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Official Off-Topic "Where they at?" Thread

getz out

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I have a theory that it was the good search function that kept people coming back, coupled with the fact that you could see who was on line, and what the most recent searches were eg what people were interested in. Newbies and unregistered people would hang around, maybe not posting, but reviewing the archives waiting to be able to contribute to a thread that they both found interesting and had knowledge on. That is how I got started. I certainly used to lurk, reading those recently viewed threads while nothing that interested me was currently being discussed, some of them were real gems.



Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I have absolutely no explanation for my absence...

but thanks for noticing...


My new fish is deserving of its own thread with all details.. its a good story...I'll post over the weekend with some pix..



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I'm not sure if I prefer Fibanez or Flull.


Fstingray looks like Welsh, or something.



I'm pretty sure I prefer Flull.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Connie Z has been out of action since Katrina.


We talked by email last month.


She and her family suffered tremendous losses, her band is no more and she has yet to get back to anything resembling where she was before.


And the news and the government does not seem to be paying any attention.

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(Subtext re: 57pbass): Dan and I went to "Flanagans" (mmmm! RIBS!!) whilst he was here in S.FLA, and went to see the Pastorious kids at Alligator Alley where they play every Wed night. Unfortunately, Felix was out of town that week. The guitarist played bass. We stayed for a set. He went to MAE the next day and saw the F-type bass.



Here's a hint -










It's FGreen.



Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Connie Z has been out of action since Katrina.


We talked by email last month.


She and her family suffered tremendous losses, her band is no more and she has yet to get back to anything resembling where she was before.


And the news and the government does not seem to be paying any attention.


That is absolutely terrible to hear. If you are in contact with her, you might have her PM me if she is in the Houston area. We have a lot of the Katrina folks who have permanently relocated to Houston. If she's one of them I could loan her a bass as I'm not really using one of mine.

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Tom's basses are fred.

Jeremy's main bass is flbue.

Dan's new bass is fgreen.

I know not the brand, do you?


Hmmmmm...he has flakland, fsadowsky, and fkubicki basses already...


So, fcurious. :confused:



--fsweet fwillie


He took it to fVinny in NYC to have it checked out, how's that for a fhint?

fVinny said it was ffine.


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Connie Z has been out of action since Katrina.


We talked by email last month.


She and her family suffered tremendous losses, her band is no more and she has yet to get back to anything resembling where she was before.


And the news and the government does not seem to be paying any attention.


That is absolutely terrible to hear. If you are in contact with her, you might have her PM me if she is in the Houston area. We have a lot of the Katrina folks who have permanently relocated to Houston. If she's one of them I could loan her a bass as I'm not really using one of mine.


We have a lot of Katrina "Victims" in San Antonio. Most were unemployable in New Orleans and are not employable in San Antonio. The Federal government gave each of them $3,000 in cash and has been paying their rent for over a year. It really burns me to hear the "Left" scream and complain that nothing was done to help these poor people. Good folks like Connie Z have sufferend and probably had little help from anyone and probably would not accept it if it was offered.


Forgive the rant and rave !



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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It seems like the people that did get "alot of help" were the ones the news media screamed so loud about. There were thousands of hard working people in Mississippi that were horribly damaged and they never expected or asked for the government to cure their problems. It seems like the people that get the most help are usually the ones that deserve it the least.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Sorry to keep you guys hanging on ..


I will try my best to post some pix Sunday...


Another hint ..it was made in f"nyc"thef"empire"state..bklynny by my old pal Joe Fenstablou



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Can we please leave the Katrina politics discussion off of this thread? Experience shows that political discussions and commentary tend not to lead to anywhere good in our little LDL home here. I'm all for political debate, but would prefer we keep it off this forum.


Discussion about specific individuals whom we consider our friends and comrades in bass, like Connie Z and RSM, who were affected by Katrina seems very appropriate. I hope they are able to keep on keepin' on, and that their struggles become less over time.








Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Lug has been here a lot recently, just do a search on his user name.



I can check out any time I like, but I can never leave.




You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Like zeronyne, I made an attempt to contact Thanny to send our best wishes. I also received a response indicating that there is to be no contact. I also pray that he comes out of this OK.


From SW:

[qb]Tom's basses are fred.[/qb]

Hey - I like and respect Fred, but they are my basses, and they aren't named Fred.



Give us a bit of time. I'll spend some time seeing what it's doing and checking with mods on other forums here.


I've been able to make it work somewhat. Like ALL search engines, it works better with more complete info. Please be patient.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I got a message from Rowbee. He has been very busy with playing and has been spending the time he used to spend posting working and practising (there's a lesson for us all). He does read the threads though (Hi Rowbee) and will pop in occasionally.


I emailed bottle 12am but no reply yet.

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