in Germany where I'll go for a Bitburg or similar if I can't find a Hefeweizen. And I can get by with a TsingTao or a Peroni (or Moretti) if I have to. Otherwise I stick to microbrews mostly.


Don't know that I've seen Olde English 'round here. I'd say Dannyalcatraz is just about right. For me, it definitely is a sense of nostalgia!


I went through Olde English during my post college poverty days. No nostalgia there, it's really crap. What I MIGHT could have a brief moment of nostalgia for would be the dark Löwenbrau if that's still made. When money was really tight I used to pour a glass of Löwenbrau, then top it off with an inch or so of Guinness, kind of a black & tan. The Guinness was so much more dominant that the entire glass tasted like I was drinking a Guinness. The things you do when you're young & poor.



Scott Fraser
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LOL Hope I'm old enough to never get THAT pooor! I only get nostalgic like that a couple times a year. If you're a Guinness fan, I highly suggest Southern Star's Buried Hatchet Stout. It's nitrogenated, so the texture is the same, but the malt flavor is more prominent and it's got twice the ABV!
We cannot accelerate the growth of a tree by pulling on its branches. - Ricardo Iznaola
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If yer just looking to get hammered, drink a couple of the expensive brews, then lean into the OE. After the first couple, you can't tell the difference anyway...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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that's not beer, that's malt liquor. what we homies drink in the alley...40 oz to freedom, baby


simus, try steel reserve if ya can find it.


drink ONE of them...do it quick, it gets nasty when warm...you'll be feeling like you can play the blues all nite. ;)

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that's not beer, that's malt liquor. what we homies drink in the alley...40 oz to freedom, baby


simus, try steel reserve if ya can find it.


drink ONE of them...do it quick, it gets nasty when warm...you'll be feeling like you can play the blues all nite. ;)

i need to find this beer

this probably this way i will learn blues. because i can't use the other stuff........because my job. we get sometime the pipi test

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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that's not beer, that's malt liquor. what we homies drink in the alley...40 oz to freedom, baby


simus, try steel reserve if ya can find it.


drink ONE of them...do it quick, it gets nasty when warm...you'll be feeling like you can play the blues all nite. ;)

i need to find this beer

this probably this way i will learn blues. because i can't use the other stuff........because my job. we get sometime the pipi test




You know, believe it or not, I spend a LOT more money- and more often- on guitar-strings and gear than I do on beer of any kind.


This, of course, depends on how much money I have coming in...


Screw it, Google Translate sucks sometimes! :rolleyes::D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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me i'm lucky i can do both

spend money on beer and spend alot of money on music gear

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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I should have just said guitar strings, really! I hardly ever have a beer lately. But when I do, I make it something I REALLY LIKE. I'd rather have one good delicious one that I savor than a dozen that I would have to force myself to finish one by one- and I'd rather have fresh strings than any beer if it comes down to that! :thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Well I`m a member of Tokyobeers-hopelessly spoiled as far as stuff I`ve tried. Lots of thumbs up for Green Flash IPA on tap-yum. If you can find Yona Yona Ale that`s good too-from a company in Nagano. Even better in my estimation, is their `ao oni` Blue Demon-in the blue can.

But I don`t go that route too often either, for one thing imports are REALLY expensive. At current rates we`re talking around $12 for a pint-ya right. But I don`t mind the cheap stuff if I just want a gravity challenge-I`d just really rather have it on tap. Around here that ends up being Kirin or Asahi.

Never got into malt liquor, not my thing at all. Too of my youth spent in the suburbs I guess.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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i do generally like a shot of cuervo and a draft before a show...lets me warm up a bit faster (makes me sloppy, which is a good thing in that way)


but i figure if i feel a buzz coming on, it's time to stop.


having a smoke however i see nothing wrong with. i don't do it anymore but tend to like those that do....tends to get people into similar headspaces, which can be very important if you play what we do the way we do...often improvising and imploding by the seat of our pants.


don't reccomend it for everyone tho.


i think the number one rule for me is no coke/dope heads. nothing will make me duff a scene faster than that crap being around.


pot i could give a sh*t about.

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Well, back when the group I was with was doing benefits in the Woodstock N.Y. area, it was understood that a substantial portion of the audience was under the influence, as long as nothing was going on in the club itself it was cool. So we didn`t mind having a little something before showtime. Generally though, not. Not even soft drinks. Something warm, like tea with lemon, is great.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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One of our esteemed beer club members tells me that these guys are currently producing some of the best beer in Europe-looks like I may get to visit them in person in a few weeks heh heh...


Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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