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American Idol


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I already told my wife I'm not watching next year. It's supposed to be a singing competition and they've proven many times it has little to do with anything. It's a giant popularity competition where the best is not necessarily the one that will win. Last year Chris Daughtry went before several others that were very much worse singers.



Yeah, how ironic, now they play a Chris Daughtry hit as the farewell to the current loser.

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They're supposed to be doing another offshoot of Idol for bands soon as well.. That one will be interesting for at least a little while.


A "Battle of the Bands" that would be interesting. Bands that would have to play a different style of music each week. Maybe have a limit of 5 to 7 band members. I think that would be more interesting for me than the American Idol "Sing fest"


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Good final three IMO. I suspect Blake has the musicality and desire to create original music of his own that will give him the legs in the business. Jordin is a raw talent and incredible singer who could make new music but who knows - worth taking on punt on though. Melinda is an amazing singer who could go far - but conversely she has been in the music business this long and been happy to be a backing singer - can she lead from the front and be her own artist? LaKisha splits the difference between Jordin and Melinda so she was the obvious one to be voted off, despite her mad skillz.



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Well, Blake names the right influences and apparently he plays instruments. He seems a really decent guy but tbh I've not heard much musicality in his singing compared to the top half dozen women. And that beatbox thing is getting tired. Compared to a beatboxer like Scratch from The Roots/Christian McBride or Rahzel - he ain't happening sorry - sounds very 80s to me.


Check out some decent beatboxing:


On a lighter note:


(Lasse Gjertsen)


Lakisha has a raw but powerful voice. She was my favourite at first but seemed to fade as the others improved. She would have been third for me.


There's only one winner for me.

I would buy Melinda's CD tomorrow and I'd probably go and see any of the top 3 girls perform.


Jordin is a great performer and the industry will love her.

The danger is that they will give her some dire poppy material to sing, though. She's 17. If she gets a deal (or when!) the record company will try to mould her into something sellable with dodgy tunes and Jay Z collaborations. Maybe it'd be better if she didn't win and buily her career. She'll be amazing in five years. The improvement in Jordin singing and stage performance since the start of the series is remarkable.


Melinda will go onto every success IMO, just because she's been happy to be a backing singer doesn't stop her being a great lead singer. She will go on to influence other singers. Just because Stanley Clarke loved being a great ensemble bassplayer didn't prevent him doing Schooldays (OK, comparison is stretching it, I know).

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I already told my wife I'm not watching next year. It's supposed to be a singing competition and they've proven many times it has little to do with anything. It's a giant popularity competition where the best is not necessarily the one that will win.


I agree about Stephanie and to a lesser extent Phil, but it's not really been like that this year - otherwise the top 3 would be all teenyboppers and they're definitely not that.


I don't take it so seriously, does it really matter who wins? It's good entertainment this year (provided you can FF) with the quality of the singers; the awesome band and the somewaht staged interactions between Paula and Simon. I've lost track of how many times Simon's said exactly what I was thinking and he's gone up in my estimation.


Hey, how many primetime shows do you get to see two fine bassists prominently featured on?



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The great American public proves once again how little they know about music!


Thanks goodness we English boys and girls were around in the 60s to introduce you to the great blues artists and heritage you had swept under the carpet.


I missed the show, I just watched the songs on youtube and saw the result on the comments . . . oh boy!


I just hope there wasn't a racial element to this.

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In the world of advertising, the old saying is: any publicity is good publicity. So..... does a disaster like Melinda getting the boot, help or hurt the show in the eyes of the producers and it's ratings. Being totally unpredictable may help the show's popularity. They probably could care less who wins or looses but they love controversy.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Question ! Should American Idol be strictly a singing contest?

Should good looks, personality, stage presence etc. be factors?




Since when was pop music about music.


Entertainment, Entertainment, Entertainment.


As has been mentioned before, there are thousands of excellent singers doing backing in studios. Much like there are many thousands of excellent bass players doing session work, but only a few handfulls of well known famous ones.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I suspect Blake will fade into the sunset with Rubin and Bo Bice. And if he wins it, he will fade like Taylor Hicks. Jordan and Melinda will have the best career shot based on talent.


I think we should all pitch in and produce our own 'American Bassist'...........Jeremy could host. I would suggest Rocky, CMDN, and Sweet Willie as the judging panel. Phil W. and Alex can set up the British production.

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I think we should all pitch in and produce our own 'American Bassist'...........Jeremy could host. I would suggest Rocky, CMDN, and Sweet Willie as the judging panel. Phil W. and Alex can set up the British production.


OK, only if I can play Simon's part and be cruel to everyone. :D


Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Worry not for Melinda. She will achieve great success.


And remember: It's just a T.V. show.


Yeah, maybe my post came over a little more vitriolic than intended. It was slightly tongue in cheek but it's hard to put that across in text.


I was shocked that Melinda was voted off but it is only a TV show. All the top three and more will probably be able to make a career in show business. Jordan will be a worthy winner.


It's interesting the way the US general public votes and just conjecture that this might reveal a widespread musical ignorance, I'm sure the same could be said over here.

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I really don't think it was a factor. I believe the large majority of the viewers that go to the trouble to vote are very young and motivated to vote many times. I don't think Jordin is safe by any means. Melinda actually seemed relieved to be out of the running. I think the pressure was getting to her. Personally, I think she is the best singer/stylist/presenter that has ever been on the show.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I really don't think it was a factor. I believe the large majority of the viewers that go to the trouble to vote are very young and motivated to vote many times. I don't think Jordin is safe by any means. Melinda actually seemed relieved to be out of the running. I think the pressure was getting to her. Personally, I think she is the best singer/stylist/presenter that has ever been on the show.



Actually it's probably best to finish 2nd, if you are talented. At that point you have received all the exposure from the show that you can get, but yet you are free from all the shackles that come with the winners contract. Although, I think that even the top 10 are required to do some performances after the competition.

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