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I hope this works out for him. He sounds sincere and committed.


Right, I bet he didn't even write it. But more power to him for getting help, can't knock anyone for trying to improve oneself. Hope it works out for him because he is a truly gifted person.


We all have skeletons aye! Serenity Prayer anyone?!

What can this strange device be?

When I touch it, it gives forth a sound

It's got wires that vibrate, and give music

What can this thing be that I found?

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Joe Walsh sung a song about his alcohol recovery at the last Eagles reunion tour and and in the song he said that he was blaming no one but himself.

It was a really cool song.


I hope ed gives this a chance.....it is not going to be easy....but if he really wants to lick this problem...then admitting you HAVE a problem is a necessary first step....seeking help and doing something about it is second.


I wish him luck.

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For every EVH there are thousands of no names out there with the same problems... My heart goes out to each and everyone of them. Some have the money to get the best help but end up not wanting it...some don't have the money for good help but really want it. Sometimes things just suck...

Eddie entertains us...those thousands of others we'll never know so please all...stay well...


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Yeah. Old Ed has gotten that..."Rode hard and put up wet" look.


I don't get it.


All of the rock stars INSIST on reinventing the wheel.


They all see the ones that have OD'd.

They all the the ones that are major addicts & alcoholics.

They all see many of them lose all their money & marriages.


Yet...they all seem to do the same thing.




Are they that stupid?

"Just play!"
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Well they are no more stupid than any other addict, they are all the same in that way. I sure hope he does gets well and can stay that way, it's difficult to relate to a life like that. I think there are rock stars that have never really had these kinds of problems, I can think of a couple in the Stones that have not, and nobody was around it more then them.
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http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/images/celebritology/eddie_van_halen1.jpghttp://idata.over-blog.com/0/06/34/88/golum-morris-ru50626.jpg PRECIOUS





Musicians...get it through your heads.


This is what you look like when you burn the candle at both ends and drink & do drugs all day...by the time you're only middle aged.


Good luck Eddie.

"Just play!"
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Yeah. Old Ed has gotten that..."Rode hard and put up wet" look.


I don't get it.


All of the rock stars INSIST on reinventing the wheel.


They all see the ones that have OD'd.

They all the the ones that are major addicts & alcoholics.

They all see many of them lose all their money & marriages.


Yet...they all seem to do the same thing.




Are they that stupid?


It's a slippery slope. You always start out thinking you can control it. By the time it controls you, your reasoning is so skewed that you either can't, or won't, believe it. I've had my father and two brothers die from alcohol related effects. None of them thought they were alcoholics.

Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Yeah. Old Ed has gotten that..."Rode hard and put up wet" look.


I don't get it.


All of the rock stars INSIST on reinventing the wheel.


They all see the ones that have OD'd.

They all the the ones that are major addicts & alcoholics.

They all see many of them lose all their money & marriages.


Yet...they all seem to do the same thing.




Are they that stupid?


they don't exactly have a normal life. i don't know if stupid is the word. vunerable maybe.

they aren't stupid, they made stupid decisions.

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Yeah, I was amazed when I found out that my dad got hooked on Casino Gambling late in his life.

I also don't understand it.


I think my point is....those guys that make it big have to be a little smart/talented just to get there.

So how do they fall for the same old pit falls?


I hate it for anyone that gets hooked on whatever.

I guess I just can't grasp their poor decision making skills.


It's almost like their success & addictions are oxymorons.

"Just play!"
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Yeah. Old Ed has gotten that..."Rode hard and put up wet" look.


I don't get it.


All of the rock stars INSIST on reinventing the wheel.


They all see the ones that have OD'd.

They all the the ones that are major addicts & alcoholics.

They all see many of them lose all their money & marriages.


Yet...they all seem to do the same thing.




Are they that stupid?


What are you saying man? All rock stars are drug addicts? That's obviously not true. Most people, including most rock stars, can take drugs or leave them, but there is a small percentage of people who because of physiology, or their psychological makeup, and/or a combination of those two who become "addicted". Intelligence comes in to play here, but intelligence is not "will power".



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For every EVH there are thousands of no names out there with the same problems... My heart goes out to each and everyone of them. Some have the money to get the best help but end up not wanting it...some don't have the money for good help but really want it. Sometimes things just suck...

Eddie entertains us...those thousands of others we'll never know so please all...stay well...



You are SO RIGHT Rampdog....Amen, brother....


Here's wishing wellness and peace to everyone who needs rehab....Eddie sure isn't alone.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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It is pretty amazing to me that someone who went through treatment for cancer, and is now in remission, would abuse themselves to the point that they would have to go through rehab. I realize (not from personal experience) that addictions can pretty much throw your ability to reason out the window, but .....


EVH may not be stupid, but I think he needs some work on his common sense.

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Yeah, I was amazed when I found out that my dad got hooked on Casino Gambling late in his life.

I also don't understand it.


I think my point is....those guys that make it big have to be a little smart/talented just to get there.

So how do they fall for the same old pit falls?


I hate it for anyone that gets hooked on whatever.

I guess I just can't grasp their poor decision making skills.


It's almost like their success & addictions are oxymorons.


Addiction has little, if anything to do with actual intellect. Addicts aren't stupid. They are addicts. They are made vulnerable, by their genetics, and by their environment. You can have monumental intelligence, and die of alcholism, or other drug addictions. They don't decide to live a stupid life. They make a series of small decisions, that they are more likely to make due to their disease. And, line up enough of these little bad decisions, and you can really screw up your life, and the lives of those who love and depend on you. It is not sensible. It's not a result of stupidity.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I just wish him all the luck,and i know one thing and as korny

as it sounds i don't judge a man unless i walked in his shoes.

You don't have to like Ed but he is one of us and no matter how low we fall we should stick together.

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Crap, he does look like Gollum.

It's really sad, though. All of these musical heroes of mine... I missed out on the "golden days" of thier careers, and at the rate it's going, I'll never get to meet them. It sucks and now I wanna cry!


Support bored teenage ghost hunters. www.myspace.com/rock_paranormal

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http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/images/celebritology/eddie_van_halen1.jpghttp://idata.over-blog.com/0/06/34/88/golum-morris-ru50626.jpg PRECIOUS


That's funny.

yeh as about as funny as the HC threads..kind of child like

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Also has to do with the law of diminishing returns. What gives you a thrill today will always have to be ramped up later on to get the same thrill. That $99 Wal-Mart special wouldn't do a thing for us now. The head of a prominant organization had a rifle collection. A friend asked him how many more he wanted to make his collection complete. He replied, "Just one more. It's always just one more." We humans, generally speaking, are an unsatisfied lot and are always looking for that just one more thing that we think will finally satisfy us for all time. Though not in drugs or alcohol, I've fallen for that in software, camera lenses, assembling golf clubs, and even guitars...always looking for that one that will satisfy...
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Actually..no. That is incorrect.


There IS humor in everything. Especially when you go through something so huge in life as what some of these addicts are going through/putting themselves through.

Sometimes, it takes a little humor to handle such things, or to illustrate it.


I didn't get to be 50 myself without having lived a couple or three blues songs.

Dues....I've paid...just like the rest of you.


But those pics I put up were not meant to offend.

I was really hoping the YOUNGER players here would take a sad note, if they already haven't.


In my life time, I've seen quite a few good young lives thrown away, for absolutely no reason. I'm sure you have as well.

Somewhere in a young person's life, the decision to take that first drug or first binge drunk was made, after that, if they have an addictive personallity....it's all down hill from there.


My point at my post was...to take a sad note at all the musicians that have od'd and died, lost their families and fortunes, and even worse...screwed up other people's lives as well.


If it's not stupidity...it must be ignorance.


Times must be real bad for the multi millionaire musicians that put themselves through what they do.


But for those musicians that have to work a normal job or 2, play on the weekend just to make ends meet, and could never even afford rehab, it's hard to muster more than....geez, I wish him well.


Call that tacky or unfeeling....but that's a dose of truth.


Randy S.


"Just play!"
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http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/images/celebritology/eddie_van_halen1.jpghttp://idata.over-blog.com/0/06/34/88/golum-morris-ru50626.jpg PRECIOUS


That's funny.


I don't know who's spookier looking Ed, Precious, or that lady??? looking over Ed's shoulder.





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Randy....I agree with much of what you say. But, you are getting this fixation with stupidity or ignorance WRONG.


I make no excuses for a person's responsibility for their actions. An alcholic or addict is responsible for their actions.


However, thinking that an addict/alcholic is one because of stupidity or ignorance, well, IS STUPID OR IGNORANT!


Many many examples of brilliant people that succumbed to addiction exist. An addict makes stupid decisions, or does stupid things. That doesn't mean that they are stupid or ignorant.


They are seriously ill, not necessarily lacking in intellect.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I don't know what Eddie's deal is, what he is addicted to, so I can't comment. It is possible the narcotic painkillers he probably had to take after surgery got a hold of him, maybe along with alchohol.


The point is he is facing down his demons and has taken steps to dealing with them. He has chosen the harder road. I applaud him.


I think it is true that some people just have an easier time getting addicted, some people take a fair amount of stuff and it doesn't get them. It has little to do with intellect.





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The point is he is facing down his demons and has taken steps to dealing with them. He has chosen the harder road. I applaud him.




I was never a Van Halen fanatic...

...but I was saddened when I first heard about his cancer...and then again when I heard that he was splitting with Val'cuz I always thought Eddie was a cool dude, and he just looked so down after all that.


I think it's good that he's not just rolling over because of the shit he went through....



(Side note)


Hey Fumbly...your new avatar...is that some effect you did to it or is it just pixelating with lots of artifacts from format conversions?

There's all those white specs around the chin and around the sunglasses...

or maybe its just like that on my browser.?


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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