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I listened to a couple of her songs, and I kind of liked them. Sorry, Marissa, I know a hundred, maybe a thousand other singer/songwriters who are at least a good as you. Get in line with the rest of us, work your ass off, stop living off of Daddy's money (just speculation), and learn the value of a dollar.
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I wonder if she has sold anything? She has the right idea, in a way. You have to sell a lot of CD's at 10-15 bucks to make a living. At the prices she is charging, she is taking into account the low number of sales she'd probably get at any price. I think she figures its about patronizing the arts. I wish her well, but I doubt she'll make any sales at that price.

Super 8


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I think I know that woman. Whatever...., the price of anything is whatever.......the market will bear. I've got a 1985 Volvo 240 DL, which is THE classic Volvo that I'll sell you right now for........$25,000, negotiable. I compounded the hood and cleaned it up real good. Let me know if you're interested.
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At least she has the guts to try something different. She won't succeed IMO, but I gotta give her credit for audacity. :thu: :thu: Extra credit for lunacy. :thu: :thu: :p Jean Michel Jarre did a limited pressing for a charity once. I think it was $1000 per LP. The promise was that these songs would not appear on any other records ever. Jerry
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]I discovered this musician who claims that most of us are low level talents and not worth selling our music for more then ten cents or ten bucks.. she is very very talented.. but is she a snob or should we accept that some musicians have more talent then others and should be charging more money?? [url=http://www.marissamarchant.com/music.html]www.marissamarchant.com/music.html[/url] is she nuts or on to something? Go to her gig section to read about why she is so different then the rest of the us. :p :wave: [/b][/quote]Can't you smell the spam frying? LindseyR (who, [i]coincidentally[/i] hails from NYC just as "Marissa" does) signs on and her first post is this? No "hi, new member here, I'd like to introduce myself...", just "go look at my... er, uh, I mean [i]this[/i] crazy woman's web site". "...why she is so different than the rest of [i]us[/i]." Us? Waddya got a mouse in your pocket? :( SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM :(
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]I discovered this musician who claims that most of us are low level talents and not worth selling our music for more then ten cents or ten bucks.. she is very very talented.. but is she a snob or should we accept that some musicians have more talent then others and should be charging more money?? [url=http://www.marissamarchant.com/music.html]www.marissamarchant.com/music.html[/url] is she nuts or on to something? Go to her gig section to read about why she is so different then the rest of the us. :p :wave: [/b][/quote]I'll pay the $100.00 but I need something else besides the CD! :eek: [img]http://simscience.org/membranes/images/balloon_bursting.gif[/img]


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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I think Marissa/Lindsey must be Bralalalala's sister... On second thought, Marissa/Lindsey probably [i]is[/i] Bralalalala... :rolleyes:
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"A musician selling a Cd for 100 dollars each, is she crazy or brilliant??" She's brilliantly stupid! [img]http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/j.p.c/images/ani/tng.gif[/img]


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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Ya know, though...her marketing ploy works. You know why? Because, she realizes no one's gonna buy a CD at those prices (except her rich Aunt Agnes). But...how do you make someone listen to your stuff? Say "My stuff is great...listen" or "I'm selling CDs for 100 bucks and they're worth it". Do the psychology. EVERYONE HERE listened to her stuff. Everyone was morbidly curious as to whether some mystic siren had the power to give us a sonic "eargasm" worth 100 bucks with her voice and musical prowess. So, whether or not you thought it was worth 100 smackers, you listened, and perhaps when, in another month or two she starts offering her music for a more reasonable price, we'll have heard it.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey! Marissa! SO you woke up one day and said, "I'm going to be rich, YEAH! I have an idea I will sell my CD's for $100.00 I'll be rich in one month" "I'll promote myself on all the forums I can find on the net, all this people are morons that will buy anything anybody throw a them" right?? Please! :rolleyes:


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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[quote]Originally posted by ChristopherKemp: [b]Definitely a troll. Do a Google search on Marissa Marchant, and you'll see a bunch of links to message boards with someone :rolleyes: named Lindsay saying what an amazing talent she (MM) is... She's been a busy little... :evil: [/b][/quote]That was smart Chris. You can't hide on the internet, can you? Or can you? Or you can you not? Not? Can>code-/equ-shuuofool.
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Kinda reminds me of that Jack In the Box commercial where this kid was a 'taste tester' and he charged a huge fee. They asked him how many orders he had, and his reply was "I only need one"... Rick
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Hmmm. $300 for the whole set? Man, Jimmy Page should raise the price on Zeps boxset, he's losing his shirt! I'm looking at her like I would a really expensive piece of.... gear. Can't afford it, so I won't read the review. :p

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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Nice marketing gimmick she came up with. She will probably not sell any of her music at $100 a CD, but she created a buzz about her music that has people going to her site to listen. Pretty clever idea.
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On her site, she says: [quote]Where are the scientists? Why are people giving all their money to pop culture, when the amphibians are mutating and they are being born deformed. We very serious environmental problems. What do we do? We go give our money to a bunch of nobodies...[/quote]With this in mind, then, wouldn't it be better for all of us here to send contributions to the science folk - as apposed to spending $100 on a freakin' CD? :freak: With a $100 price tag, she shuts out a lot of the people who might actually give a damn.
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this girl is not very smart. Her gig section is just a giant unorganized rant. One of the funniest quotes she has at the end is: "Meanwhile, why don't people respect nature? If they can't respect nature, how are they going to respect real talent?" the funniest moment though is her conclusion that people watch tv because they can't handle relationships... "I am also suprised that people buy all this "so called" entertainment. Why can't they entertain themselves and interact with others? All this impersonal spying and voyerismic obsession is a sign that people can't cope with relationships. They are not strong enough to love other people? They are shallow"
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[quote]Originally posted by Rick Kreuzer: [b]Kinda reminds me of that Jack In the Box commercial [/b][/quote]Kinda reminds me of the Rat in a Box commercial! [i]Intro: When you can't stand the pace In the Big Rodent Race 'Come on in where it's safe Where the menu is tref... ###- "tref" means "non-kosher" There's a smell in the air that reminds you of hair You've got something to get and it looks like your pet! (aren't you hungry ?) First we take some rat parts and fry them up real nice.. Then we skin the kitties, and barbeque the mice! Bridge: Guts in a Cup! (Yum!) Mouse on a Stick! (Wow!) French-fried Fleas and Beer-battered Ticks! Chorus: Ra-aaat in a box... (We fry what you won't--) Ra-aaat in a box... (We fry what you won't--) Ra-aaat in a box... (We fry what you won't...TOUCH!)[/i]

Super 8


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