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Another CP33?


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I'm very happy with my current rig, which includes the following:


Yamaha CP33

Korg TR61

Alesis Micron


They work great together for my band. I've just become a part of another band, now, and I don't like toting my boards around. I want to buy a new one for the other band.


In this other band, I'm only using organic tones. As of late, I've been bringing my CP33 to the other band practice, and it works pretty well for what I'm doing.


My question :


Should I purchase a second CP33 for the other band? Or is there another keyboard that has great pianos, strings, choirs (especially), and a usable organ that I should consider? I really wanted the Nord Electro 2, but no strings or choir, and I'd rather the organ be the 'usable' not the piano.





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Why not rent a CP33 for your other band? Keeps your rig consistent (a good thing) and keeps your money in your pocket (even better). If you're smart about this, you're already writing off your music expenses, and rental charges are much easier to write off than depreciating the capital expense of a purchase.



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I'd hate to have to bother with renting a keyboard. Tearing down for shows is one thing, but I don't like having to move one of my boards back and forth between practices. If I was lazy after practice (or drunk) and didn't take it back to the other room I'd be without.


I think I'm gonna go with the Roland FP-4. Seems perfect, with a lot more sounds than my CP33. Per user reviews the organs are pretty sweet too.


Thanks though! Still open to suggestions.



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I'd hate to have to bother with renting a keyboard. Tearing down for shows is one thing, but I don't like having to move one of my boards back and forth between practices. If I was lazy after practice (or drunk) and didn't take it back to the other room I'd be without.


I think I'm gonna go with the Roland FP-4. Seems perfect, with a lot more sounds than my CP33. Per user reviews the organs are pretty sweet too.


Thanks though! Still open to suggestions.




Either you're misunderstanding me, or ... well, I think you're misunderstanding me. ;)


What I'm suggesting is to rent, on a month-by-month basis, a keyboard. It's just like buying it, but without the up-front capital expenditure... and is an instant write-off on your taxes... blah blah blah. :deadhorse:


Anyway, if you like your CP33 now, you might just be disappointed with the FP4. Of course, as with this incredibly personal judgement, YMMV... and no doubt some of the "FP4 Fan Club" will be along shortly to explain why you should not only get an FP4 as your second board, but should also sell your current CP33 and replace IT with an FP as well.... :rolleyes:


Either way, good luck with whatever it is you get... and the sarcasm above isn't directed at you, but rather at other forum members who probably know who they are... ;)


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I NEVER sell anything so I have a collection of boards. I just picked up the GEM module and it fills the bill of upgrading my Ensoniq KS32 piano's and Rhodes sounds, along with the addition of decent layers with strings and such.


You could always look for a used board and either add a module or make do with just the board.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Use the Nord electro piano. There's nothing wrong with it. I use one with my XK3 System - 61 key sits right on top, run it in stereo and it sounds fine. My cp33 stays at home. It's my practice board, but I'd gig with it, too. If you really like it and another cp33 would save you hassle, get another one. Heck, I have a NE2-61, and a NE Rack.
"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
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I think I'm gonna go with the Roland FP-4. Seems perfect, with a lot more sounds than my CP33. Per user reviews the organs are pretty sweet too.


If you like the sound of the CP33 when playing with your band, chances are good you will not be happy with the FP-4. This really depends on the music style, volume, etc. If you play loud, the FP-4 gets lost in the mix. I bought an FP-4 and sold it for that reason. I have bought a CP-33 and it's great for my music style. The FP-4 is great for quieter, jazz type gigs. I just don't play enough of them on a digital to justify owning both. Btw, I have an Electro 73 as well. That's the ticket for organ.


Jim Wells

Tallahassee, FL



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quote: "you might just be disappointed with the FP4." And no specifics there?


I refuse to rehash the dozens of posts over multiple threads that have been focused on the Yamaha vs. Roland digital piano discussion. You've been around long enough to have seen them. Any noob can spend a few minutes looking at page 1 of the forum to see them as well.


Both the FP and the CP are excellent keyboards. You can't go wrong either way.


Sure you can.... depending entirely on your needs and what you consider to be a good piano sound (c.f. my response to the above quote).


He must have his reasons for considering an FP4. I know did when I got mine.


Yeah, we've never seen any buyer's remorse on this forum from people who bought something after reading up on the opinions here, only to discover the universal constant: my perfect digital piano may or may not be your perfect digital piano.


Frankly, I don't give a damn what someone uses, or considers to be the best thing since sliced bread. All I care about is what my ears tell me when I play something with the various projects I work with. I'm not going to bother sharing that opinion here, nor in any other thread, because it's so subjective as to be almost pointless to discuss, in my opinion. As always, YMMV, so you and everyone else is free to continue beating this issue to death. My response to the O.P. was NOT about WHICH board to buy, but merely what financial options he has in front of him that he may not have considered. My reference to the FP was merely because he's already using a CP, and is likely accustomed to it (hence the use of the words "might be" in front of "disappointed").


Anyway, enough time wasted on what was clearly defined in my original post... :rolleyes:


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quote: "you might just be disappointed with the FP4." And no specifics there?


I think I was very specific...


This really depends on the music style, volume, etc. If you play loud, the FP-4 gets lost in the mix. I bought an FP-4 and sold it for that reason. I have bought a CP-33 and it's great for my music style. The FP-4 is great for quieter, jazz type gigs. I just don't play enough of them on a digital to justify owning both. Btw, I have an Electro 73 as well. That's the ticket for organ.

Both the FP and the CP are excellent keyboards. You can't go wrong either way.


You can absolutely "go wrong", as I did. While the FP-4 sounds great as a solo instrument or when when used on quieter type jazz gigs, it does not work well in a louder band setting. If you play in a louder band setting, you will "go wrong" with the FP-4, no matter how much you tweak the setting or EQ it. I am happy to answer any questions you may have because I owned them both at the same time.

Jim Wells

Tallahassee, FL



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All I can say is... 'wow.'


Sven, I think we need some clarification here.


I didn't beat ANY issue to death. Look at my post - about 4 or 5 sentences - saying you might have put a doubt in the buyer's mind about the FP4 without giving a reason. Now I see your point that he's already familiar with the CP, and that's valid, but he also had prior interest in the FP. What if someone had said "if you try the FP, you might be disappointed with the CP?"


I didn't "discuss" one thing. I simply said both keyboards are great, but apparently he and I had reasons for leaning towards the FP, as other's have leaned towards the CP. Both sides are valid for subjective reasons. Both sides.


I also refuse to rehash this stuff. I purposefully did not resurrect the details of endless discussions searchable on this forum. But without doing any research at all, a buyer still can't go but SO wrong with either keyboard. If anyone searches here, they'll see that the CP is a little better for a loud band, and the FP is a little better for simulating acoustic piano... in our collective personal opinions.


So I'm sorry it offended and angered you. But your comment about an "FP4 Fan Club" and your admission of sarcasm directed at those of us who own them - could easily lead to flaming and confusion for a poster merely seeking help. That would lead to "beating it to death," but I still tried to stay clear of that and ignored it.


I don't care what anybody buys either, I only try to be helpful in the spirit of the forum. I've never condemned Yamaha, or personally attacked another poster on this forum and I won't. I don't attack anybody. I think Yamaha has consistently made good stuff and Roland has made crappy stuff in the past, but the FP's/700SX are a different ball game in my opinion.


So there's no agenda here from me. I'm all for letting him make up his own mind, without putting ideas in his head or insulting other members.


But this is the end of this particular discussion for me. If these threads continue to flame over who's right and who isn't, innocent posters asking for help will never get a handle on anything.

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SK, I apologize for thinking you were responding to me. My only point was that the OP did not clarify whether or not he had actually played and FP-4. The impression I had was that he had not. I was simply sharing my experience with the FP-4 in my specific situation. YMMV. I believe in using the right tool for the job and if I played jazz and quieter gigs, the FP-4 is the right tool. It sounds more like a real piano than any I have played. In louder band situations, it is not the right tool for me. Again, YMMV. I bought my FP-4 based on the comments from this board but it was not my ideal digital piano for the type of music I typically play.

Jim Wells

Tallahassee, FL



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I suppose I should clarify that these instruments are being used in very loud metal bands. I love the CP33- everything about it (cept I wish it had B3). In my new band (the one I will use strictly organic tones), the CP fits great, I just want a separate board as I want to leave this separate board at the new bands rehearsal space. The CP works great, but I am exploring other avenues as I want a new keyboard to learn. FP4 came up in some searches, but apparently it isn't as good for loud stuff.


Thanks for all of your opinions!



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