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why R you selling your music at Mc. Donolds prices if U are really geniuses?

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If something is extreme genius, and the quality of the instrumentation is exquisite, if the vocals are exquisite, if the writing is exquisite, then why sell it at Burger King prices? I think that Major Labels are burger King, I think that Mc.donolds mentality is dominating their scene. Trashy, greasy, cheap looking people who don't have real quality or songs are selling their music at Mc.Donolds prices. Mc. Donolds is rich, they are having financial problems, but burger king and KFC are rich. very rich. If something is a filet minon, they shouldn't be shamed to ask for filet minon prices. Even the ones who are not that trashy looking remind me of a bag of fries and a burger. How come so many people are impressed with a Big Mac and a shake and putting that up on a pedistal? Even their broadway singers don't have quality. they are veggie burger at burgerking. If you are a filet minon and you are that hot and that good., you should charge gourmet prices. The music industry is Mc.donolds. the indies are mostly Burgerking. Look around you? how many people love to cook gourmet food? Most people don't care and eat a bag of chips.
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she sounds like a 2 dollar whore whos gotten her pimp to record her last moan session on a crusty old 4 track recorder, while a drunken mariachi band gets run over by a garbage truck in the middle of a chemical weapons attack. and you my friend... are just nonsensical.
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Man, this is getting old. True art has no value. You keep trying to define art by the price that is paid for it. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. If that stupid **** you keep plugging really cared about artistic integrity, she wouldn't be trying so hard to make money off of it. You can't put a value on art. To put any value on it, large or small, is to devalue it. Stupid fuck. You are distracting the flow around here with this shit. It was funny last night, but now you are a ****. Fuck you and your 14 other personalities. :D You want $100 for a CD? We can take up a collection. Everybody can pitch in a dollar, we'll send you the money, and you can throw the CD in the trash where it belongs. And when that's done, we'll give you another $100 to go away. :D [This is nice, I usually have to be trashing my fellow forum members in the political threads. I can trash this **** and not even feel bad. :D
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I'm in the fingerfucking screwing studio shafting the squirting other 3. You have the squirting option of fingerfucking a single with a thrusting ten dollar donation. Check (the bottom of page) for shopping cart (Pay "Up the Arse" Pal) and the titty fucking order page. There's a place to send a donation as well.
woof woof grr.
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Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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[quote]Originally posted by TinderArts: [b]It doesn't take a genius to know how to spell. [img]http://www.tinderarts.com/images/oof.jpg[/img] This is a pic of Lindsey's work at her day gig. :freak: [/b][/quote]where the hell do you guys get this stuff... lol... dont tell me you have this massive archive... prepared for the smallest hint of a troll :p
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EDIT: OOOPS: I just saw that Dakander already posted this stuff on a separate thread, plus one about a boob job! Another nail in the coffin, that Lindsey is MM: http://www.leisuresuit.net/Webzine/articles/ozone_quartet.shtml Name: MARISSA MARCHANT Subject: MAY I EDIT MY MESSAGE -- Mar 15, 2003 at 8:21PM THE OZONE QUARTET IS PHENOMENAL. THEY ARE WORTHY OF MUCH SUCCESS. NOT THESE BIRD BRAIN, LAZY ASSED MUSICIANS. TAKE IT FROM ME A MUSICIAN WHO IS FAR FROM LAZY. MARISSA MARCHANT -------------------------------------------- and another: http://www.scottmanning.com/archives/000370.php Posted by: Marissa Marchant July 16, 2003 08:48 PM Hi, I am a genius. a big one. I am a one woman beatles on the next level. I think that 19 dollars is nothing for genius. but if it isn't genius..it should be sold for 10 bucks. I sell my music for one hundred dollars. Do you value art??? People don't place a high value on art. they buy over one hundred dollars a month on booze and cigarettes. Don't people realize that artists who are extreme are worth money??? do people realize how much work goes into making and creating genius. I write everything..I am as high level as it gets and vocally as well..I am trying my endless original and strong material..and plays a few instruments. I wasn't signed..because I am too interested in upping the level of quality... I am higher level then anything they have had as a solo artist..because I endless strong songs in almost every genre,,and have unusual vocals and instrumentals.. but the higher the levels of talent..the more money it costs...the most time..the more investment..and the more refinement.. refinement and class is nowhere to be found in the entertainment field... people who are brilliant scare people in this country. ----------------------------------------------- this was from "Marissa Marchant": http://pub147.ezboard.com/ftheconcerthallfrm9.showNextMessage?topicID=77.topic gregg is an obsessive that doesn't know me. he is a liar all of you know nothing about music. I sound nothing like kate bush. kate has no depth in her voice. and tori has no depth. my music is original. gregg is lying. he is an abuser. all of you are abusers to people with talent. you are part of the anti talent movement. this man is an obsessive, he is all over different websites. ..he poses as me to get me on boards without my permisssion. he is saying things that aren't true. he is filthy. his messages that he writes me are disrespectful pornographic messages. he doesn't deserve anything from me. I have more money then he does. and he knows nothing about music. here's someone's reply: Marissa- Please stay out of your Grandfather's medicine cabinet. Some of those medications he has in their are very strong. -------------------------------------- And MM is apparently looking for Florida musicians to participate in festivals. A number of people responded. I hope they didn't get their hopes up too high: http://www.floridamusic.org/cgi-bin/ng.cgi?num=13 advanced musicians wanted ...for festivals Posted by: marissa marchant Calling ALL genius's..!!!! hi, I am organizing festivals and I am counteracting the anti-talent movement that has been happening for twenty or so years.. are you a GENIUS????? can you write one song after another that is original and strong..and are you a seriously gifted instrumentalist.. and/ or have very unusual vocal talent..do you have serious discipline.?? are you a perfectionist.. ?? are you one these people who likes to play many instruments extremely well??? do you exceed all the people in the major label industry?? I believe you are out there..numbers of you..I love vinyl and quality..I am getting some icons to back these festivals.. but have to have extraordinary talent.. any style of music.. any race ,, age...female..male..disabled...any nationality is accepted.. thankyou...don't feel scared to contact me..if you know anyone who is a genius..don't be jealous of them..tell them about this ad. ---------------------------------------- And in case you were interested... http://www.vegeats.com/messages/penpals/985.htm I love tacos. ..especially with organic taco shells. I love hot salsa, and cheddar cheese..with organic lettuce and olives.. and avacado. what do you suggest when it comes to tacos. [url=http://www.marissamarchan.com/music.html]www.marissamarchan.com/music.html[/url] I am a musician besides a cook. http://www.vegeats.com/messages/penpals/985.htm email: feakyvox@adelphia.net
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[b]LindseyR If something is extreme genius, and the quality of the instrumentation is exquisite, if the vocals are exquisite, if the writing is exquisite, then why sell it at Burger King prices? [/b] Lindsey , if you keep singing this same tune over and over in 10 different posts you're gonna get booted. Why would most people only pay $20 for a sweater that is hand woven and the same amount for one that is machine made? 3 reasons 1)They both keep you warm 2)Some people can't tell the difference 3) That's all the money that they have Why would most people only pay $100 for a bedroom dresser with solid wood and the same amount for one made with particle board? 3 reasons 1)They both hold your cloths 2)Some people can't tell the difference 3) That's all the money that they have. Why would most people only pay $15 for a CD made by you and the same amount for one made by a major label? 3 reasons 1)They both make noise 2)Some people can't tell the difference 3) That's all the money that they have. 1) Honestly your vocals were nice but your timing is off. 2) It takes much longer to put together a CD with multiple tracks and many musicians than to just record a singer strumming a guitar. 3) I admire your taking this approach of marketing UP TO A POINT, but you are starting to cross the line and are beginning to get obnoxious and ,REPETITIVE.REPETITIVE.REPETITIVE. Do you have anything else to talk about besides how great you are? I like to brag too, but this is getting ridiculous. NO I'M SORRY. YOU ARE NOT THE GREATEST SINGER THAT EVER LIVED. You have potential. You could become a great singer SOME DAY. I think that you better rethink your approach. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF JUSTIN SPENCER ? DAN http://musicinit.com/pvideos.html
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[quote]Originally posted by techristian: [b][b]LindseyR If something is extreme genius, and the quality of the instrumentation is exquisite, if the vocals are exquisite, if the writing is exquisite, then why sell it at Burger King prices? [/b] Lindsey , if you keep singing this same tune over and over in 10 different posts you're gonna get booted. Why would most people only pay $20 for a sweater that is hand woven and the same amount for one that is machine made? 3 reasons 1)They both keep you warm 2)Some people can't tell the difference 3) That's all the money that they have Why would most people only pay $100 for a bedroom dresser with solid wood and the same amount for one made with particle board? 3 reasons 1)They both hold your cloths 2)Some people can't tell the difference 3) That's all the money that they have. Why would most people only pay $15 for a CD made by you and the same amount for one made by a major label? 3 reasons 1)They both make noise 2)Some people can't tell the difference 3) That's all the money that they have. 1) Honestly your vocals were nice but your timing is off. 2) It takes much longer to put together a CD with multiple tracks and many musicians than to just record a singer strumming a guitar. 3) I admire your taking this approach of marketing UP TO A POINT, but you are starting to cross the line and are beginning to get obnoxious and ,REPETITIVE.REPETITIVE.REPETITIVE. Do you have anything else to talk about besides how great you are? I like to brag too, but this is getting ridiculous. NO I'M SORRY. YOU ARE NOT THE GREATEST SINGER THAT EVER LIVED. You have potential. You could become a great singer SOME DAY. I think that you better rethink your approach. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF JUSTIN SPENCER ? DAN http://musicinit.com/pvideos.html [/b][/quote]And while you're thinking about what Techristian wrote,check out his music and videos 'cause what you get there ,that is ART!!!!

Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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[b]And while you're thinking about what Techristian wrote,check out his music and videos 'cause what you get there ,that is ART!!!! [/b] Thanks BOOSH ! I needed that. One other thing I forgot to mention. If I was in music just for the money, I would have been gone 20 years ago. I'm in music because I love to make music. Dan
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[img]http://www.tinderarts.com/images/oof.jpg[/img] [quote]Originally posted by DSamp: [b] where the hell do you guys get this stuff... lol... dont tell me you have this massive archive... prepared for the smallest hint of a troll :p [/b][/quote]I took this pic at the Nasville NAMM a couple of weeks ago. It was outside a closed taco hole about a block away from the Gaylord Arena.
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I dunno... Judging by the posts, I think Marissa, Lindsey and The Stranger are all the same person. Same style of rant. I could only listen to 'For You' on Marissa's site -the other links either didn't work or crashed Windows Media Player. I really liked the song. The tempo picked up during certain sections... It obviously wasn't recorded with a click. But it sounded good. Genious? I don't know. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm all for selling CD's at $100, IF they are selling. Are they selling??? If you don't care how many CD's you sell, you can put any price on them that you want. If you think it's worth 100, 1000, 1000,000,000 -who cares? Sell it for what you think it's worth. If you expect to sell lot's of recordings, then they had better be killer material and priced competitively. Most musicians make their money from performances anyway. Recordings are the medium for spreading the word.

Super 8


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Hey, you know guys, she's right! I'll go buy her...I mean [i]Marissa's[/i] music RIGHT NOW! I'll buy ten and give them to friends as presents. Because she is the MOST GENIUS of all genii. No price is too high to pay for TRUE GENIUS. The thing I love most about this incredible genius is her incredible ego and overly-developed sense of self-worth. I wish all my friends were like Marissa Marchant! In fact, screw my friends, Marissa Marchant is now my ONLY FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD BECAUSE SHE'S SUCH A GENIUS! Oh wait, my bad, that was all a mistake... :rolleyes:

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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Bralalala and Marissa Marchant do bear an amazing resemblence to each other. [img][/img] [img]http://marissamarchant.com/slide_shows/Slide_Show/thumbnails/th_garden.jpg[/img] Go to the larger picture of the thumbnail of Marissa on her site and compare her legs to Bralalala's.
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]Bralalala and Marissa Marchant do bear an amazing resemblence to each other. [/b][/quote]No they fucking don't!!! :freak: [img][/img] [img]http://marissamarchant.com/slide_shows/Slide_Show/marissayoyd.jpg[/img] I'm sorry, but if I went out on a bender and woke up the next morning with Marissa laying next to me, I'd figure it must have been a pretty good bender. I just can't bring myself to say that about Bralalalala -regardless of how nice his legs are.

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]If something is extreme genius, and the quality of the instrumentation is exquisite, if the vocals are exquisite, if the writing is exquisite, then why sell it at Burger King prices? I think that Major Labels are burger King, I think that Mc.donolds mentality is dominating their scene. Trashy, greasy, cheap looking people who don't have real quality or songs are selling their music at Mc.Donolds prices. Mc. Donolds is rich, they are having financial problems, but burger king and KFC are rich. very rich. If something is a filet minon, they shouldn't be shamed to ask for filet minon prices. Even the ones who are not that trashy looking remind me of a bag of fries and a burger. How come so many people are impressed with a Big Mac and a shake and putting that up on a pedistal? Even their broadway singers don't have quality. they are veggie burger at burgerking. If you are a filet minon and you are that hot and that good., you should charge gourmet prices. The music industry is Mc.donolds. the indies are mostly Burgerking. Look around you? how many people love to cook gourmet food? Most people don't care and eat a bag of chips. :p :wave: I am a very good friend of Marissa [url=http://www.marissamarchant.com/music.html]www.marissamarchant.com/music.html[/url] this is filet minon. If you know of some other gourmet artists please let us know, email eres garcia. freakvox@yahoo.com :p [/b][/quote]Get a life troll! You are the most annoying person there is.


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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[quote]Originally posted by Bunny La Joya: [b]Coaster, I'm gonna drive to Fargo and kick yer ass for that Taliban dbunny post! :evil: [/b][/quote]Hey Bunny, I'll even show you the way. I had the displeasure to live in Fargo for a bit so I know how to get there. :D


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"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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posted by Stupor 8: [quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: Bralalala and Marissa Marchant do bear an amazing resemblence to each other. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No they fucking don't!!! [/quote]Think about it. I submit to the court that Bralalala is really a woman, pretending to be a man, pretending to be a woman, and that woman IS none other than the infamous price gouger, MARISSA MARCHANT!
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Boy, it's getting weird in here... :freak: Whatever - ya know what? McDonald's ain't my idea of food, but for a lot of people it's great. Tell a kid he's going to McDonald's and check the reaction - he'll be a hell of alot more excited than if you tell him you're going to Cafe' Le Freuf. And there's nothing wrong with that - hell, being able to elicit that kind of happiness is great. Personally,my joy in this business doesn't come from making 'high art' - it's making large numbers of people happy. If i can do that (and I have) then I have made a positive contribution to life on Earth - regardless if anyone is even aware of my contribution. (They say that, as a soundman, if no one notices the audio then you're doing it right.) And ultimately, that's the point. And I can definitely say that I've had some expensive yet shitty meals too - so just because someone thinks something's art doesn't make it great. It's fine that you like Marissa, Lindsey, but you shouldn't go around telling everyone that they suck because they like something else. In the end, you're only doing harm to her potential fanbase.
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[quote]Originally posted by ChristopherKemp: [b]Boy, it's getting weird in here... :freak: Whatever - ya know what? McDonald's ain't my idea of food, but for a lot of people it's great. Tell a kid he's going to McDonald's and check the reaction - he'll be a hell of alot more excited than if you tell him you're going to Cafe' Le Freuf. And there's nothing wrong with that - hell, being able to elicit that kind of happiness is great. Personally,my joy in this business doesn't come from making 'high art' - it's making large numbers of people happy. If i can do that (and I have) then I have made a positive contribution to life on Earth - regardless if anyone is even aware of my contribution. (They say that, as a soundman, if no one notices the audio then you're doing it right.) And ultimately, that's the point. And I can definitely say that I've had some expensive yet shitty meals too - so just because someone thinks something's art doesn't make it great. It's fine that you like Marissa, Lindsey, but you shouldn't go around telling everyone that they suck because they like something else. In the end, you're only doing harm to her potential fanbase.[/b][/quote]Right on! :thu: If I was a chef, I would rather share my culinary excellence with a million folks at $1 rather than 10,000 folks at $100! As a side note, it seems like Bralalala has fallen off the face of the earth- nothin' about him on the web for about 3 years, and his/her site's gone! Do you think that was has ghost who stopped by last year?
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