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Everything posted by vonnor

  1. Shoot... not since '87. Always wore contact lenses and the sh*t dried out my eyes something fierce. Never liked the buzz. Actually left a band over the other guys always "going outside" during the breaks. 4th sets were quite an experience. ~ vonnor
  2. Anybody have a chance to critique this library yet? Price looks good. ~ vonnor
  3. ...and my wife would kill me, as the living room is immediately adjacent to the dining room where she has been working at home for more than a decade. I get to cram everything into my home office... That's a cool little blue metal stand there. Looks like it's on it's side. ~ vonnor
  4. Cool! I can free upgrade all 5 of those pictured in your collage. (soon as I get home from work)
  5. I sat in on Drift Away with a local band a while back, the guy had a Rhodes with no pedal. It was quite an adjustment for me. The guy had very fast fingers. ~ vonnor
  6. My first gigging band was country. Only a Wurly 200a. Next was '81 - '85. Started out with just the Wurly and a Model-D minimoog. Over the months that followed built the rig to include Arp Omni2, Crumar T1 organ and MemoryMoog. Sold the Wurly and bought a CP-70b. Then followed various cover bands and various rigs. Most were some subset of DX7, ESQ1, Matrix6, Memorymoog+, Roland RD250s, and midi rack stuff. 1989 - '92 played with a R&B / top40 / dance band. Rig was KX-76, ESQ1 and a rack with EPS-M, Roland piano module (forget the number), and Matrix-6R. '92 - 2014 pretty much took a break from music. Current rig Arturia Keylab-88B and a Kronos2-61and misc VSTs. No de-rail, just a quick side bar: Any relation to the same name from Cleveland? I still follow those guys. ~ vonnor
  7. I use this: 7-Port-USB-20-Hub I found the construction to be heavy-duty and the jacks seem tighter that others I've used. YMMV I have it velcro'd inside my rack. ~ vonnor
  8. Looks fantastic! Might we trouble you for a gear rundown? Or have you posted that elsewhere? Thanks! ~ vonnor
  9. So here I am at the end of one of the most stressful weeks of my Software Engineering career. Monday I got "The Email." That one that says my annual performance review is scheduled for Friday 1/31 @ 0830. All week I'm anticipating anything from "You suck. See ya." to "We're gonna hafta go ahead and a... put you on a formal performance improvement plan... yeeeaaahh..." Maybe I'm too self-critical but I got a thumbs-up at the meeting. Now I can go to my gig tonight and have fun. ~ vonnor
  10. Almost like CowboyNQ does. Take a listen - Write down all the keyboard sounds I hear (that I can physically play) If I can't play them all, pick the most prominent ones Find/tweak/program the sounds in Kronos or VSTs Set up midi routing, controller mapping, and key ranges in Cantabile Learn the different parts - Amazing(ly) Slow it Down(er) if needed Play along at tempo Repeat that ^^^ a bunch-o-times By then I got the song sections down so it's easy to adjust if the guys have a different arrangement. ~ vonnor
  11. How did I miss this thread?? 200A was my very first keyboard. I spent the better part of the day yesterday googling "best wurlitzer 200 vst" and doing comparisons, but I didn't see this (saw the model 206 thing but wasn't wow'd). I love this. It really has that bite. ~ vonnor
  12. Back in the '80's my best friend and I were at Six Flags St. Louis a few days after his father passed away. He'd been away from home and was not able to be with his Dad at the end. Unbeknownst to us, this band had a concert that evening in the park that was free with your park admission and we decided to attend. When they played this song two grown-ass men both broke down. Still happens when I hear it. Every Time. [video:youtube]
  13. I guess the "OT" is apparent by the thread title.
  14. Sam it's a "Hybrid Cases" (or pick one of the 3-4 other company names that dude from Holbrook, NY sells under) https://www.roadcasesusa.com/ Started with one of These guys. Took the handles and feet off. Flipped it upside down so the tolex was facing up. Cut out the curve for the column. Added a bunch of Penn-Elcom bigass rubber feet - (1.25" tall x 1" dia. if I remember) that straddle the Apex legs and lock the board in place. Wiring all runs underneath to the junction box. (plastic project box from Radio Shack) Snake/connectors from Redco - Multi-pin connectors are TE Connectivity from Allied Electronics ~ vonnor
  15. This is freakin' awesome! That's the 1st keyboard I ever owned. Begged my dad for the $500 used price back in '79. Brings back memories. ~ vonnor
  16. Yeah Dave they're a bit of a reach, but mostly for fading in/out pads on intros/outros and conditional toggling (or x-fading) between patches in Cantabile during a couple songs. I'm not much of a real organ player where I'd need to ride the swell. The damper pedals I just rest my heal on the edge of the pedalboard and use the column as tactile positioning with the side of my foot.
  17. I've done the whole modular pedalboard thing since '89. This is my latest version. For this one, all keyboard outs and ins go thru a 12chan snake that pigtails at the rear keyboard connections. The snake runs to a junction box that ties to each pedal, or to the output connector that also snakes to the rack. Very easy setup, just two multi-pin snake connectors then plug all the rear panel keyboard jacks. MIDI, Audio, Control/Damper... it all goes thru the snake to where it needs to go. Side-note: The steel rods make the Apex stand rock solid. I hate any wobble while I'm playing. (Leslie speed kick-switch on the bottom of the column there) ~ vonnor
  18. By the OP I'd assume he can hear it OK but only from one speaker. The solutions recommended here should be OK. ~ vonnor
  19. Three on my list: Sunset Grill - Eagles Valerie - Winwood Bennie and the Jets - Elton I got dozens more. ~ vonnor
  20. Excellent point. That's where I failed. I knew that they did their own flair on the majority of songs, as opposed to copying the original version, but since my style has always been totally "copy-cover" I missed that clue. Also I didn't ask about conflict resolution of musical parts. I should have. ~ vonnor
  21. This sort of experience adds to the list of "Questions to ask before accepting audition." Problem is, ask too many of these questions and you get a rep for being difficult to work with.
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