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OT: Sorry LA - I won't be...


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Got a bogus $126 parking ticket a few months ago claiming I parked on the sidewalk some place on Laurel Canyon Blvd. Ticket didn't specify am or pm and rental car was returned by 1:00pm that day. So I would have had to get from Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach to the citation place (27 miles) in 1hr 3 min during LA Rush-hour! Not today Sargent Friday. :cop:

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I received an email recently claiming to be from the New York State Department of Transportation indicating the State Police had issued an electronic ticket for speeding in some town (that as far as I could tell doesn't exist) on a date when I wasn't in New York. There were enough spelling errors that I'm pretty sure it didn't originate in New York.
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Could have been the next person to rent the car after you returned it. Did it come from the rental company or the police? They'd have to get your name from the rental company.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Kinda ot: I returned a rental to Enterprise San Francisco Airport and three weeks later they called me to ask where their car was. As I had a receipt of return I found the call funny. Coulda been a nightmare.




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Could have been the next person to rent the car after you returned it. Did it come from the rental company or the police? They'd have to get your name from the rental company.


Exactly - Who ever rented the car after me lucked out because the court deemed the ticket invalid; Several other mistakes were noted on filling out the ticket as well. Otherwise National Car Rental would now be obligated to report the real violator of this heinous crime. Because of sloppy citation recording followed by amateur detective work on National Car Rental's Investigative Branch (seriously) the Serial Sidewalk Parker slips through the cracks again.

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Kinda ot: I returned a rental to Enterprise San Francisco Airport and three weeks later they called me to ask where their car was. As I had a receipt of return I found the call funny. Coulda been a nightmare.


Along those lines, my comany had an ex-employee who apparently never turned in h company car when he left. A couple years went by and it was caught when he tried to have it serviced on the dime of the leasing company. Red flags went up and people started askin questions about it until it wen to his direct management who confirmed that he wasn't with the company and the car should have been returned. I believe the service station held the car and a company representative retrieved it. I'm not sure what transpired after that, as those sorts of HR issues are confidential.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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only $126??? Way too much, gotta be bogus


Bogus??? Hardly. Any traffic ticket in CA now is subject to add ons that can double or tripple the cost. You get at speeding ticket for $150 and by the time the add on are computed you are looking at close to $500. The add-on are for local court costs, driver training costs, special taxing costs, local cities surchages, etc. If you get a ticket you can tripple whatever the ticket says. Welcome to Hotel California!!!

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only $126??? Way too much, gotta be bogus


Bogus??? Hardly. Any traffic ticket in CA now is subject to add ons that can double or tripple the cost.

Isn't that "trippple"?

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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Along those lines, my comany had an ex-employee who apparently never turned in h company car when he left. A couple years went by and it was caught when he tried to have it serviced on the dime of the leasing company.


Talk about not knowing when to quit! That's some brass ones, right there.





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Got a bogus $126 parking ticket a few months ago claiming I parked on the sidewalk some place on Laurel Canyon Blvd. Ticket didn't specify am or pm and rental car was returned by 1:00pm that day. So I would have had to get from Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach to the citation place (27 miles) in 1hr 3 min during LA Rush-hour! Not today Sargent Friday. :cop:


There's sometimes in which it's just not worth it.


Dayam...parking tix have gone up a bit, haven't they? I used to seemingly get one of these at least once a year, but have gone quite some time (knock on wood) without one.

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