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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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Melloncamp mentions Garth Brooks. I do like Garth but he is the poster child of corporate music. He is that "crossover artist" the music industry has wet dreams about. Find an artist who's music has just the right blend of a couple of generas and maximize profits.

I must give Garth credit though to have the savy to get out before he became a sad character of himself.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I like the way he blamed Reagan for. Oy!


I'm so glad the music industry wasn't screwing artist and maximising profits back when Kennedy and Johnson were minding the store.


And they were soooo supportive of the African-American artist in the early jazz days under Hoover and Roosevelt.





Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Yeah - sure - take a shot at the greatest dead president this country has ever known.


He is an opinionated guy and despite his politics, I still like his music.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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His music was OK (opinion). I wouldn't change a station just because a song came on, but I was pass over it on my way from one station to another. Rather do some Fabulous T-Birds myself.


Always fascinated how the once "folky" artist make it big, they get all indy and political and preachy and crap.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Melloncamp mentions Garth Brooks. I do like Garth but he is the poster child of corporate music. He is that "crossover artist" the music industry has wet dreams about. Find an artist who's music has just the right blend of a couple of generas and maximize profits.

I must give Garth credit though to have the savy to get out before he became a sad character of himself.


I can't stand Garth Brooks music. I do respect the fact that he bowed out while he was on top.

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Always fascinated how the once "folky" artist make it big, they get all indy and political and preachy and crap.


It's nothing a nice bowl of sugar-coated taint smites couldn't fix.



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Here's a downer...


Had to put the Scottie down today. Cancer was too much for her anymore. Odd little dog she was. More like a small, furry kid than a dog. She outlived her ex. She's taking it hard. I'm not doing all that spectacluar, either, combined with a lousy night's sleep and a "dress rehersal" at the local bookstore's coffee shop tonight (man, I'm not into that) and then supporting a friend's band later tonight.


Named my car and one of my basses after her.


RIP, Sandi.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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OK, on a lighter note.


Jazz band played a free gig at the local bookstore coffeeshop. We were using it as "dress rehersal", first time playing live outside a church setting for the keys, etc., etc.,


We actually managed to keep a fairly decent crowd for a while, including a quartet of actual jazz fans. Audience response was quite positive, along with the "kids" working as barristas (hope for the youth of America yet).


Some minor equipment problems with the keys and some tweaking to the set list (first set, I said we would make 9 - 10 songs in one hour, she said 14, we made 10. :P Still too much discussion between songs.)


Had the URB out for the live gig (which I always do) and when we wrapped, I charged down the street to see a buddy of mine and his classic rock band at a local watering hole. In between songs (I sat right up next to the stage) he asked me if I had brought my bass. I said "Of course!" I didn't tell him which one.


Next thing I'm dragging this damned coffin through a crowded bar and up to my table. Everyone in the bar stopped what they were doing and stared. At the end of their second set, their bandleader asked me if I was ready. I told him I wans't there to play, but they talked me into it. Had the ol' URB up there for three "fast dance blues" (High Heel Sneakers, Sweet Home Chicago and She Caught the Kady) and out.


The place was nuts. I got down to pack up the URB and a small crowd arrived to check out the gear. First time I did rock/blues in a live setting with the URB. I'm looking for a side blues project now. It was a friggin' blast.


My night out. There.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Oh, stuck here at the mall at work on the nicest Saturday of the year so far. Painful.


But last night I went to see these old farts:



Never before have I seen so many horns in one room with so little lacquer left on them. OK, so the bass trombone was still shiny, as was one of the soprano sax's. A great band, was fun to see.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I saw this while scoping menus for promising grub around town this afternoon. This one's for Tater:





"Who wants an orange whip? Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips!"

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I saw this while scoping menus for promising grub around town this afternoon. This one's for Tater:





My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Truth. I don't have a PS3 or 360 yet but I have a rack set up with just about every other popular game system going back to ColecoVision. I've recently been buying out the used PS2 game inventory at Newbury Comics and the clearance section at Best Buy. I'm stocking up for when the gf's little bro comes to visit. That's my excuse, anyway...
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Has anyone checked out "Heavy Metal Jr."?


I caught the last 15 minutes or so on the Sundance channel while flipping around twice in the past week. Basically it's a band of (I guess) 12-13 year olds preparing for a show to perform their music. It was pretty interesting and I hope to catch it again. Part of the show I caught was them auditioning bass players. Since I was the only one awake I thought I had the volume low until their "coach" came in and tried to teach them how to vocalize, I nearly jumped out of my seat. I hope to catch this again in it's entirety.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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So, last night the G and I went out to dinner at an Italian chain place. The food is always good but our waitress disappeared after bringing the entree and showed back up 10 or 15 minutes after we were thru. My drink had been empty since I was halfway done with my meal, etc.

I left no tip - not a penny. I cannot stand bad service!!

So why do I have a twinge of guilt this morning?

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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moot, it's because you are a good person. I had a similar experience at a diner. I've had a few bad experiences there but it being so close to where I lived at the time, so I returned after long hiatuses.


We placed our order, got our drinks and the waitress disappeared for more than half an hour. We got up to leave, finally found the manager, I offered to pay for the sodas (only because a cop was sitting there, flirting with our waitress) and took a penny out of my pocket and said "this is her tip". He asked us to sit down and fix the situation but I wasn't eating what they brought me after that.


In truth, the only one that got screwed in our situations are the other people, like bus boys, that get a part of the tip.


I rarely pay with a credit card in a restaurant but when I do, I always tip cash. I think it works out better for them if I do. If they automatically add a gratuity to the bill, I make a point of letting our server know that the tip would have been more if I decided what to pay myself, and it's true.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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I admit to being a cheap bastard but I always leave 20% if the service is good and yep, I almost always tip in cash.

I honestly felt like telling her to go back to Burger King.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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