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Everything posted by vonnor

  1. On stage I use Westone 5-driver ear-bugs which I am very happy with, but as mentioned in the OP my quest for a better piano was driven by listening to live FOH recordings. I have no stage or back-line amplification. We employ one of three sound companies for live shows, two of which like to mix stereo - one insists on mono. That's a one-button change in my USB-Interface editor on the laptop. ~ vonnor
  2. Hey all, I have been using Addictive Keys piano as my go-to since I sold my NS2, where the Silver Grand was my staple. Lately I've been listening to live recordings of my band and am a bit disappointed with the AK's bite. Do you guys that use virtual pianos have a favorite for a piano that really has a bright attack? Think "Roll With the Changes" or "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'". I'm willing to spend some cash for the right solution. I'm on Cantabile3, Windows 10. Thanks! ~ vonnor
  3. I haven't owned or played one in over 25 years. Something to jam with my GF when she plays her guitar. ~ vonnor
  4. Bit of a thread resurrection, but... I recently purchased a Forte 7 (sadly 2 months BEFORE the $1000 price reduction, but hey) and so far am only using it for a few sounds in a cover band. Mostly just a "bottom" weighted controller for VSTs. I am starting to dig into the programming a bit more now just for fun, and noticed it'll hold 3K programs but only comes with 322 programs. Why they did that is beyond me, but anyway where might one acquire (free or purchased) more "objects" for this thing to help fill up the other 2750 slots? Any that you Forte users could recommend? Must-haves? Dave W.? Thank you in advance. ~ Bill C. (vonnor)
  5. I use Halion Sonic 3 for a couple dozen sounds in my current setup. There's a USB hub in my rack that holds an iLok and eLicenser no problem for live performance. I don't ever connect my "Music" laptop to the internet. So is this going to mess things up for me do you think? ~ vonnor
  6. 32 miles. Only on the Sunday before a Gig (about 1-2 per month).
  7. So I'd have to be connected to the internet during a live gig? No thanks. I have to connect to the mixer for my monitor mix. ~ vonnor
  8. HA!! That's the basement fireplace, D². It never gets used. ~ vonnor
  9. My view for the next 4 hours: I'm finally gigging again after a long break. This is the rig with everything on one stand - Halloween show we have an opener and only 30 min to swap out the stage (bet me that slips). Anyways I can assemble and wire it all in the wings and takes two guys to carry it on and place it. Ultimate Support "Tinker-Toy" construction Custom 3D-Printed Kronos end panels Custom 3D-Printed Laptop holder Quick disconnect pedalboard snake LF+ Mini foot controller sends MIDI PC's to Cantabile, which sets up all the sounds, splits, layers, and controller routings for each song. The Forte is used just as a controller 95% of the time (hence "Silent Program"), I currently only use two Kurzweil patches - both are EPs. ~ vonnor
  10. I had one back in the mid 2000's bought it NOS (new old-stock) from 8th Street Music. It had some issues within the first couple months and 8th Street had to vouch that they would cover repairs under warranty. They also covered shipping to and from a guy named The (pronounced "Tay" as I recall) shop was called "The Soniq". I remember liking the action and the sounds, but I didn't keep it long after getting it repaired. Was kinda reluctant to gig with it. ~ vonnor
  11. I have several Arturia VSTs, the Jupiter 8V I use for many live songs. This one sounds pretty cool for $50.
  12. I usually do use Reverb, however this item was not music related. It did, however sell for the full BIN price just as I was composing my response to mister low-baller. I sadly had to let him know that the item just sold for the full $399 asking price, and wished him best of luck with his ebay shopping. Karma. ~ vonnor
  13. What are "Likes?" notice the wink ^^^ ~ vonnor
  14. I may just counter their $200 offer with $700 just to send them flying into a rage.
  15. So I have an item up for sale on eBay (not linking to adhere to forum rules) for $499 or Best Offer. Another ebayer sends me a message politely informing me that the average selling price for these items has been around $429, and offered me $300. I dropped the listing BIN to $399 and countered him at $349. Never heard back. Last night I get an offer from another ebayer for $170 which I promptly decline. This morning I get a message from this person with aggressive overtones saying they had put in another offer for $200 (half of the recently reduced BIN) which I did not get a notice for, and asking what my lowest price is. Less than two hours later I get ANOTHER message from this person getting all nasty saying why haven't I gotten back to them and why haven't I responded to their $200 offer and once again asking what is my absolute lowest price. WT actual F is wrong with people??? I don't even have access to eBay from work (web sites are blacklisted/blocked on the network). Now I'm trying to think how to respond. MY lowest price is the posted Buy-It-Now (BIN) price. If YOU want to make an offer then make a bloody offer! If I decline it that means IT'S NOT A HIGH ENOUGH OFFER!!! If you really want the item, offer more and take your chances! Holy hell... these people! ~ vonnor
  16. I can't see paying $20 for something like this. I discovered a long time ago (like 1989) that trick of switching the polarity of tip & ring on the FC-7. I keep a few of these on hand and just cut off the factory plug and solder the new one on with the tip/ring reversed. Done deal. Please don't yell at me, I understand the desire to keep the pedal intact so that it can be used with different boards, as well as the fact that not everyone has access or skill with a soldering iron, but for me I always mount my pedals permanently to pedalboards or mark them on the bottom as to which keyboard it's wired for. Side-note, I'm happy to wire up an adapter for anyone in the USA that wants one, for the cost of parts and a padded post-office envelope postage. Takes me like 15 min to make one. It'll just be a shorty though, my supply of free cabling is limited. ~ vonnor
  17. Not sure if that method would work for all patches. 'Patch' (used here generically) tone and envelope have a lot to do with how much a sound cuts through or not. I have always done patch-level balancing manually, I go through each song and set levels against other patches in the song, starting with the virtual instruments levels - those are usually the limiting factor, since they can only go so loud before cracking up. Balancing levels from one song to the next is still a challenge for me, and I welcome other folks' advice. When I run sound I always ride the keyboards channel slider, and make note of any severe level issues to relay to the keyboard player. ~ vonnor
  18. 4U Rack, 3 spaces used. 1. Furman M-8x2 8 Outlet Power Conditioner 2. MOTU Micro Lite (half-rack) & RME Fireface UC USB Audio Interface (half-rack) 3. Shure P9T Wireless Transmitter w/ half-rack adapter panel Inside: Radial ProD2 2-channel Passive Instrument Direct Box StarTech 7 Port USB Hub Rear: Patch Panel with XLR outs for FOH, XLR in for monitor mix, Multi-pin connector for pedalboard-to-rack snake ~ vonnor
  19. Bumping this since apparently the Forte 7 has been discontinued. That Sweet retailer in Ft. Wayne has a few left and selling them for $2999 ($1000 off the previous price). For the price and features it's definitely worth a look. I got mine in May and am very happy with it. Wish I'da waited though. ~ vonnor
  20. You're gonna need a new pedalboard for that, Bro.
  21. I didn't want to start a whole new thread, but this has been bugging me and is probably something simple, but what the heck kind of Kronos is it with the "V3" logo on the right side and the red knobs? ~ vonnor
  22. Cool! Me, I'm on there cuz all that stuff is kinda my "Other" hobby. ~ vonnor
  23. Adam, that's an impressive collection! By the way, I always thought the Replica Props Forum was just for cosplay stuff. ~ vonnor
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