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Posts posted by felis

  1. Several years back, I looked at controllers and ended up getting a Keylab 49.

    It was one of the very few that had release velocity.

    Surprise bonus is that it also has a breath controller input.


    It can be also be used as a generic controller, so if your softsynths have midi learn,

    it's a simple matter to assign the knobs and sliders to parameters.

  2. ....

    Oh, and BTW, the AT on the PC3 goes through some semiconductive ribbon that looks like 16mm film -- and occasionally falls out of its seat. :-( I'll be taking a screwdriver and some duct tape (yes, really) to it this weekend.



    Necro thread on the off chance you see this. Sounds like you've done it before.


    How much disassembly do you have to do? And where is the connector located - on the end with the wheels, or on the other end?

  3. .....


    The single most game-changing event that I recall in my musical life was when I realized that instruments and effects could live inside the computer, and not just be controlled by them via midi.


    Yes - the focus has been on hardware, but softsynths changed the game of tangled up wires, multi power strips, recall, and so many other things.


    I still have a horrid mess of hardware, but if I absolutely had to, I could just use my Kurzweil PC4 and softsynths.

  4. Oberheim Matrix 6 - bought new when it first came out, kept it for a very long time, and knew it inside out.


    Yamaha CX5m music computer - first introduction to FM


    Kawai K5 - first introduction to additive


    Yamaha EX5r - FDSP, VL, and AN


    Kurzweil K2600 - VAST


    Clavia G2 - digital modular


    Andromeda - not really a game changer, but I thought I'd throw it in since I had it


    I forget the rest. :sick:

  5. My thoughts as well. But I see the lower price as a trade off. Without tax, that PC4 was actually $1350 :)


    You won't find a new one for that price in the US (yet).


    If you do the math, I don't think the K2700 will be all that much more than the PC4. Time will tell though.


    One good thing - I'm pretty sure the K series has always had a 61 key version.

  6. Synth programming is not generic.

    Analog/virtual analog, FM, additive, wavetable, physical modeling, phase distortion and all the rest each have their own methods and quirks.

    If you have a preference or leaning towards one of them, it could help you decide.


    If you don't have experience with the different types, I wouldn't dismiss softsynths as a means to explore them.

    You might find you prefer one type more than the others, and that would give you a good starting point on what type of hardware to look for.

  7. ....I've owned a swiss/stability ball for at least 20 years and have probably executed every known exercise on it known to man....well there are a few that are super-advanced and beyond my skill set. ;)


    I've also been doing back extensions on both a 45 degree and flat/ zero degrees hyper-extension/roman chair/ glute ham raise for probably close to 30 years. The number of reps by now I would guess would reach into the tens of thousands over all those years.....



    My bad - I forgot the obligatory 'YMMV'. Carry on gents.

  8. ....and a 45 degree back extension.





    Not to be a nanny-stater, but I have to comment on this. Do your spine a favor and substitute an exercise ball in place of the back extension.

    A less acute pressure point, and a more uniform extension and expansion of the spine in multiple directions.

    Plus there are many more things it can be used for. Research it a bit before you dismiss the idea.



    About gear goals though.

    I'm pretty well set. But if Kurzweil comes out with a PC461, I'll probably move some stuff out to move that in.

  9. .... What exactly is it about Yamaha in general that most of you like, about them?


    Yamaha - so close yet so far

    I generally really like most of the sounds I can get from them.


    But I absolutely detest their lack of modulation and performance options.

    Biggest example is that I won't buy anymore keyboards from them because they refuse to implement release velocity.

  10. You guys would probably enjoy the PC4.

    The massive list of modulation options is available to use on both carriers and modulators in the typical amplitude usage, like what the envelopes can do.


    But what I really like is that those same options can be used on the frequencies of each too.

    Using them on modulators produces awesome swirling and smearing effects.


    Setting all the release times to zero in an FM layer and then running it into a VAST layer, I can finally get FM sounds that respond to release velocity too. :rawk:

  11. Yes - both of the 7's are 4.24" high.


    I'm having a hard time figuring out why they couldn't have shaved more off of the length.

    The end caps of the new housings (PC4-7 and SP6-7) look pretty wide compared to, for example, the Forte 7.

    Maybe it's needed because of the plastic construction, but the end caps look much wider than the PC4 which also has a plastic housing.

  12. ... Seems they lost the mod wheel...


    Unless my eyes are fooling me I see a mod wheel...


    The PC4 had blue led's for the wheels and the PC4 logo on the back. It looks like the PC4-7 doesn't have those lights. But they can be turned off on the PC4 if you want.


    Fleer said "...Seems they lost the mod wheel and 'PC4' lights while downsizing..."

  13. I like the way Kurzweil does it.

    If you edit an already edited patch being used in multis,

    you have the choice of whether you want those changes reflected in the other patches (just hit save using the same name and patch number),

    or to just have it pertain to just that one patch in that one multi (hit rename to give it a new name, and then save it to a new patch number).

  14. What would you be missing in your PC4, @felis?


    Nothing. My PC4's not going anywhere.


    Just getting impatient waiting for a smaller PC4 version to supplement it with.

    The size of the Forte SE is the main thing that stopped me from buying it on the spot at that price.

    I didn't get to try it, because it was new and still boxed up.


    But yes - the SE is missing some stuff compared to the PC4. A pair of outputs, all the knobs, that 2GB of user space and so on.

    But still, I thought that was a pretty good deal.

    I can wait for a PC476 or PC461 though.

  15. Well, yeah, you wouldn't want changes made in a program for one multi to affect that same program in other mutli's.




    My Yamaha S90ES (circa 2005 or so) allows edits to be made to a program within a multi to be saved with and apply to that mutli only-- without having to save a second copy of the underlying program. And every multi that uses that program can have it's own modifications to the program that are saved with the multi. As the SOS review stated: the way the PC4 appears to handle this is distinctly 1980's.


    Am I understanding this right? You make a multi and modify one of the sounds and save it, but you can only use it in that multi?


    With the PC4, you make a multi, modify one of the sounds and save it, but then you can also use it (or the original sound) in any other multi.


    That way seems more flexible to me, unless I'm not getting something.

  16. Even if they do come out with smaller PC4 versions, I suspect that Forte SE will always be 'the one that got away' for me in the future.
    Have you played a Fatar TP100? Your tastes may vary, but I don't think you're missing out.


    Cheers, Mike.


    No, I haven't played one. But I'm not especially fussy when it comes to actions.

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