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'sweet home alabama'


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All Right Now is pretty mundane for keys, but I enjoy playing it on bass. Andy Fraser was a beast, and this is one of those songs that immediately shows who is paying attention and who isnt. Ive had to play it in a number of bands, and the bassists NEVER get it right. That little chordal thing in the bass lick is so cool, and these boneheads never do it. Thats usually when I get to play bass: I bust their balls on it, and next thing you know, they hand it to me if you can do it, why dont cha? So I do! :D


Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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You mean stuff that was popular 20yrs before the bar audience was even born? No!


You mean like SHA? :freak:

This one owner told me she books the bands that play the classic rock stuff on thursdays. At that place they have live music, thurs friday, and saturday.


She said this to me just last week.


In this neck of the woods, classic rock is what puts drinking customers on the dance floor and at the bar.


If the lot of us had our druthers, we'd be working on prog compositions and playing said compositions live. That's a money-losing proposition, however, so we do what pays, but we do it on our terms, staying away from boring "bar standards" and playing material everybody recognizes but are not exposed to on a regular basis.

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All Right Now is pretty mundane for keys, but I enjoy playing it on bass. Andy Fraser was a beast, and this is one of those songs that immediately shows who is paying attention and who isnt. Ive had to play it in a number of bands, and the bassists NEVER get it right. That little chordal thing in the bass lick is so cool, and these boneheads never do it. Thats usually when I get to play bass: I bust their balls on it, and next thing you know, they hand it to me if you can do it, why dont cha? So I do! :D


Yeah, that bass line is beastly. I play guitar, not keys, on that one, and I basically re-voice the main riffs at different positions to give a bit of color. Our singer does the piano during the guitar solo portion.

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The Outlaws song "Green Grass and High Tides" was the champion wank fest of wank fests for me. It has 5 chords, but when you play that for a ten minute guitar solo, and that is only the first of THREE CONSECUTIVE SOLOS, it sends me screaming.


In fact, if I hear the opening chords on the radio, I have a Pavlovian response and switch the station. In fact, that sounds like a new topic.




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...I play alongside a guitarist who can sight-read better than probably 90% of this forum (in fact, he sight-reads transcribed solos and plays them note-perfect in rehearsal) and has a better grasp of music theory than probably 40% of this forum...
Honestly though, what percentage of the guitarists that you've played with fall into that category?

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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...I play alongside a guitarist who can sight-read better than probably 90% of this forum (in fact, he sight-reads transcribed solos and plays them note-perfect in rehearsal) and has a better grasp of music theory than probably 40% of this forum...
Honestly though, what percentage of the guitarists that you've played with fall into that category?


Not my problem. Don't like the guitarists you play with? There are a million of them out there, at least half a dozen on every street corner in the country. Keep auditioning until you find a good one.

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...I play alongside a guitarist who can sight-read better than probably 90% of this forum (in fact, he sight-reads transcribed solos and plays them note-perfect in rehearsal) and has a better grasp of music theory than probably 40% of this forum...
Honestly though, what percentage of the guitarists that you've played with fall into that category?


Our guitar player fits into that category. So does our drummer who as it just happens will miss tonight's gig. Last night we rehearsed with a solid, slamming rock drummer who is filling in.


He is pretty good but when we were going over stuff I relized how much harder it is communicate to a drummer who when you say 'the walk up between the I chord and the IV are spread triplets' and he doesn't understand what you mean.



GENERALLY ( NOT ALWAYS) my experience has been that like type musicians usually gravitate towards each other.


It makes it so much easier when you can speak the same language.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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...I don't think so Sport...


...Keep it up Ace...



I love when guys use those kinds of nicknames! You forgot a few though like pal, tiger, champ, boss. Oh, Chief is always a good one, too! Great stuff.



Words like Never, Won't, Every...you live in a world of absolutes, and Frankly (get it, "frankly"?), that's not music.


There's more than one way to skin a cat.


Actually I don't live in a world of absolutes. The fact that I work frequently in Jazz trios as well more strict situations such as MDing shows, Broadway pits, etc would show I don't live in a world of absolutes. I just set clear lines for myself when I should be soloing and when I shouldn't. It's served my career very well so there's definitely more then one way to skin a cat.




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Well Tiger, for a guy who is as varied as you are and not living by absolutes, your comments are very strange. I just quoted them, I didn't originate them. But more power to you. As long as that's all you have to complain about now, I guess this particular strain of a thread is exhausted.
Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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