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bad news for me today

BillWelcome Home Studios

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So sorry to hear this, Bill. :(


Looks like you're getting excellent information and advice from a seasoned professional.


I always wonder why a health problem like this is essentially un-treatable. You'd think with as many people who suffer from arthritis they would've made more headway on adding man made cushioning to replace cartilage where necessary. :confused: (I know that's a gross oversimplification, but I still am surprised this hasn't been addressed to the point of being commonplace and effective in most cases.

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You and I seem alike, in that I keep fairly fit. But, now I'm worried about this pain in my hip.


I'll speak with my Jazz bud, and see what his hand guy is up to.


I rode a bike for years, and I ran until I damaged my knees. I lifted weights for a long time, too, but being a skinny guy, I just got thinner, never got any muscle mass. Hip pain can't be good, either.


Yeah, I'm happy for any input or ideas.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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Bill, sorry to hear about that man. Jeez, I`d probably be less reasonable than anyone at that kind of news.

I personally take supplements, but they are much better as a preventive measure. Once damage is done their usefulness is limited. And people have a bad habit of getting prescribed medication or having medical treatments, and not mentioning that they use them. Kramer mentoned cow cartilage, a popular supplement recently was shark cartilage. It`s relatively inexpensive and may be helpful but you`ll have to do a bit of reading up on it to be sure. In any case please keep the folks here updated and good luck.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I always wonder why a health problem like this is essentially un-treatable.


Yeah, when you see about once a month some really amazing medical miracle performed.


There is a corelation between injury and arthritis. If they ever figure that one out, it should be preventable. But the wearing out of body parts, that is a whle different thing. Les Paul has to have played a lot more than me, he's almost twice my age, and still able to play. Clapton, etc. So I have to wonder what was wrong in my paricular genetic makeup. I come from hard working coal miner and steel mill working stock, one would think that I would be impervious to bullets and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. (shrug...)



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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I always wonder why a health problem like this is essentially un-treatable.


But the wearing out of body parts, that is a whle different thing. Les Paul has to have played a lot more than me, he's almost twice my age, and still able to play. Clapton, etc. So I have to wonder what was wrong in my paricular genetic makeup.

I was thinking the same things. Genetics? Diet? Something about the water? You might want to consult w/ some of your relatives and things how they have aged.


Have you checked what's the situation w/ the knees?


Very sorry about all this and I certainly hope docs find a feasible solution for you.

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All the best from me!


I've never suffered anything worse than sore fingertips... of course I never practiced 10 hours a day every day for years either... and put my instrument down for a little while when soreness sets in.


But I'd hate to give up guitar, too! I do play flute to a degree, but it's just not the same!


Re: second opinion. If it were me, I would get one.. but that's only IMHO.

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It sounds like you are seeing someone very knowledgeable Bill. Reading your description to Don gives a clear picture of the issues facing you.


Bill, try keep taking that Omega 3 fish oil. As much as it is a completely different area, much smaller joints in the hand, my friend uses it with great results after having disc work done on his back for Degenerative Disk Disease, which is basically arthritis of the spine. He tried everything for the pain and discomfort. He emphatically swears by the fish oil, says it is a miracle supplement and calms down the inflammation to the point all he needs are regular OTC stuff like Motrin or Aleve.

He is a Prof of Music at UNT where he teaches drumset and percussion. He was absolutely hating the prescription pain meds, the prescription NSAID's and the way they made him feel. He raves about the fish oil!!!


He only uses one type. After trying a few, he swears by the 1000mg version from Whole Foods. He said the one they sell at WalMart did nothing....?


I have been meaning to go get started on that myself. It is worth a try.


Actually Miro, they are doing joint replacement for fingers. It is encouraging that they are making so many advances. One is called the NeuFlex system.


Bill, I like your attitude....it is fantastic you can look beyond this to all the other things you have to be grateful for and look forward to doing. You also have a lovely new bride to walk through life with so yeah......lot's of other things to enjoy life with. I lost a friend to prostate cancer a few years ago...he was in his early 40's!!!! Holy Cow, it is supposed to be an older man's disease.



I sound trite, I am sorry... I know how I would be freaking, so in that respect you really have my thoughts. I sincerely hope there will be a workaround or compromise that makes it more bearable and still facilitates some playing.


All the best.



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BTW, I hope I`m not getting off on a tangent or opening too big a can of worms but about supplements-I know that many AMA certified folks turn their noses up at anything not FDA approved, including some of my own relatives. But the FDA has its own issues-called `lobbyists`, and the drug companies have been reported as hiring ex-cheerleaders and beauty pageant candidates to go around and, um...`encourage` some medical professionals to push their products! don`t rule anything out,

some of the supplements really do work. Of course I`m not a medical professional, but I`ve been punching and kicking and throwing and twisting the crap out of assorted objects and people for over 20 years steadily, and to the extent that I ever could I can still play. That`s not an accident, I`ve had to do a lot of homework.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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some of the supplements really do work.


That's definitely been my personal experience, and Bill, that injectable "rooster comb serum" that was mentioned sounds one and the same as the hyaluronic acid I PM'd you about. It's a hella lot cheaper to take orally though (!!), and in the case of my supposedly worn out knees, it's been 100% effective at relieving all symptoms.


(It doesn't have to be derived from rooster combs - as a "be kind to animals", vegetarian kinda guy, I try to get the non-rooster comb variety)

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Look around for a specialist who can perform CARTICEL. Look for a Sports Orthopedic. You may or not be a candidate. They harvest cartridge fro good cartilage and grow it. When they have enough, the sew it into the joints that have been worn.


It us to be an athletic surgery but it is becoming more mainstream. It is a long rehab. It will take the replace cartilage a year or so to harden and be useful


I had it on my left knee and have NO pain in my knee and had my back not collapsed, I could be doing impact sports now.



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Bill - ... Does your condition have any effect on your ability to type or work in your studio?


What, ole Two Fingers? No, never hurt my 'typing', such as it is. And knobs and mouse and fader movements are okay, I just can't grab a full wide spread of fingers on faders, but that went out with console automation anyway. So far it is just preventing playing with the little finger at all, and affecting some lifting, grabbing, carrying movements.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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Look around for a specialist who can perform CARTICEL.


Yeahm UPMC IS sports medicine. They handle major athletes from all over the world, as well as our Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins. I'll ask about this, thanks for the tip. But I suspect that it gets back to the problems of operating on fingers without causing nerve damage.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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My wife, who is a nurse, does not believe that nothing can be done for you, Bill. In any case, I'll say a prayer for you!


Thanks, and ask her for any recommendations. I have no problem asking my doctor if a certain treatment is applicable and if not, why not.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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Bill, my heart goes out to you. I pray this turns out for you.




Thanks Phil. I know that whatever happens, I'll come out the other end one way or another.




"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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I`m wondering if I should have not ever said anything about supplements-no disrespect meant to our friends in the medical community.


I thought that my knee doctor had a pretty good atitude... he obviously didn't see any value in it, but he asked me if I got any relief from the suppliments that I took. (I do not believe that I do...) and he said that there was only one valid study on the typical knee suppliments and that said that they did nothing, but he felt that one study was not enough from which to base a decision. He also said that people have strong feelings about the subject and get all wound up about it. He didn't and I don't, but I can tell you from the private messages that I have gotten that people do indeed have strong feelings about the subject.


At any rate, my point is that your feelings are as valid as anyone else's, since they are your feelings and do not reflect any scientific fact, as at this moment, THERE IS NONE. So I'm not offended, and after all, this is my thread about my problem. I appreciate the input of one and all, because I'm the one in pain and most everyone who has made a recommendation has done so from the attitude of trying to help. Which is why I brought it up here in the first place. In the face of painful reality, we must all clutch at straws, until we finally come to terms with the truth....


The amount of suggestions and support have been much greater than I expected. It is kinda humbling. I thank each and every one of you guys for your thoughts.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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That's what we're here for, Bill, and we all know you'd step up for one of us. It's all part of what makes this the greatest forum on Earth!


We really hope this works out for you.

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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I just don't know how to play without my little finger. Serious retraining will be required (g)!


Not to make light of your situation...


I use to play in a band with this guy who could only play with his left-hand index and middle fingers effectively.

He damaged his ring finger some years back when he was younger, and his control of the ring finger was minimal...and that also spilled over to his pinky.


But damn...he managed to play a lot of pretty good leads...though his chord work was rather basic. He could only hold a couple of basic fingerings...but, he made it all work real well.


Sometimes we would hit upon some songs that we all wanted to do...and he would just say to me..."You have take these lead parts as I can't do that fingering."

Anything that required a lot of individual, multi-fingered articualtion...was beyond his capability.

But as I said...90% of the time when listening to him play...you had no idea he was only using two fingers most of the time!


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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There's a guy in Toronto with some of his left pinky missing, but his licks are great, and of course, there was Django.....


But let's keep a more positive outlook for Bill. It ain't over 'til it's over.

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Damn, I hope everything works out for you Bill. Hang in there.

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Bill I also was going to tell a story about Django and I decided against it because I am so afraid of taking this lightly, as Miro also mentioned.


But seriously....maybe if fretting becomes too painful or hard to do, you could take up slide. Just a sincere suggestion.


A lot of great players worked wround their disabilities. I may need to re-train, and I don't know if I have the heart for it. If I were a lot younger, definitely. And I doubt that I'll ever really STOP. But I may find myself mentally unable to make the adjustment and therefore not playing in front of other people anymore. Time will tell. Right now, the future is nothing but possibilities. Before this I was an okay player. Now I'm not. I have no idea what will happen later on.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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Surprised no one suggested turning the guitar over and learning to play left handed... Not trying to be a smart ass, at all. But then your last note about not having the heart for the retraining suggests that's probably not going to happen. This whole thread breaks my heart. On the plus side, I now have an excuse for my lack of serious exercise. :)






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Surprised no one suggested turning the guitar over and learning to play left handed...


The problem exists in both hands. It is most painful in the left, but that is because I use the left more for things like playing guitar.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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