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Leroy C

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About Leroy C

  • Birthday 01/09/1970

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  1. The author lost me with the first sentence ...
  2. Y'all know I was being silly here, right? A silly response to a silly thread? ...
  3. And how the heck do you pronounce his name? I'm guessing it's BEAT-oh ...
  4. Ale is my latest bass hero. Likewise, Pao is my wife's latest girl drummer crush.
  5. I don't know, but no one has ever complain before, so ...
  6. Yep. That's where I'm pretty active about asking friends for recommendations, reading album reviews in genres I like, etc.
  7. Yeah, I do get tired of us old people talking like there's no good music coming out today. There's tons of it; you just have to go looking for it.
  8. Well, crap. Now I have another instrument to learn. Where am I going to find the time?!
  9. I was one of Rick's students at Ithaca college about 35 years ago. I did not find his pedagogy to be garbage, nor his teaching terrible.
  10. Not the OP, but I don't hit A0 very often. I do hit G1 on a regular basis, though.
  11. We have one, my wife noodles on it. It's honestly not bad at all.
  12. I actually read your whole post. I agree. As a primarily blues / rock guy, I would love a PHA-50 action Roland board with the top octave missing.
  13. I adore Sarah. Man, I listened to Fumbling non-stop back in the 90s. That last track, the solo version of "Possession," gets me every time. My own pathetic attempt to emulate her, for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/47B2bvG6Y5U Please excuse the crappy cell phone audio quality ...
  14. And the Art of Noise ...
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