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Everything posted by vonnor

  1. Since the gentleman of sometimes arguable integrity, Mr. Northam, has decreed that the vaccine may now be administered to those between ages 16 and 65 (and I am no where near the median of that group), I am all set to join team Moderna this Friday with poke number one. Any of you guys who absorbed some Moderna juice, was there any weirdness to the experience that I should be aware of? ~ vonnor
  2. Great unit. I've been using one for a while. ~ vonnor
  3. My apologies Dave, but... does what exactly? I was pretty sure the SE supports aftertouch - and typically "aftertouch" referrs to Channel (mono) Aftertouch. I was trying to figure out why the Implementation Chart says it also supports polyphonic (key) aftertouch. I was curious regarding the actual Midi Implementation Chart found at the end of the User Manual (linked above). The convention for whether a device supports a MIDI feature or does not support it is marked by X's or O's. X means it does not support the feature. O means that it does support the feature. Under "Aftertouch" both Keys (polyphonic aftertouch) and Channel (monophonic aftertouch) have O's on them, seeming to indicate that the instrument can both transmit and receive poly-aftertouch. It could be that the transmission of poly-aftertouch is limited to just the SONG mode playback - assuming that the midi track has those messages embedded in the stream. ~ vonnor
  4. Zombie Thread Alert So I have one on order from Ft. Wayne, and while studying the User Manual in advance as is my habit I came across an interesting item. The Midi Implementation Guide (page A-1) has O's on both Channel Aftertouch and Keys Aftertouch, and for BOTH Transmitted and Received! Forte SE Musician's Guide I fear this is a typo? Does the SE really have poly-aftertouch? Anybody know? Dave W.? ~ vonnor
  5. So you're happy with the TP/100 action? Cheers, Mike. Yeah I originally went there to try out the GrandStage but the action on that was WAY too heavy. The SE felt a lot like my old Nord Stage 2. Mainly though it was the piano sounds and how they responded to velocity range. ~ vonnor
  6. I just ordered a 40 pounder (Forte SE) to replace a 32.4 pounder (Arturia) so we'll see. The Arturia was no problem carrying, even up and down stairs. The case or bag is part of the schelp factor as well. I always try to find Gator Pro-Go bags for my stuff if available. ~ vonnor
  7. I just ordered the Kurzweil Forte SE to replace the Arturia Keylab-88 as my bottom board. I had a chance to play one a few months ago in Ft. Wayne and kinda got lost in the piano sound and responsiveness. Supposed to be back in stock mid April. ~ vonnor
  8. I am trying to find screenshots from the MicroKorg editor for the factory preset "Phaser Lead" (Trance B14 or C14 I believe). I spent a good bit of time yesterday evening crawling the web but no success. I just picked up a new gig and among the songs to learn is "Somebody Told Me" by the Killers. I used to have that fat lead sound for the NS-2 but have since sold my Nord. I'd like to try recreating it on the Kronos. I think seeing the parameter settings might get me started. Thanks in advance. ~ vonnor
  9. In my musical endeavors over the years I can only remember one instance where I was not hired after an audition. That may have been due to the general shortage of competent local keyboardists. I really wanted to join this 4-piece cover band and followed them at gigs for quite a few months off and on before the lead player approached me about trying out. Since they were a 4-piece, one or the other of the guitar players was used to covering prominent keyboard parts on the guitar. The audition was a bit nerve-wracking since I had learned all the parts off the original recordings, and my playing was often duplicated by the guitar. The only tune that clicked was Hard to Handle. I suggested we try working together to let the keys take their appropriate place in the songs but they were just too set in their ways and really pushed back on my suggestion. Even insisted I just play string pads all during Rolling In The Deep, since the lead player was hitting those 8th-note chords the piano does on the original. I never heard back from them for like 2 months at another of their shows, but I pretty much stopped following them and attending their gigs after that. I guess I was holding a grudge since I thought keys and another voice would really help their sound. ~ vonnor
  10. Mine will always be the first time I got to see Sir Elton John, musta been late '70's. The afternoon before tickets went on sale I travelled to the arena and was a little disappointed to find 6 other fans already in line and camping out. This was way before the day of online sales. I waited all night and slept on the concrete with my jacket as a pillow. It was a relatively warm night so I wasn't that uncomfortable. The next morning the box office opened at 9am and the line started moving. I was filled with the confidence of youth that I would be getting great seats, but when my turn came the best available was row 15! In a frustrated panic I took row 15 on the center isle. Not being one to give up so easily, and remembering that the local Sears also had a ticket counter, but did not open until 9:30, I literally ran the 1.5 miles to Sears having had no water since the afternoon before and no food. I got to Sears at 9:50 and was heartbroken to see another line of fans stretching almost around the corner. Still not willing to give up, I hurried around the back of the building and found the employee's entrance. I walked right in like I belonged and was not challenged. Found myself in a stair-well and went up to the 2nd floor, then out into the shoe department just as I began to hear the sounds of running feet from the escalator. Quickly gaining my bearings I hurried to the ticket counter and got there just before the mob - gaining several dirty looks and "WTF's." First-in-line, I was told the best available seats were row 2, but way down toward the left. I bought those with my fingers crossed, then hung back away from the counter for a few minutes. Predictably, within a few minutes, I heard folks being told the best available was now in the row 20's. When that happened I proclaimed I had 2 seats row 15 center isle that I would sell at face. Three minutes later I left to catch the bus back home. When the day of the concert arrived and I walked into the arena, I was pleasantly shocked to see where they had set-up Elton's piano. Down-stage-right. I got to watch his hands the whole show. It was epic! ~ vonnor
  11. ^^^ this ^^^ I attended a Hall & Oats concert back in the mid 70's and for one intro the Keyboard player hit this sick low note on the mini and tweaked the filter 'til all the seats in the auditorium started shaking like they were gonna melt. Being a piano player at the time it just made me go, "Holy F****! I need one of those!!" Saved up pennies and bought a used model-D in 1980. Learned that thing inside and out. In '81 I went on the road with a cover band with just that and a Wurly. 1982 I added a CP-70 and a MemoryMoog to the rig. The Minimoog experience helped with the MemoryMoog sound design. That common analog methodology is still my wheelhouse. ~ vonnor p.s. Funny story: You can kinda see a thing sitting on the right end of the Omni-2. That was a hollowed out 9-volt battery filled with melted lead. We covered Maneater by Hall & Oats and for the high strings drone in the chorus I just used that weight to hold down the B and faded it in and out with a volume pedal.
  12. Found it. Yamaha LG100/ LGA100 Discontinued regional thing.
  13. Looking to maybe get a new bottom board for the rig. I was liking the Forte SE, but now I see the Yamaha YC-73 and am intrigued. Want something with a great feel and great bread&butter sounds, with great midi controls (PB/MOD, Drawbars, Exp Pedals / switches). ~ vonnor
  14. ID this stand: (Never seen anything like it)
  15. I saw you in the back back there, Dave. Leaning on the door frame with your arms crossed. ~ vonnor P.S. he still did it way better than I did... [video:youtube]
  16. Ed, how sturdy is that Monolith stand? Any wobble side-to-side? ~ vonnor
  17. Since springing for custom ear bugs a couple years ago, I have been developing Eczema in both ears and the customs are no longer sealing well. So I took advantage of a black Friday sale and picked up these thingies. The sound is awesome! Westone UM Pro 50 v2 ~ vonnor
  18. ***Zombie thread alert*** I was watching a U-toob last night and have been obsessively searching for this with no success. I am confident one of you guys knows what Charlie's bottom board is under the Prophet5 in this shot from Hall and Oats Liberty Concert 1985... ~ vonnor
  19. Impressive phrasing on those vocals. It's been too long since I've worked with other musicians who "get it." Very jealous. ~ vonnor "Play the rests!"
  20. I believe there's a way in Karma arpeggio to have a repeat that tracks your playing tempo. I'd have to dig into the manual.
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