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OT: My Pay Pal account just got hacked today


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My Pay Pal account just got hacked today but they caught it. I immediately called Discover and had them cancel my credit card which was on the pay pal account. I used friend finder here on Facebook and someone hacked my e-mail account and I had the same password on my Pay Pal account. that is the only link to both. Don't use friend finder or any of those Facebook apps. I also canceled my Pay Pal account as well. Use Friend Finder at your own risk........
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I have not linked mine and don`t intend to. Not sure what I`ll do if I end up using paypal commercially


I don't know if this is relevant, but another way is to buy a prepaid Green Dot MoneyPak to fill your PayPal coffers.


Problem is, if you use it for more than $250 in a year.......you have to provide your social, full address, bank account info. I had pulled a MoneyPak card at Walgreens for $400.....when I went to use it I get a pop up saying I have to provide all this info. So I called their CS and they verified that as procedure.


I asked the rep...."seriously, are you guys nuts? Why would I give all that info out?"


He told me they had a secure server etc.......so I told him I didn't give a shit I wanted a refund. They processed it no prob. It took 3 weeks to get the money but I felt safer.

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I think `secure server` is destined for a place in history with some other famous oxymorons.

Seems to me that, well paypal says they are trying to prevent fraud but part of it is, that they don`t want people using it as an online bank account and not buying anything. Thus the withdrawl limits. I wonder,there must be a service out there that does let you combine the two things without sticking your butt in a tiger cage.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Ya, that credit card requirement is crap. I have not linked mine and don`t intend to. Not sure what I`ll do if I end up using paypal commercially.

Well couldn`t you just not use the same password for FB?


I don't use the same password for Facebook, you have to give Friend Finder your password for your e-mail account. By the way it is the Yahoo account I use for all of my forums although I use different passwords for the forums. I never give out my ISP e-mail address to these forums. Yahoo has a decent spam filter.

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I have a freebie checking account through my local CU that I use specifically for PP. The account has no overdraft protection (so cannot be overdrawn), and I use the checkcard associated with same account as the "credit card" on my PP account. Only PP transactions happen through that account, and I only ever deposit enough money to cover a purchase, and any sales get withdrawn immediately.


It's clean and secure, and keeps my PP transactions insulated from my day-to-day expenses.

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I'm very sorry that this happened to you at all, dbm, and glad that it was "caught".


Topically this is very timely for me, as I was about to order a bunch of strings; I think I'll use an alternate payment method...


I have a freebie checking account through my local CU that I use specifically for PP. The account has no overdraft protection (so cannot be overdrawn), and I use the checkcard associated with same account as the "credit card" on my PP account. Only PP transactions happen through that account, and I only ever deposit enough money to cover a purchase, and any sales get withdrawn immediately.


It's clean and secure, and keeps my PP transactions insulated from my day-to-day expenses.


Excellent idea! Well done. Thanks.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Sony said their PSN servers were..."secure"....we all know what a JOKE that turned out to be!


Glad it worked out for the OP though.


I visit facebook rarely, but I do not want ANYTHING to do with them asking me for information like the OP was asked. I would tell them in a heartbeat to take a long walk off a very short pier!


Our information is unsecure enough on the web as it is. No need in some idiotic app making it just that much easier for some sleazeball to get ahold of it.

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dude, i feel your pain. i woke up yesterday morning to a phone call from the fraud protection unit of my bank's debit card.

to make a long story shorter, some butthat had installed a card reader of some kind at an atm down the street. they cleaned out my bank account a couple days before, and also got 400 bucks from my cousin...via an atm in istanbul turkey. apparently they tried to pay for a hotel in texas yesterday morning, and the card didn't work, which alerted the fraud people. scuzzball made a crucial mistake tho...i had only used one atm this month once, and had used it for my cousin at the same time. so the 1000 or so people that got screwed will hopefully get to see this asshat in prison...cuz my info let the cops know which bank was compromised, so now they're looking at the photo stuff from the banks to see who it was that did it, and can connect the dots from here in manchester to meriden, istanbul, and texas. soon as they find the common person, they got the motherpucker. since it's interstate, the feds are after this basturd (sp intentional) too, and as it was international, interpol as well.

i hope he or she ends up in a turkish prison with a big cellmate with serious hygiene issues and an anal fixation.


i should have my money back sometime in the next 10 days or so.

gonna be rough...got 10 dollars to my name at the moment, thank god i gotta gig tomorrow.

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sorry it happened to you DBM and glad you caught it in time...I try not to order on-line and deal with companies that have a 1-800# and call in my credit card # via landline when ordering...so far, so good...
Take care, Larryz
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des and pinkjimi, sorry about that...


I don't bother with facebook apps that ask for anything.


I had a crackhead sneak around the car once and put a gun to my head at an ATM at dusk on a fairly busy street, so I don't use them anyway unless I really have to... I play gigs all the time and that money supplies the cash fund, but if I need some in a pinch I go to a major or trusted local retailer and do the cash back thing.


On a trip to Washington, D.C. once we had a late dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant then went to get breakfast somewhere the next morning. My wife charged them both on a brand new, never used corporate Am Ex card, and the manager of the breakfast place came over to say "excuse me, but this card was declined because it's over the limit... which... I know the limit on these is pretty up there, so you might want to call them..." and sure enough, after the first charge at the ethiopian place a minute later things started being charged from Houston, TX, Miami, FL and various spots in Europe and Africa. Not even merch being bought with it, just merchants directly running the card number and charging $2000 - $10,000 at a time. We called Am Ex right there and they started whatever had to be done... the FBI called a few minutes later. We were staying 2 blocks from that restaurant and I walked by a couple of times over the rest of the stay going to other places and I'd stop and stare at the waitress and guy who was behind the bar. The FBI sent us a letter eventually saying they had insufficient evidence and couldn't do anything. We didn't have to pay the charges, at least, not even for the Ethiopian meal, and I guess the card people were able to cancel the credits. Friends living in DC and NYC said "oh, we thought you knew the most important rule: foreign accent = cash transaction." They are very liberal people, but apparently every cornet minimart or small restaurant up there has outbreaks of credit and debit card fraud on a regular basis.


On the other side of that, my brother had a shop in Los Angeles and a guy came in and bought 2 $3000 mountain bikes on his wife's credit card, and showed I.D. and talked the kid working there into the entire thing. Then, a month later when his wife got the bill she refused the charges on the grounds that it was an unauthorized purchase, so they deducted the funds from my brother's store's account. From the merchant side there was nothing he could do. He called the cops and reported it as fraud and theft, and he has the couple's address and everything, but the cops never did anything. The kid who worked at the store offered to gather a group of friends and go "repossess" the bikes but that's trouble begging to happen. That -$6000 plus a downturn in business due to the stalled economy helped put the shop out of business.


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