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A mere $250,000.......


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We should all have one in the backyard!


Of course the price could come WAY down without some of the least bang for the buck$ high end gear in the industry having to be included, but I'm definitely diggin the shed itself, and at least it could hold it's value!


It has a nice porch too, and nice that it comes with a Les Paul and Martin acoustic. :D

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Hey Fumbles... Wasn't it you who set up a nice studio in your garage? I'm too lazy to go back and look for the pics you sent. But if I remember correctly your set up was pretty damn sweet. Didn't have the high dollar stuff that Gabriel has but lots of room and comfy if memory serves me well... Put those pics up again if you have em... :thu:
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Yeah it's small but then so many people are using software drums and soft synth samplers etc...you do not need a big room for this. Also some of these guys who would have this kind of money will go track drums in a big studio then bring the sessions to a room like this and save a ton of money.


I like the concept....if I had enough spare yard I might consider building a shed.

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I love it!!! Maybe Peter could come over to help put it up????


I actually have plans I came up with for my own recording shed. I put a lot of effort and time into the plays. I drew them up myself. I actually read several books on building a studio, and on acoustics. My recording "shed" included a three car garage, and a hidden vault room. The actual recording studio was bigger, and had high cathedral ceilings, shaped like a Dutch Barn roof.


My studio/shed dream died when my contractor told me that I was likely at the $250,000 mark, and counting.......


That's when I woke up!!! LOL


I'd not have a shed UNLESS I could also put a tractor, or mower in it. You can synthesize drums, but you still have to mow the lawn!! :)



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Hmmn, puts a whole new spin on the term "woodsheddding" on guitar...


Does it come with the lava-lamp?


Funny that your contractor's quote was also around $250-k, mdrs! Was that with or without the equipment?


(The advertised "Shed Of Your Dreams" does come with the recording gear shown... doesn't it?)


I agree, I wouldn't hang the guitars in the windows, either; very BAD idea, ESPECIALLY in colder, seasonal climes... the temperature and humidity chaos would be unhealthy for the guitars. I f somebody broke the windows 'n' stole 'em, it'd be a noble act akin to rescuing a puppy from a sealed car on a brutally hot day! :D

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~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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It was a show...no big deal....at least they were not on stands to get kicked over by clumsy visitors.


Did I hear correctly that the shed comes with the guitars? I thought I heard that and also the only things it did not come with is the artwork.


I thought the attic idea for storage was neat. I am surprised the whole thing is $250 thou...I thought SSL boards alone were more than that......it must be a new model aimed at the smaller studio.

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Hmmn, puts a whole new spin on the term "woodsheddding" on guitar...


Does it come with the lava-lamp?


Funny that your contractor's quote was also around $250-k, mdrs! Was that with or without the equipment?


Yes, Cav....it was just the construction. The equipment would have been extra!!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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