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Graphite on my Nuts while playing with my Whammy...


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We had a thread on here a month or so back about my Strat making a "plink" noise when I would use my whammy and it would be slightly out of tune...(I don't do dive bombs and it's usually just the G,B,or E strings that stick) a few of you told me that the string was not sliding in the nut but hanging up. There was also talk about winding too much string on the tuning post...(I don't think that is the problem) Soooo, I bought some 'Extra Fine Graphite Dry Lubricant' today and I'm asking how much I should put in the nut groove... I haven't changed strings yet but I was hoping I could just loosen them and apply... Any words of wisdom before I graphite my nut? And will it effect the rosewood fretboard at all?


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Just a drop (or puff) and it shouldn't hurt the rosewood since you can almost blow off the excess. But you might want to slide a piece of paper between the strings, fretboard and nut.


"Graphite on my Nuts while playing with my Whammy



Bad Rampdog :D

Lynn G
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Just a drop (or puff) and it shouldn't hurt the rosewood since you can almost blow off the excess. But you might want to slide a piece of paper between the strings, fretboard and nut.


"Graphite on my Nuts while playing with my Whammy


Bad Rampdog :D


(Head and Ears lowered in shame) Thanks Geez... I'll give it a try... :thu:

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That is surrely one of the best double-meaning thread topics here in months.


I changed some of my guitars over to GraphTech.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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I changed some of my guitars over to GraphTech.



I'm not familiar with GraphTech Bill... I found the site for it.. http://www.wdmusic.com/graph_tech_products_13437_ctg.htm

Sounds like a winner but I'd have to have a pro change it over for me... I would guarantee that I would foul my guitars up somehow... For now I'll just use the powder and maybe down the road have my Strat done... I just don't know a good tech in my area and I'm sure there is...

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What were you doing w/ your pencil that you ended up w/ graphite on your nuts? I once read about Dan Erlewine suggesting the "pencil on the nut" trick, just getting the graphite from a pencil and applying it into the slots, so you're on the right track according to a pro on the subject :thu: .


Because, you know... In order to work properly, the nut and the whammy bar have to be appropriately lubricated. There are natural lubricants, and there are some that can be bought in stores... just make sure you're not allergic--that might get you into trouble every time you try to play.


The nut on my Carvin is Graphtec, NIIIICE (Borat voice)!!!! Recommended! I've thought of getting Grahptec saddles for the bridge--no whammy on that one :crazy: . I got a locking nut on the Ibanez, so that nut doesn't let anything slip.

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I've used super fine Emory cloth to lightly clean the grooves on the nut or bridge, as there is probabaly a tiny burr/groove that gets formed by the string over time, causing it to hang.


As af a graphite...you can even use the point of a pencil and rub the graphite into the groove, though it will probably not last long, as the string will just cut through the graphite powder after awhile.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I think you shouldn't worry about that. I think the fretboard should be fine. It is definately a must to have it lubed if you are getting that plinking noise.


You may need it to be filed like miroslav said. Or you may need a new nut.


I remember there was a Rush song off Permanent Waves where you could hear Lifeson's guitar doing that whenever he dive bombed.


It is a cool sound actually in the studio!! Live I think he would run into problems.

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Nut Sauce.... :D


Hmmmm...on this thread that just doesn't sound right.



Yeah, I'm using graphite as well.


My question is...why the hell do most Guitar manufacturers use a PLASTIC Neck nut in the first place?

I can understand the problem with the bridge having a burr that needs filing.

You can swap that bridge out for a higher quality one and end that problem forever...or just file it.

After all...it's metal strings on a metal bridge.

You gotta have some kinda lube on that. :D


Do you guys like the sound of a graphite neck nuts/string grooves?

That really helps but I've never heard how it affects the sounds.




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It sounds good, which is why my luthier recommended both the saddles and nut for the guitar that he built for me (he is a snob, and this was an acceptable substitute for bone in his eyes, given that the guitar had a whammy bar...) and as a replacement on other of my guitars.


Zakk Wyld's (ex) guitar tech is a friend of mine and he gave me a tube of Nut Sauce, but I haven't yet opened it....

scary just to think about...


I also have a can around here somewhere of Fret Ease, because I wrote an acouystic piece that I could not play without squeeking, and I wanted to get a good recording without squeeks. A light lubricant like that might work.




"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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