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Gus Lozada

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Posts posted by Gus Lozada

  1. ¡Hola!


    Después de casi 20 años trabajando en la industria y toparme con prácticamente todo tipo de preguntas y situaciones, con gente muy conocedora o totalmente principiante, algo me queda claro:



    Una cosa es hacer una pregunta directa, como:


    "¿Cómo controlo el canal de entrada para que no haga "clip" al grabar" y la señal se conserve controlada?"


    Y otra, muy distinta, es preguntar:


    "¿Cómo grabo una voz / batería / bajo?"



    En la primer pregunta hay ya un manejo del lenguaje, un contexto, donde quien pregunta demuestra que ya leyó o intentó algo y tiene un problema en específico que desea solucionar.


    En la segunda pregunta, nos topamos con la típica persona que no lee manuales, no busca vídeos, no ha intentado nada y realmente quiere que alguien le de clases gratis por internet.



    ¿Qué clase de participante quieres ser?

    ¿A quien le contestarías con más ganas?



  2. Hace 20 años lo más entretenido de los foros era el anonimato. Y aún así, casi todos elegimos, a pesar de los nombres chistosos, decir quienes éramos en el mundo real.

    Hoy con las redes sociales modernas es mucho más fácil ser "tú" en todos lados.


    ... sin embargo, creo que el ejercicio de presentarse vale la pena, especialmente entre ésta brecha de 15 años entre el último post y ésta nueva etapa.


    Comienzo yo:


    Soy Ingeniero Industrial, Multi-Instrumentista y me considero Productor, Técnico de Grabación, Mezcla y Master.

    Mi especialidad, comprobada internacionalmente y con muchos artistas, es ser Diseñador de Sistemas de Backing Tracks para shows profesionales (Luis Miguel, Zoe, La Ley, Moenia, Fobia, When in Rome UK, entre otros). Por otro lado, la vida me ha vuelto asesor en Adquisición e Implementación de Tecnología y he tenido el honor de haber sido sido Especialista Oficial de M-Audio®, AVID Pro Tools® y Ableton Live® y actualmente trabajo como el Director de Ventas de PreSonus® Audio Electronics y Especialista Master en Studio One® para América Latina.


    En el año 2001 me contrató M-Audio como su Especialista de Aplicaciones, siendo el responsable de introducir y promover la marca M-Audio, y luego, a través de su historia con otras compañías, M-Audio se asoció con Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Akai, Alesis y otras más, de tal manera que mi carrera está íntimamente asociada con las marcas con que he trabajado, gracias a las más de 3,000 clínicas, seminarios y talleres que he impartido en más de 30 países, en almacenes de música, universidades y diversas instituciones y durante Exposiciones como el NAMM (USA), AES (Barcelona, México, Brasil), MusikMesse (Alemania), Expo Sound:Check (México) y ExpoMusic (Brasil).


    Como escritor profesional, he colaborado como editor y columnista en las revistas Sound:Check (México), Music:Life (México), Músico Pro (USA), Keyboard Magazine (USA) y EQ Magazine (USA) en donde tuve incluso mi propia columna mensual, "21st Century Recording", durante el año 2006 al 2007.


    * EQ Magazine y Keyboard Magazine ahora se fusionaron con "Electronic Musician"


    Como mencioné, he sido consultor técnico y participado en el diseño y programación de los shows de artistas como Anything Box (USA), When in Rome (UK), Aleks Syntek, Gustavo Cerati, Zoé, Moenia, Luis Miguel y La Ley, agrupación con la cual anduve de gira todo el 2014 como su Tecladista y programador, lo cual me permitió darme el gusto de tocar en los más prestigiosos y soñados escenarios para cualquier músico en América Latina y USA.


    Tuve alguna vez una banda llamada WoM, que lanzó dos discos: uno en USA con Universal Latino (2005) y otro en México con Iguana Records (2007), presentando los sencillos "Déjate Amar" y "La Señal" con sus respectivos vídeos que tuvieron rotación en MTV Latino (Miami) y en toda América Latina por TeleHit y RitmoSon Latino.



    Hoy día, aparte de mi trabajo, ocupo el resto de mi tiempo como productor musical y crear música para mis proyectos personales, además de mi absurda inclinación natural a ser Músico Showman, Chef Amateur de menú internacional y a tomar fotografías con mi iPhone, mientras me hago cargo de mi hijo, un notable músico rockero de 21 años y de Mario Hugo, mi mascota -un pequeño erizo.-









  3. ¡Hola a todo mundo!


    Probablemente los foros hoy día no sean el formato de moda.

    Pero SIEMPRE tendrán una ventaja por sobre Facebook o Instagram o la red social moderna que prefieran: "SEARCH". Una base de datos permanente y rastreable.


    Simplemente, debajo de estos nuevos posts encontrarán todo lo que escribimos entre el año 2001 y el 2005. Y ahí ha permanecido todo éste tiempo.


    "Nuestro Foro" nació de una idea de buena voluntad para darnos a los de habla Hispana un espacio en medio de los foros profesionales en inglés de MusicPlayer.com, en aquel entonces una división de United Entertainment Media, dueños de las revistas EQ, KEYBOARD, GUITAR PLAYER, BASS PLAYER, etc. Y acá, le otorgaron a su servidor la labor de moderarlo.


    Hace 20 años yo era casado, era un Ingeniero Industrial activo que laboraba en una fábrica de textiles... que leía y leía y leía revistas y cosas por internet para mantenerse al día en su hobby, que era la producción musical en Home Studio.


    ... lejos estaba de saber qué me deparaba el destino para los próximos 18 años...


    En "Nuestro Foro" siempre debe prevalecer la buena voluntad de todo mundo de colaborar con su conocimiento para ayudar a los demás. Y otros, en siempre preguntar :laugh:

    NUNCA se permitirán ataques personales. Siempre se debaten las ideas, no a las personas.


    Veamos cómo nos va con éste noble intento de recuperar nuestro espacio.


    ¡¡Sean todos y todas bienvenidos!!


    ¡¡No olviden registrarse, crear sus cuentas, para poder comenzar a participar!!



  4. I think part of the fun with iPhones or other mobile phones with cameras, besides the obvious fact that they're almost always with you, is that they're FUN. HDR is easy. You can do panos really quickly and easily. You can do slo-mo videos, which is really cool. And then, of course, it's easy to upload and share, if that's what you want to do.


    Amen to all that.

  5. We see that in so many industries...the most common to me being the folks who can take even the least expensive instrument and make it sing.


    Dont get me wrong - good gear is typically pretty helpful. Why run a marathon in clogs, right? And for some, that dream piece of gear could be the motivation that gets them to shoot more...




    Every single piece of gear "talks" to you. A guitar, a keyboard, a gun, a pair of shoes, an exercise machine, a microphone (like my 44-A, dude!) ... or a camera... you find "the right one" and that is a glorious moment.


    As I said, I had many "point and shoot" cameras, even some very sophisticated ... and NONE of them ever inspired me to take any pics.


    All that changed when I upgraded into an iPhone 4 and discovered the "HDR" feature + built in photo editing.

    Being able to see in that huge, beautiful screen what I wanted to frame and capture, made all the difference.


    I am by no means a photographer and I don't consider myself one. I love taking photographs with my iPhone and they keep improving, but I have several good, close friends who actually are photographers, so I leave to them the titles, techniques and cameras.

  6. Would you say that you have found your photographic "voice"?




    HDR. Saturated color. It's my visual AutoTune. But I finally started enjoying photography ever since.



    * I am NOT buying a PRO camera like, never. I travel with so much audio stuff I can't afford to also carry a camera with accessories.

    iPhone photographer. That's me.

  7. Thankfully this is NOT a photography contest...


    ... that said, well, I was NEVER able to take a good picture with a "point and shoot" camera, and I had several different ones... zero.


    It was until I got an iPhone 4 with its "HDR" capability of double exposition and that HUGE screen, that I was able to take decent pictures. At least, pictures I actually liked. And with built-in editing, I could enhance ((saturate)) the colors, so they looked "better" to my partially colorblinded eyes.


    These pictures are from a trip to Colombia, Puerto Rico and Venezuela when I just got the iPhone 4, in 2010.









  8. just Bought a KAT KTMP percussion controller.

    exceeded low expectations.


    I purchased a very old TRAP KAT controller. It is beyond awesome -an HEAVY!!!

    Absolutely love it.


    But I did buy full hat controller and kick pedal / kick trigger (ALESIS). It makes a huge difference.



    The piano style pedals are fairly inexpensive these days. Still don't know why someone would pay same or more for the flimsy, square momentary switches when the piano style is available.


    The little square ones are great for taking to gigs. Smaller, less space required.

    The piano-style are for home or for gigs that need a lot of piano :keys2:

  9. Hi, Gus! Good to see you again.


    Hi Mike!


    Incredible to think we met around these pages 20 years ago... nice to "see" you!

    It's good to be back at the 'hood.



    There are enough DAWs for "the common man" so that Avid doesn't really need that business. What they need to do in order to keep that business is to be sure that every update that the subscribers get works and doesn't break anything else - and they can do that better when they aren't dealing with $500 customers who expect free lifetime support and upgrades.


    Their price increases tell the opposite. They need income. And if they only have "the professionals", well, they will have to pay the new, higher price.

    And about "not breaking anything else", they recently had a serious problem with the online thing deleting sessions. I mean, that's "normal" with all software developers, but still, does not help having new, higher prices and still failing like that with bugs.



    PreSonus has a good thing going with Studio One now that few other manufacturers bundle much in the way of DAW software with their hardware. While Studio One isn't my cup of tea, if I was starting from scratch, I could see starting with it and sticking with it. Buy a Behringer interface these days and you get a link to download Audacity. Actually, I have a lot of respect for Audacity but it's no Pro Tools.


    The difference we like to make is that we make our own DAW, unlike like Steinberg / Yamaha, same company, company's official software, but NOT made for Yamaha or other brands...

    We highly respect every other manufacturer. But when it comes to integration, we are right at the place M-Audio/AVID were 10 years ago and we have a more solid DAW for musicians and producers and better hardware solutions.


    * Still NO Keyboards. I will work on that later...

  10. Gustavo! Great to see you here! :wave:


    Brother, I missed you! Glad to be back.



    Hope you're enjoying your new toys.






    "New" toys I've been hunting as crazy for the last decade. Love them

    After being "Mr M-Audio" for 14 years, you won't find a USB MIDI controller in my studio. It's a 100% hardware now.

  11. Apple products have a "fun factor" that Windows ones do not, so when you say your computer makes you happy, that makes perfect sense. It's always fun to boot up my MacBook Pro when it's in Mojave's night mode :) And an iPad runs circles around other tablets.


    As long as MS Windows is the alternative to macOS, I'm staying at this, the fun side.


    I was very excited when the new Mac Pro was announced, but the $6K price tag (with a lot of that going to video capabilities I won't use), was a non-starter. I'd hoped there would be a stripped version that I could populate the way I wanted, but apparently it's either all or nothing.


    When I was working for AVID I was always looking for the most powerful computer ever, since Pro Tools is so CPU hungry.

    Studio One Pro runs quite perfectly on my son's MacBook Air, 256 GB, 8GB RAM. That said, I couldn't care less about the $6K Mac Pro. Not for me.



    I'm so glad you were able to make it through that wall!! (Great avatar picture, by the way!)


    It's getting harder and harder every day. But ... I'm here! :D ... and that microphone really helps my voice and looks

  12. Since the last time I posted in this forum:


    * Yamaha CP70B

    * Yamaha DX7 IID

    * Roland V-Synth 2.0

    * Roland VP-550

    * Roland JD800 :love:

    * Dave Smith Instruments REV 2

    * Oberheim / Viscount OB12

    * Oberheim Matrix 6

    * Korg King Korg

    * Ensoniq ZR76




    OH! And that gorgeous microphone I have with me in my Avatar pic :cool:

  13. AVID started their slow, painful death after they sold M-AUDIO and started to lose thousands of small home-studio users who were attracted into Pro Tools because it was "the standard" you could use with dozens of interfaces and keyboard controllers made by the same company, offering indeed an "echosystem" which also included studio monitors. Small studio owners were so proud they had "the standard" in their studios -even without an HD system-. And people like me was selling for the first time, massive amounts of software in Latin America.


    ... then, they sold M-Audio... no more options of small interfaces to get some money from... no keyboards... no control surfaces... no keyboards...


    Heck, even for live sound and hi-end studios, they only have now TWO mixers. One for live, one for studio.


    ... so, rising the prices seemed to be a good idea... or not? It is a great idea... for their competitors. LOL.

  14. ¡Hola!


    Well... 20 years ago I was a 100% a PC Guy, mostly because I didn't have money for a Mac.

    And then, reality is that even the most powerful laptop Mac, 20 years ago, was perhaps as powerful as a good PC desktop adapted for stage use. So, it made no sense to spend in a Mac if truly a PC could do the same, cheaper.


    20 years later I am a full 100% Mac guy. Love it. Fan boy. iPhone. iPad. AirPods. MacBook Pro. iMac. Apple Watch. I could not be happier.


    Why? 2012 was a significant year for me: I got my first quad-core, 500 GB HD, 16GB Ram i7 MacBook Pro. It was WAY more powerful than my iMac. And that any PC I ever had.

    Expensive, you bet. But it was a monster machine.


    In 2014 I upgraded it to the SSD model, same specs. Used in a continental tour with a band for my synths and have used it for all of my tours of clinics with presonus, is my studio's main machine, too.

    5 Years old and still kicking butt.


    I am sure I couldn't find a PC who could ever make me as happy as this machine. :cool:


    The Mexican is back. :2thu:

  15. Oh... Hai Guyz!


    I've been here for many years, but kinda absent the last couple of them. Still, I love MusicPlayer forums!


    About me, as a full disclaimer:


    I am a Keyboardist, music producer and MD for hire, and the lead singer for my band, WoM. And yet my "day gig" is as M-Audio's Tech support / product specialist for Latin America.


    Here is a -bad- video of my work as a keyboardist for hire, with Mexican band MOENIA:


    - I am the keyboardist to the left of the stage -crowd's view-. If you fast forward to minute 8:15, they introduce me to the crowd :D -



    And here, is the latest video of my own band:






  16. Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

    Yep, I know it does, but it isn't. It's just the way I assembled the parts. Everything in the piece comes from inside Soundtrack.


    Thanks, Gus!



    I'm afraid to ask... so you never tried SF's ACID? or are just happy to have discovered SoundTrack?


    I enjoyed a lot the way you handled the loops to make them sound as a solo. Nice trick !


    ... ever tried LIVE? :D

  17. Originally posted by Dave Bryce:



    I've been having some fun with my new copy of Soundtrack.


    Check it out... it's the piece called "Don't Say Nothin'". It's my first crack at a dance-type tune, so I'd love to get some feedback.


    I was gonna submit it for the Vol. 7 comp, but the more I think about it, I didn't really play the tune - I just assembled it, so I'm not really comfortable using it.


    I'm pretty sure that it's headed for the record I'm working on, though... :thu:



    It's only loops, dave? NO instruments?

    The Clav and trumpet loops are terrific, large files, sounds like a solo...


    Sounds great !



  18. Originally posted by coyote:

    The drummer & bassist are kickin'!!! That's me on synth & clavinet. The guitarist is inaudible on this (it was a live recording on VHS and when the drummer asked for less of him in the monitor he also disappeared from the tape lol); it's unfortunate because he's awesome.

    How many hands does your bassist have?

    Man, that's playing !


    I'm nothing without my sequencer... yes, sorry. I wish I could have any funk chops... but you do :thu:


    Why on VHS??

  19. Originally posted by Dano:

    Hey Gus ,

    Nice tune and very good production . A few questions .


    The vocal effects are from Live 2.0 ? Is that you singing ? and how about the harmony's ? easy to add ?


    Thanks Dano !


    Since I'm the guy in charge of the demos for Latin America of Live and Reason I really pursued on doing an entire tune using only those resources.


    So, all the music came from REASON and all the vocals FX were from Live 2.0. No extra VST plug ins. Just the built in Chorus, Ping Pong Delay and Reverb together with the Vinyl distortion, seriously automated.


    Yes, that's me singing (or trying to ;) )


    What about the harmonys? Just a couple of choruses...


    Thanks again.

  20. Is this Thread still alive?


    I would like to share with you all the newest versions of my tunes, some of them are new... and this one which is the newest one:


    "Dime lo que harás..." (Tell me What you\'re gonna do)


    This one was made entirely in REASON 2.0 for the music and LIVE 2.0 for the vocal recording.


    Check all the other tunes at:



    Thanks in advance for your time and comments...

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