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RIAA, the Gov't. and Poor Excuses....

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I'm constantly hearing in the news how record sales are down because of file sharing programs and piracy; how RIAA has the hound dogs snooping out violators clear down to personal home computers operated by teenage kids. [b]Let's evaluate a few things here...[/b] Today's radio likes to run commercial free music, and yet, DJ's talk more turkey about NOTHING than they speak to identify Artists and Song names. Of recent times, I don't know how many times that I have heard a song on the radio that I have really liked, enough so to put it on my purchase list; but I can't identify the product to buy it. I have asked clerks in music retail stores if they know a song, hum a fews lines... most don't recognize the piece because it's not their genre. I walk away empty handed, and wait until I hear the song again.......... the next time I hear the song; I tune in and WAIT.... still no mention of Title and Artist. Now how do you buy a song you like when no one can tell you who you're listening to? I don't listen to the radio day in and day out, so I'm not around to hear them say who the last 20 songs were..... or however they do it. If I can listen to the obnoxious DJ's jibberish, I can certainly appreciate hearing the indentity of the Artists and their song titles to make a purchase if I choose to do so. Also, in today's radio; there is so much PAYOLA "by any other name" that dictates what the radio stations play. Out with CORPORATE RADIO, bring back in the old Journalism tactics where the Radio Stations play what the people WANT to hear; so what, it means you have to hear a few good sponsors here and there......... but it would cut a lot of the crap on radio out. I'd rather hear a car dealership commercial, or likewise, than I would to hear DJ's carry on about their lifestyles and their rank pastimes; their salaries are guaranteed by the profile of music on their play roster, it's predetermined.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Anifa, if I didn't see your name on the thread, I would have SWORN I wrote it! I've been bitchin' about that very thing for more than 20 years. Now, there WAS a DJ on the local "new rock" station that WOULD make such announcements, but the kid was so mush-mouthed you wouldn't learn anything anyway! Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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There goes the last DJ Who plays what he wants to play And says what he wants to say Hey hey hey There goes your freedom of choice There goes the last human voice... - Tom Petty

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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Anifa - you hit on my pet peave. The problem is that Disc Jockeys have become "Radio Personalities" and forgotten that their job is to spin discs. All I want from a DJ is some idiot to load the CD changer at the top of the hour and any time something reasonable new or obscure is played just announce who it is. Really trained apes could do this, not just as well, but better than these idiots. Unfortunately, too many people like this schtick. My wife listens to this morning radio program almost every day. It used to be the "Sarah and Vinny show" but one day Vinny disappear and it became the "Sarah and No Name show". Fortunately, I don't have to listen to it. We ride share, but the program is too vulgar for our kids to listen to and I take the bus from the preschool down town and she listens to it the rest of the way to work.
Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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:D My I suggest National Public Radio. :D Call in... tell them you want more music programing produced by headquarters (rather than the local stations only). Come on folks... we've got a big empty room waiting for an SSL. :thu: Valky

Valkyrie Sound:




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[quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: [b] :D My I suggest Public Radio. :D Valky[/b][/quote]Yes, you may! My radio's always tuned in to either NPR (Yes, Valky.. I know) or WAMU (American University's station). I only flip to the popular channels to listen to LoveLine ... How I love that show...

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: Yes, you may! My radio's always tuned in to either NPR (Yes, Valky.. I know) or WAMU (American University's station). I only flip to the popular channels to listen to LoveLine ... How I love that show...[/QB][/quote]Hey.. I just did an ISDN interview with WAMU today. :) Seriously, if people supported public radio more we could really do something great. NPR (not to be confused with your local member stations that use NPR produced programing) just built a new facility out here in Los Angeles. Right now, we really can only do talk radio and news reporting. We have a large empty room called "Studio A"... it has no gear... but it is wired up to be a music studio in the future. Funding is down so I can only pray that they go with the plan to finish the studio in the next few years. Wouldn't it be grand if we could do exclusive live performances of artists that you really CARED about? Stuff you wouldn't find on comercial radio? If you're interested, then email/call NPR and demand the programming you want! [url=http://www.npr.org]www.npr.org[/url] Oh... and remember to listen to the new show called "DAY to DAY" produced out of our west coast facility. (end of spam) :D Valky

Valkyrie Sound:




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Do any of you know of real DJ's that still get to pick the mix on FM Radio? We certainly don't have any in Portland that I'm aware of. Clear Channel and Intercom own almost all of the big FM stations. I was back in NYC last weekend and it hit me that the stations were just like Portland in format and their playlist. To a T. Radio is completley homoginized at the momement. It sucks. We've even had senators complain about the quality of the songs being played on radio. Maybe Internet radio can save us, who knows :eek: . BTW, Anyone know roughly how much would it cost to start a small FM station? I'm just curious... ;)
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i'll second oracle's bitch. In Detroit, there is a saturation of radio drive time "teams", each with their own celebrity impersonators, song parodies and too many people in the studio laughing incessently at un-funny jokes. AKK! :freak: Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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[quote]Originally posted by D Man: [b]Do any of you know of real DJ's that still get to pick the mix on FM Radio? We certainly don't have any in Portland that I'm aware of. Clear Channel and Intercom own almost all of the big FM stations. I was back in NYC last weekend and it hit me that the stations were just like Portland in format and their playlist. To a T. Radio is completley homoginized at the momement. It sucks. We've even had senators complain about the quality of the songs being played on radio. Maybe Internet radio can save us, who knows :eek: . BTW, Anyone know roughly how much would it cost to start a small FM station? I'm just curious... ;) [/b][/quote]This is what I was saying earlier: [quote] I'd rather hear a car dealership commercial, or likewise, than I would to hear DJ's carry on about their lifestyles and their rank pastimes; their salaries are guaranteed by the profile of music on their play roster, it's predetermined. [/quote]Perhaps we can start a movement in addressing the issue at political levels. Hatch would be a good on to start with.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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[quote]Originally posted by whitefang: [b]i'll second oracle's bitch. In Detroit, there is a saturation of radio drive time "teams", each with their own celebrity impersonators, song parodies and too many people in the studio laughing incessently at un-funny jokes. AKK! :freak: Whitefang[/b][/quote]But the radio personality's job is not to spin the discs - but rather to maximize the station's audience and arbitron ratings so they can charge as much as possible for their ad space. If their schtick really [i]does[/i] suck, fewer people will listen and they'll be replaced. I bet a bunch of these people would [i]love[/i] the opportunity to choose what music they play, and I bet a bunch of them would play better music than the station's playlist. Nothing will change until enough people reject what's currently available on the radio, though.
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...But back on topic, I think Anifa's point is very valid. I'd rather know the artist/song title whenever I hear a song. A couple of stations I like keep a listing of what they've played on their website, which I always thought was kinda cool.
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Well, I just wish that RIAA would get off of their high horse in trying to go after the little guy "politically/legally" and take a look at the serious problems they DO have. The market shite and the good stuff is not identified so that one CAN buy the product. They need to reevaluate their marketing policies drastically.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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[quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: ...NPR (not to be confused with your local member stations that use NPR produced programing) just built a new facility out here in Los Angeles. ...[/QB][/quote]I'm deeply offended that NPR continues to announce that their new facility is in Los Angeles. What's wrong with Culver City? :p :p :p
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Anifa, I agree that radio sucks these days. I don't think AM/FM will ever return to the influence it once had on music and culture, do you?. The Latino market is the only one where Radio has a cultural influence, for many reasons. Fewer introductions means more airtime for commercials. Nobody's denying that radio has always been around to sell toothpaste and laundry detergent, but they have refined the commercial aspects to such a degree that it pretty much destroys the cultural and musical impact it once had on society. Payola is illegal, and yes it is still the only way to get music played on commercial radio. In times past, the record guy would slip the DJ a few bills, a bag of weed, a girl, whatever, and the DJ would spin the record. This time around, the labels pay independent promoters to pass the pile 'o cash to the stations. This is another example of how the little guy gets bypassed, and the big biz prospers. This results in less diversity, and I don't see a cure for this. Does anybody have an RBDS car radio? It shows data that the station transmits. Some stations do list artist/song, but more and more, they use it for station promos and...ads.
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[quote]Payola is illegal, and yes it is still the only way to get music played on commercial radio. In times past, the record guy would slip the DJ a few bills, a bag of weed, a girl, whatever, and the DJ would spin the record. This time around, the labels pay independent promoters to pass the pile 'o cash to the stations. [/quote]It's not called payola anymore. It's called consulting; and it's legal. I posted a link a while back about a story on 60 minutes that explored this new consulting biz. They even had breakdowns of how much was paid to get specific songs on specific stations. It ran into the high hundreds of thousands per incident, and it is apparantly legal now. :confused: Go figure.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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[quote]It's called consulting; and it's legal [/quote]Yup, it's legal. They just cut out the middle man. We pay higher prices for CDs, so the record companies can pay a consultant, and the consultant can pay ClearChannel. Pay for Play is legal if it's announced. I wonder why labels aren't just buying 3 minute commercials.
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Yeah, I know it's not called Payola anymore; but it's the same dirty concept of BUYING the air time and manipulating what's played. Legal, only because the labels have stuffed politicians in their back pocket by lobbying at election time. Same ole crap, different pot to piss in. :mad:

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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You must have missed my "confused emoticon". Of course it sucks. Of course it's wrong. Of course it's the same old game with a different name. One of my managers from the mid 90's was a prominent independent record promoter who was featured in the book "Hit Men". Many of those guys went to prison for what is now called consulting. It's like Enron, or Cheny's company that is making hundreds of millions in Iraq as we speak. Things that used to be considered criminal are now considered just good business. One would think that it was the turn of the 19th century, not the begining of the 21st. The world appears to be spinning backwards.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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