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OT:Poll -USA, a nation of fatties?

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[quote]Originally posted by Ouizel: [b]....when I met my wife, I was 6'1" and about 165-170 tops. Skinny as a rail....[/b][/quote]I can relate. When I got married in '98, I was 6'0" and weighed 162. Then, the combination of entering my early 30's and being "well-fed" helped me to shoot up to a whopping 210 by y2k! For the first time in my life I had to diet. Lost about 5 lbs and then started karate. I've been doing that pretty hardcore for a little over 2 yrs. I'm down to 180 lbs. My gut is almost gone, my arms and legs are bigger. I feel great. That said, I think we are a nation of fatties. It's easy to get fat when you have a "desk job" or "studio job" in my case, plus are exposed to plenty of food. Food didn't get me fat. I got me fat. I also got myself thin again. Getting thin again was real hard though, but I appreciate it more! Michael Oster [url=http://www.f7sound.com]F7 Sound and Vision[/url]
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[quote]Originally posted by F7sound: [b]It's easy to get fat when you have a "desk job" or "studio job" in my case, plus are exposed to plenty of food.[/b][/quote]Amen brotha... I'm leaving my "desk job" for a field position on the 22nd. Hopefully the act of actually moving around will help me out.

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[quote]Originally posted by jla@hib.no: [b]it is true. the teenagers especially are noticeable getting fatter and fatter here in norway. when i was that age i remember 1 overweight girl in my entire class... and now they are all tubbyflabbies.[/b][/quote]This is true for Sweden as well. I also had ONE overweight person in my class. And the funny thing is, when you look at the photo of my class the person was not THAT overweight by todays standards. Today, almost half of a class look like beachballs, the other half of that half would have been considered fat 25 years ago, and the rest is skinny or normalweight. But is it surprising considering their soda and fatburger diets given to them by their equally fat parents in front of the holy tv? If you check out WHOs website you´ll see that they are calling it an epidemic.
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Well, I'm 5'9" and I feel and look as best as I can at around 165. Right now I'm a bit over 180. I guess my problem is that my girlfriend is an exerciseaholic. She's 5'5" and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. She works out for two hours anywhere from 3 to 6 days a week. High Impact aerobics, and we've got a room in our house with weight machine, treadmill, stationary bike, Total Gym, etc. I ride the bike occationally but not as much as I should. I sit in front of a computer too many hours too. Thing is if you've ever lived with someone who regularly works out, you'll know they can eat a lot at a sitting. My tiny sweetie can keep up with me easily. Another problem is that we tend to fast or have tiny meals during the day and pig out come suppertime. This is not good. I drink too regularly as well and that's a lot of sugar without even considering sweets. Back when I was gigging 6 nights a week, I never had a bit of trouble with weight. In fact on Korean tours, I got down to probably 155 or so. I think jumping around on stage with an instrument straped on and singing are fantastic exercises. Oh well, my new part time job has me walking a bunch more and moving heavy packages. I will get back into my 30" waist jeans (of which I have a ton of pairs) and out of these 31" 'fat pants' one of these days. Just need to be very careful during the Bermuda Triangle (Turkey Day through X-Mass). :p
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I'm sure few of you can relate to this, but I'm 6'1" and I weigh about 155lbs on a "heavy" day. I eat like a horse, workout irregularly and I'm 40 years old in a couple of months. My dad was built the same (he is taller at about 6'5") but he put on 50 - 60 lbs after age 35. I'm hittin 40 soon and still barely leave a shadow. I simply can't put on weight. We went on a cruise last spring. My wife shunned the dessert bar, ate salads and pounded the treadmill everyday and gained 7lbs. I pigged out and lounged in the pool and gained nothing. If I really get lazy, I can put on a bit of a belly, but my weight doesn't change - it just collects on my tummy. I hate the "egg on toothpicks" look (and my father has heart disease) so I ride my bike as much as possible to stay fit.
Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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[quote]Originally posted by boosh: [b]Wewus???? Time for your weigh in....[/b][/quote]You guys are getting awful nosy. :D I'm 5'9', I'm fat and I could kick your ass. Wanta know my shoe size? :D Actually I'm afraid to step on a scale right now, but Erik says I'm not fat, I'm stocky, yeah, I like that. Thing is, I'm not too worried about being overweight, because I know how to lose it, because I've done it before, so one day soon I'll be back to 165 to 175 lbs.
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[quote]Originally posted by Veracohr: [b]I'm 6'1", 160lbs. I can't gain weight if I [i]try[/i] to.[/b][/quote]Hey Veracohr, You and I could be twins. Ciao.
Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b] [quote]Originally posted by DC: [b]31" 'fat pants' [/b][/quote]Oh, shut up... At my smallest (during boot camp) I wore a 35, now it's a 38 *sigh*.[/b][/quote]FUCK YOU and your 38's! My 38's are in my closet and I WILL BE wearing them again! But first I have to slim down enough just to get my fat pants on. Dammit! I wear my weight well because I am 6'1" and large boned. But that can also be bad since you can gain a lot of weight before you can really notice it. I could lose 15 or 20 pounds, and you'd never know it.

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b] [quote]Originally posted by DC: [b]31" 'fat pants' [/b][/quote]Oh, shut up... At my smallest (during boot camp) I wore a 35, now it's a 38 *sigh*.[/b][/quote]FUCK YOU and your 38's! My 38's are in my closet and I WILL BE wearing them again! But first I have to slim down enough just to get my fat pants on. Dammit! I wear my weight well because I am 6'1" and large boned. But that can also be bad since you can gain a lot of weight before you can really notice it. I could lose 15 or 20 pounds, and you'd never know it.[/b][/quote]You have a .38 in the closet? Remind me never to come over.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Geenard Skeenard: [b]ok....I'll admit it.....I'm 5'4" and I weight 325 pounds......and thats not all penis weight either....I knew you were wondering!!!! :) [/b][/quote]Hmmmm, well I guess that's better than being 4'5" with a weight of 523lbs and professing to be a big d*ck!!! :D Oh... Sorry Wewus, I didn't mean to tell your secrets. Well, Gents.... Ladies don't get involved in discussing details of their weight so I'll bow out gracefully. :) All I will divulge is the letter "D".... Figure it out for yourselves. Ta Ta!!! :wave:

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Yes we are Fat...Almost everything they tell us to do, Low-Fat, High Cargb Diet is DEAD wrong...All processed Foods, sugar...the body doen't do well with this approach, hence we are obese...go get and READ the South Beach Diet...And loose some fucking weight you fat Bastards!!!!! :)

Sean Michael Mormelo


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[quote]Originally posted by Sventvkg: [b]Yes we are Fat...Almost everything they tell us to do, Low-Fat, High Cargb Diet is DEAD wrong...All processed Foods, sugar...the body doen't do well with this approach, hence we are obese...go get and READ the South Beach Diet...And loose some fucking weight you fat Bastards!!!!! :) [/b][/quote][img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000065CN8.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/img] Who are you callin' a fat bastard? I'm dead sexy!
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by Tedster: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Sventvkg: [b]Yes we are Fat...Almost everything they tell us to do, Low-Fat, High Cargb Diet is DEAD wrong...All processed Foods, sugar...the body doen't do well with this approach, hence we are obese...go get and READ the South Beach Diet...And loose some fucking weight you fat Bastards!!!!! :) [/b][/quote][img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000065CN8.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/img] Who are you callin' a fat bastard? I'm dead sexy![/b][/quote]ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thu:

Sean Michael Mormelo


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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b] [quote]Originally posted by boosh: [b]Wewus???? Time for your weigh in....[/b][/quote]You guys are getting awful nosy. :D I'm 5'9', I'm fat and I could kick your ass. Wanta know my shoe size? :D Actually I'm afraid to step on a scale right now, but Erik says I'm not fat, I'm stocky, yeah, I like that. Thing is, I'm not too worried about being overweight, because I know how to lose it, because I've done it before, so one day soon I'll be back to 165 to 175 lbs.[/b][/quote]Don't stare yourself blind at poundages. People can way much more than they're allowed according to their lenghts. I myself weigh 230-240 LBs at 6.2 However I have 6% bodyfat which is not much. Working out a lot makes you heavier as you gain weight with Musclemass

Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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