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American Idol


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Can't say I've noticed Paul, but point taken. I guess I'd rather listen to the band most of the time.

I was disappointed with this week's show (British Invasion); I didn't like the tunes, really can't abide Lulu and there are so many people in that should be out. The schoolgirls will keep Sanjaya on even if he deliberately sings in a different key. Melinda was flawless as normal - though that was a dull song she tried to enliven. That vibrato control at the end of the tune was excellent. Stephanie was way from the worst. Jordin is gaining confidence all the time.

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The schoolgirls will keep Sanjaya on even if he deliberately sings in a different key.


You really don't think Sanjaya was aware that he was not in the same key as the band. He was nowhere close but he is cute.


Jordin is gaining on them and maybe Latisha is slipping a little but Melinda is strong, strong, strong. She will probably get voted off soon.

Rocky :cry:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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On a different note, last year I said to my wife that we should make and sell "Bucky Must Go!" T-shirts and bumper stickers. We didn't do it mostly 'cause we're lazy, and partially because I really didn't think he'd stick around long enough for the business venture to bear fruit. But Bucky stuck around. History is repeating itself with Sanjaya.


Just wait till next year. I'm gonna be the king of Idol t-shirts.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Last year my wife and I voted like crazy. Three different phones, only one had auto-redial. For every 20 attempts, you might get through once. We are not voting this year. Just lazy i guess but we really enjoy watching the show.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Simon says: "If Sanjaya wins, I am leaving the show". :D


Melinda is by far, the class act this year with Lakisha in second. :thu:


I still think Paula is on meds. :bor:


Randy is just cool, know what I mean Dawg? :evil:


I find the show very entertaining. :love:



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Rasputin lives!! Heard a rumor that Simon would quit the show if Sanjaya won the competition... Thing is, the music industry ain't stupid... The real talented ones will find some sort of career, whether they win Idol or not.. In fact winning Idol hasn't really guaranteed anything as far as career success goes.. seems to me Carrie Underwood has been the only one to really make it big from that show so far..
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I missed this week's show on TV as I was enjoying the Starsky and Hutch movie on the other channel. A sahemas I much prefer Tony Bennett to Gwen Stefani, Diana Ross or those 'used ot be famous' English/British dudes.


The advantage was that I watched every contestant's song (and most of the comments) on Youtube. Missing all the commercials maybe outweighed the reduced sound quality.


Melinda must win, she was divine, I'm starting to think that Jordin might be second.


Sanjaya hmmmmm.....


His sister has gotten a certain amount of publicity -



Can't think why???

TBH I'm surprised she's not still in if Sanjaya is. Imagine what she must sing like!


The latest Sanjaya rumour is that as he's Italian-Indian and most of the telecommunications and call centre work is contracted out to India - the Indian public has been making their votes known.


Not sure about this, if I was Indian would I want my country associated with Sanajaya.


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If the conspiracy to humiliate American Idol is successful, Sanjaya will win. I hope he does, just to show that letting the public choose the winner is a mistake. Can you imagine the reaction of the label that is contractually obligated to sign, and promote him.....what a hoot. If he does win, watch for changes in the procedure.


IMO, Clarkston and Underwood are the only deserving winners since the show began.

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Question ! Should American Idol be strictly a singing contest?

Should good looks, personality, stage presence etc. be factors?

Sanjaya is not a bad singer, Melinda is a great singer. Jordin is gaining, Lakisha is slipping. Let's face it, teenage girls probably buy 70% of all CDs and they like Senjaya with or without Howard Stern's help. I really hope Melinda wins, but you never know.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Question ! Should American Idol be strictly a singing contest?


It would be nearly impossible to make it strictly singing contest and still have the public vote the winner. At least on tv.


They know that, thats why they start the season with mini background interviews on who they think has potential, and then continue to ask contestant questions 'from the fans'.


Maybe they should have a cross between AI and that show Identity. You could have each singer perform behind a curtain, and then someone could guess who sang what.


  • There is a difference between Belief and Truth.
  • Constantly searching for Truth makes your Beliefs seem believable.


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PhilW: Sanjaya's sister tried out at the same time and she was less talented (as a singer) than he was. It's probably in the public's best interest that she's been sitting in the audience for the past two months...
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Sanjaya will win, and it will be a hoot. I can just see it now, while recording his hard won premier CD, the studio engineers pulling their hair out after 20 redo's of each song, trying to get one that's is sung in pitch. Hopefully, sometime down the road, he can team up with Carlos for a Sanjaye/Santana tour.



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Sanjaya will win, and it will be a hoot. I can just see it now, while recording his hard won premier CD, the studio engineers pulling their hair out after 20 redo's of each song, trying to get one that's is sung in pitch. Hopefully, sometime down the road, he can team up with Carlos for a Sanjaye/Santana tour.



Sure, he's no Sinatra. But I don't think anybody at Corporate is worrying. He sounded decent this week; not the worst. With a good engineer, pro backing band, and a little budget for Pro Tools they'll come up with something that sounds presentable to their intended market.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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They just showed the Latin special with J Lo tonight over here. It upturned a few of my expectations.


Sanjaya sang fairly well! :o


I agreed with the bottom three!


Also re: J-Lo!


I'd always thought of her as being incredible visually both in terms of looks and style but very weak vocally. On all her big pop hits she never managed to imbue any passion or feeling into the words/melody at all for me - strange for an actress - maybe it was deliberate.


Then tonight she sang with much more 'passion' and spoke intelligently about music. Bizarrely she chose to imitate an 80s transvestite in her performance. that eye make-up was scary. Ooh, I'm in a bitchy mood :blush: There's a lot of guys in Soho copying that style right now. ;)


Buy, hey! For the first time I was impressed with her (Jennifer's) singing and that's what counts.


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Phil, I'm with your thoughts on J-Lo. I remember hearing her perform a duo with her husband and if Randy would have had to make comments on her singing that time he would have definately described it as "pitchy". Oh, but Marc sounded great!



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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re: J-Lo!


Bizarrely she chose to imitate an 80s transvestite in her performance. that eye make-up was scary. Ooh, I'm in a bitchy mood :blush: There's a lot of guys in Soho copying that style right now. ;)



Hey Phil,

We must be careful what we say here. I guess you heard what happened to our very popular "Don Imus" :D


Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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  • 4 weeks later...

Watching the final four.

The BeeGees suck.

Why does Mr Gibb sound so weird?

Is it plastic surgery or dental work?

They wrote decent songs though and the three girls sound a lot better than the BeeGees.

Blake is about as contemporary as Vanilla Ice, that 80s beatbox thing is getting tired, and his singing is comparatively weak.

Seems a decent bloke though.


First songs:

Lakisha stormed - back on form, yes!

Melinda - very decent and effortless, maybe too smooth

Blake - oh-oh

Jordin - very fine


Second songs:

Lakisha went for it but the song was dull

Melinda - wonderful, best so far

Blake - dull song

Jordin - She's got Dionne Warwick's nose, you know! Slightly rough for me. A bit whiney.


Well, there's only one winner for me.

I would buy Melinda's CD tomorrow.

Jordin is a great performer and the industry will love her.

The danger is that they will give her some dire poppy material to sing, though. She's 17. If she gets a deal (or when!) the record company will try to mould her into something sellable with dodgy tunes and Jay Z collaborations. Maybe it'd be better if she didn't win and buily her career. She'll be amazing in five years. The improvement in Jordin singing and stage performance since the start of the series is remarkable.


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I already told my wife I'm not watching next year. It's supposed to be a singing competition and they've proven many times it has little to do with anything. It's a giant popularity competition where the best is not necessarily the one that will win. Last year Chris Daughtry went before several others that were very much worse singers.


This year Stephanie went out of the top 12 at what, #11 or so?, and she was easily in the top 4 talent wise. Sanjwhatever should never have been in the top 24.. I'm convinced they put him in just to have a stooge to up the ratings. Truthfully, on talent, there shouldn't have been a guy standing when they got to the top 8, and Phil should have been the last guy standing.


Melinda has more talent in her pinky toe than any other contestant.

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Delusional Mind

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I know the voting throws a wrench into the mix. Yes, the best singer seldom is the last one standing. Could the general public vote on singing talet only? I don't think the members of our Forum could agree on who is the most talented, and we are supposed to be musically gifted. So how could we expect 999 billon people (or whatever the number is) to get it right. All that aside, I find the program very entertaining. I especially enjoy the great band and backup singers. The judges are a riot. Ryan Seacrest is a great host. Simon is the only one who calls it as it is. I enjoy it. But, Dancing with the Stars is my wife's favorite.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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