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Top rotor boxes - any good?


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Being in the UK, new Leslies and the variations on them are scarce to see and purchase. I quite fancy the idea of a top rotor box. Apart from the Motion Sound Pro 3x and the Leslie 2101 mk2, is there anything else out there? And the two I have mentioned, which is the better one to those who have tried them?
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I own the 2101 and have played with the Motion Sound 3T down at the local music store. The biggest difference is that the leslie version creates a digital lower rotor and sends the signal to some small stationary speakers in the unit or allows them to be sent to a more substantial amp, like the leslie 2121. If you play out you will want to do this. The 2101 by itself is a bit weak for gigging. Supposedly, the 2101 Mk2 addresses this by adding 50w more power and a real tube overdrive (nice if you don't use an XK organ). If you just want the top rotor, Motion Sound works well. You might also investigate some of Speakeasy's versions. Have fun moving some air.
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I owe the 2101 and have played with the Motion Sound 3T down at the local music store. The biggest difference is that the leslie version creates a digital lower rotor and sends the signal to some small stationary speakers in the unit or allows them to be sent to a more substantial amp, like the leslie 2121. If you play out you will want to do this. The 2101 by itself is a bit weak for gigging. Supposedly, the 2101 Mk2 addresses this by adding 50w more power and a real tube overdrive (nice if you don't use an XK organ). If you just want the top rotor, Motion Sound works well. You might also investigate some of Speakeasy's versions. Have fun moving some air.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. The MS 3T has an output where you plug it into an amp for a sim of the low end like I think you are describing the 2101 having.


Or are you saying the 2101 has built in speakers for this if you don't plug it into anything?

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


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The new version of the 2101 also has speaker outputs in addition to the line level outputs. Now it can be connected to a speaker cabinet or two with it's own amp driving the speaker(s). In addition, it has separate inputs for the auxilliary channels so other sounds can be played through the stationary speakers (internal or external) or sent out the line level outputs to amps like the 2121. With the previous version the aux. channels could only be accessed via the 11 pin cable.


Depending on volume needs, there can be several setups. For home/small clubs, just the 2101 mkII, for larger venues, set the 2101 on a speaker cabinet or 2 and for even bigger venues, put the 2101 on speaker cabinets and send its line level outputs to a 2121 along with a mic signal from the horn. But wait, there's more: send the line out from the 2121 to the PA.

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The 2 larger stationary speakers are now 6" and I've been told the bass output from them is better. The tube preamp is a nice addition as are the speaker outputs. The easier to access aux. channels can make carrying a second amp unneccessary for small venues. All in all the improvements are pretty substantial. IIRC, there was an overall price increase about a year ago for the whole pro-line product group so the increase isn't as much from what the previous version cost when it was replaced. It seems to be a fair increase for the improvements gained.
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My experience is with the original 2101 which I've had for 2 years. I couple this with a Yorkville Blok 100K keyboard amp for both channels (Low Rotor and Sub) that are simulated. Once you achieve a balance between the 2101 and the bass amp you're going to have a happy day. The Yorkville only has 3 channels, so I can still drive a mono tone module if necessary, but driving my Nord Electro 2-61 through this setup sounds pretty impressive. I recently bought a Nord C1 and now drive the 2101/Blok 100K using the 11 pin cable and it's even better. When I power up the C1 the 2101 comes on as well, and the rotary controls on the C1 actuate the 2101, so I can use the LED on the C1 to verify the 2101 status in less than optimal conditions. One additional benefit is since using the 11 pin I'm coming out of the hotter channel in the C1, so this setup is LOUD...... and it fits in a car trunk without any help.



1967 B-3 w/(2) 122's, Nord C1w/Leslie 2101 top, Nord PedalKeys 27, Nord Electro 4D, IK B3X, QSC K12.2, Yamaha reface YC+CS+CP


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I use the Motion Sound Pro3TM, and I love it. I have it set just the way I want it to sound.


I run a small PA system with a Mackie board, in stereo. The Pro3TM has a built-in SM-57 for the horn, and the rotor sim is stereo. I'll run the horn into a channel, panned center, and the rotor sim into a stereo channel. That gives me the mikes horn sound, and the impression of movement from the rotor sim. Balance the two, instant 147.


"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Once you re-adjust you expectation after playing a real Leslie (like I had for years) they ain't bad in a pinch (everyday gigging). Just don't expect the full effect of a real 147/ or 122. Otherwise they are a close approximation when set up right (w/bass amp, eq, etc).


I've had a MS Pro-3T and KBR-3d for years now and do not expect to get ride of them. I take out my 145 only for concert hall gigs now or use a my clone sims on smaller gigs.


 CP-50, YC 73,  FP-80, PX5-S, NE-5d61, Kurzweil SP6, XK-3, CX-3, Hammond XK-3, Yamaha YUX Upright, '66 B3/Leslie 145/122

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With my 2101, I found that running both the left and right outputs into the 2121 gives a fuller feeling of the rotation than just using one. Since the signals are staggered some, the first side builds in volume and before it reaches its peak the other side starts up. The first side levels off as the other side catches up so you get a little more increase in volume as they both are at their peak then the first side starts to drop off followed by the second as the horn and rotor go around back.


When using a stereo amp, I think the left and right outputs may need to be reversed. From when I watched how the rotation went around on my mixer's meter bars, left and right seemed to be oriented from behind the amp facing toward the listener. Not like a stereo system is oriented from the listeners position facing the speakers. Also, the speakers (if not part of the same unit) should be close together. If they are far apart, it basically is dual mono's and it doesn't matter. If L/R are reversed, the "rotation" reaches our ears out of order and it sounds like the sound is coming out the middle and going to both sides - like a cake mixer.

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I was thinking that the low weight and supposed good sound out of the kp500sn would make an ideal pair for the 2101.


Ep or piano could go direct into the kp while organ is run through both.


The weight of the 2121 is somewhat high although I could still lift both.





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