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Leroy C

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Everything posted by Leroy C

  1. The switch feels great to the fingers, but the light looks terrible ... (I own two Roland DPs, so don't be hatin' ... )
  2. As a bassist and pianist, I've always appreciated this version of the joke: Q: How many bassists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Never mind, the pianist can do it with his left hand ...
  3. TARKUS is my favorite ELP album, but I might not recommend it as a first album, as it's not as accessible some others. I guess it would depend on the person to whom I recommended.
  4. Honestly, I'd just go in order: start with the eponymous debut album and go from there.
  5. Yes, but it was still better than Love Beach!!!
  6. ELP was my first favorite band, thanks to poking around my dad's record collection when I was a freshman in high school. Of course, back then I foolishly thought I wanted to sing and play bass / guitar. Now I know keys are where it's at! Hat's off to you, Mr. Emerson.
  7. Upright bass is technically my main instrument: I've been playing for over 30 years, and gig with a jazz quartet semi-regularly. I played sax as a kid (grade school through high school), but don't do more than noodle on it anymore. I can play guitar the way most people can play guitar ... However, all those compare to the obsession that is piano.
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