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Posts posted by TomKittel

  1. I like it a lot that they just surprise us with new instruments without any âcoming soon' teaser bullshit... watch this Kurzweil folks! Hope K" will speed up their OS 4.0 release before I'll take a closer look to the new Forte rival.
  2. The rep closed out my ticket even though I responded it was still happening, so I think I will open another ticket and point him to this thread so he/she can see what a travesty this is.


    Here is an email Jean of Kurzweil support sent me back then. Perhaps this helps you to keep the ticket open this time. The Kurzweil guys really should be AWARE of the Artis 7 loud hiss problem ("loud hiss" might not be the right word for it, it's more like a loud explosion!) and they should be able to offer you proper support and solution. In my case the communication was a mess. It went on and on between Kurzweil support, Kurzweil headquarter, the distributor in Europe and the service technician...


    Good luck!




    ....it started intermittently making this horrible digital-distortion noise, which would just come on suddenly and LOUD. The first time it happened, I was setting up my rig to play a coffee house/restaurant that has a nice listening clientele. We were using the house PA. I had set everything up, then suddenly, KSSHSHHHSHSHHSHSHSH!! Hugely loud static noise deafens everyone in the joint.



    This is a common and a well known problem of the Artis 7 series. I experienced the very same thing with my first Artis 7. I returned it and got another one which didn't show this weird behavior. It has something to do with a faulty grounding of the audio input. It's a pain to see a couple of years later that Kurzweil still doesn't seem to have fixed this.... they don't seem to care much for Artis/ Artis7 owners. There were also a couple of OS flaws in the Artis series which could have been easily fixed with an update. But nothing ever happened.


  4. I really don't see the point. What sounds and music can't you make with this that you can't make on anything else?


    And I also really don't like Behringer, especially since they tried to sue Dave Smith, who is a hero. Friends don't let friends support a company like that.




    In my view companies like Behringer are killing jobs and ingenuity. Their strategy is as simple as despicable: steal ideas, squeeze them dry and make a ton of money.

  5. And to make my choice more difficult now I'm reading a few pages back WWW saying that the new lighter version doesn't sound good at all. I didn't even know about this lite version (but looks like it's the one I would get if I ordered it now).


    Some of us werent sold on the original SSv3. The idea of having to lug a second sub to fill in the low end of a one box solution is an oxymoron imo. Then again, many swear its the Bs knees.


    The Motion Sound stuff (and similar) are highly directional. You get sound where you point it.


    I did not experience that with the KP500S. It's less directional than stage monitors or active speakers which I am using from time to time. Maybe this is due to the V-shape of it's front panel.



  6. Its a wrong idea that the FA tone wheel organ would tally with the VR09 if a drawbar controller is added. The VR09 mcludes a complete clonewheel while the FAs tonewheel organ is very rudimentary. Just adding drawbars does not change that too much. I owned both for a while and sold the FA.


    BTW the Oceanbeach drawbar editor has a Roland Integra or Jupiter preset which works perfectly with the FA.

  7. To all you 76ers, is it the length or is it the weight of the keyboard that bothers you? With the ridiculously low weight, Id expect you could put up with the extra length, which might be part of Kurzweils calculus.


    I hate playing any sound but AP/EP with a typical 88keys hammeraction, organ in particular. To me the Nord Stage/Electro hammerkeys for example are awful in this regard. Then again there are very few half weighted 76key actions which are tolerable for AP/EP playing. To me the Artis 7 with lighter springs was one of them. The TP40 in the Forte 7 is a bearable compromise too (conversely).


    Not so sure about the Medeli from this point of view. I didn't like it when I had the SP6 for testing. Well, it's only me...

  8. The Forte7, with it's 76 note fully weighted action has been a huge seller - they're constantly sold out.


    Interesting. And after this lesson Kurzweil launches the PC4 with 88 keys only? Just wondering why so many manufacturers still refuse to supply the demand for smaller 61/76 boards.

  9. The organ has a "VOCE" endblock, yet this organ has a joystick and looks like a Korg. Anyway his sound is very funky and cuts thru. Does anyone know which organ instrument it is?


    This looks like a Korg Poly 61 and it sounds like a Voce module. I saw Brian Auger live about a year ago when he played a Viscount Legend. He sounds great with any keyboard.

  10. Hi Franky


    I just created a username to reply to your request...


    I have an original VR-09 which I have upgraded to version 1.12.

    I am using your CTLR VR-09 Editor to edit synthesizer sounds.

    I have edited the original "JP8 Brass" as you suggested, and merely changed the Pitch Envelope (which has an obvious effect on the sound).

    I saved the sound to a Registration, and switched off the VR-09.

    I then restarted the VR-09 and I can confirm that it definitely DOES update/overwrite the ORIGINAL MASTER sound for "JP8 Brass"!!!!


    I tried to restore the original "JP8 Brass" sound, by saving/updating/overwriting a different unmodified, factory sound to the same registration number, but the modified "JP8 Brass" remained under the "Synth" area!

    I also tried switching off and switching on the VR-09 a number of times, but the sound remains changed!

    Fortunately, I only changed 1 setting, so I repeated all the steps above (edit/Re-set Envelope to original Settings, save to Registration, Switch Off), and it updated/overwrote the modified "JP8 Brass" under "Synth" area to it's original settings.


    I am extremely surprised and totally disappointed with these findings, because I was convinced that it is impossible to update/overwrite any original master sound (which I thought were "read-only".)

    But was I wrong!!!!



    Interesting find. In my opinion this is rather a feature than a bug. Now you can modify save and recall factory sounds without using registrations. If you want to get the factory sounds back you can always do a factory reset. But many of the factory sounds are useless anyway. Frranky, please keep this feature fluke!

  11. Looking at prices for the HX3 Drawbar bundle, Keyboard Partner has it at 861.68 = $1059.75

    which includes DHL shipping Diversi wants $1291 not including shipping.

    Anyone know why it's so much cheaper from Keyboard Partner?


    they cut out the middle man?


    Don't forget that you have to pay US import duty and taxes if you order from Germany directly. Most likely these fees are not included in the Keyboard Partner export rates...

  12. Wow and WOW again. Okay franky46, you've caused me to actually start seeking a laptop. I'm a hardware guy that has mostly avoided the VST universe (except for my not-so-secret iPad addiction). Your coding for this instrument is simply mind blowing. Did I say "WOW"?



  13. I'm sorry Dave but I don't get the disappointment. You should be buying an instrument on the basis for what it can do at the time of purchase. Not in the hopes that things will be made perfect in the future..... don't count on any updates or fixes, buy a board for what it is now, not what it has the potential to be.



    That's true. On the other hand in our digital age software updates are an essential part of nearly every technical product, be it digital instruments, cars, phones or whatsoever...

  14. I like the tempo at which GSI is improving and developing new vitual models

    I'll be in the minority here but this is where I disagree. It is probably the right speed for a two man operation but as a consumer of one of their products I get frustrated at the speed of which things are brought to market and continued development. They introduced the burn pedal, four years later it is discontinued. They introduced the Gemini and other than one wave table expansion haven't added anything new. Yes they improved the clav (because it was out of tune and shouldn't have been to begin with), have yet to improve the acoustic piano, have yet to put the leslie improvement and other upgrades the Mojo has received into the Gemini (promised for March but not delivered)


    This post reminds me on the fact that Guido for years promised a VB3 2.0 update (VST) but never delivered...



  15. My Grandstage saga: I played one in a store, fell in love with it as a "primarily AP/EP board with benefits," and ordered a 73-key one, planning to replace my Kurz Forte 7 with it. Got it home, used it on a gig or two, loved it. Then Dave Weiser released his new EPs for the Forte, and suddenly the decision between them was not nearly so clear. So I set them up side by side, and was torn: I liked the Grandstage APs a lot better; I found them significantly more responsive, realistic and inspiring than the Kurz ones. But between the Weiser sounds and the Purgatory Creek ones, I liked the Kurz EPs a lot better. The Grandstage EPs had what I can only describe as a kind of "mushiness" to their attack, while the Kurz ones were crisp and immediate in a way that made them much more fun to play.


    My eventual solution: I kept the Kurz, and it is now my main EP board. I returned the Grandstage an got an 88-key one instead, and it is now my main AP board. And I'm just living on instant ramen and water for the rest of the year.


    Kurzweil should invest more into state of the art factory presets. The Forte can sound so much better than it's presets are representing. This is also true for the Forte APs. Upgraded EPs for the Forte including DW's and Bill's Purgatory set are so much better than the factory sounds! And I like them better than any of the Grandstage or Nord EPs.


    The same is true for many of the other Forte factory sounds. The Forte can do better in each and every category. Check out these synth patches for example: http://www.enjoythesirens.com


    You can't create sounds like these with the Grandstage. Not every user is ready to invest additional time and money to tune up the machine to his needs. But if you take the plunge to do so the Forte is able to beat any competitor.


  16. Hi Franky, Has the VR09 to be connected to the PC to load and edit UPG files? At the moment I don't have my VR09 here at home. I just tried to edit VR09 UPG files which are stored on my PC but nothing happens when I click on 'Load UPG File'.


    Is there a manual available for your fabulous editor?


    Many thanks and keep up the great work!


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