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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 1 hour ago, ElmerJFudd said:

    Perhaps it’s because it flashes like a rave or edm show or something else that’s far removed from the geezer music  and instruments we grew up with.  Maybe it implies prioritization of tweakage as opposed to the “real” music making we used to value. 😁

    This. I remember when the SuperKnob launched, there was lots of demoing ma-hoosive EDM-style filter sweeps. You can turn the light show off, right?


    Cheers, Mike.

  2. 10 hours ago, analogika said:

    Can you imagine six professional musicians at rehearsal, prepping a new tune from a handout sheet, and encountering a “B”? 

    It’s guaranteed to trip them up, as somebody will be playing a Bb, with others playing a B. 

    it makes me want to pull my hair out. 

    I'm confident that's died out now. It was the case in the time of Bach, which was cool for him, because he could insert his name into a melody...


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. 12 hours ago, Stokely said:

    Nobody hears the keyboards anyway /stereotype

    Until they do.  our lead singer went out front  and said after one recent gig (we ended on a molly hatchet two-fer that our guitarist sings) "the keyboards were loud and proud, I couldn't really make out the guitar"

    I just stared at her like she had said the sun came out at night.

    Reminds me of my last festival gig. I called out to the sound engineer over the mic "can we have less guitar in the monitor please", and then (to the audience) "I bet you guys haven't heard that very often!"


    Cheers, Mike.

  4. 11 minutes ago, MathOfInsects said:

    You’ll probably be a slightly worse keyboard player, but significantly better musician. The latter is worth much more than the former.

    QFT. So much T in this post.


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 7 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

    I have a strengthening conviction that in the end, we should just go back to recording all instruments in mono, and only use stereo for the effects we add to those instruments. All those old soul records...so punchy. 

    Reminds me of a video I saw (posted here?) about recording directly to tape - firstly with one mic for the whole band, then two, then four. Mixing was done by varying the distance between musician and mic. The engineer said he loved the first recording (with a single mic), because the mic was such high quality.


    Cheers, Mike.

  6. A few weeks ago, my Nord took a thump in its soft bag, and one key was pushed out of place. It still worked, but was very stiff. I managed to pull the key back into position, and (miraculously) it seems to work 100% fine - although there was a faint rattle from inside the case.


    It got through its gig on Sunday successfully, and I set it up on its stand at home to work on some new wiring for my loom/pedalboard. When I plugged it in, I found:

    • Acoustic piano sounded fine
    • EP, clav and *some* synth patches were very quiet


    I briefly panicked, and a number of theories ran through my mind (did the damage unseat a circuit board? did a recent OS update kill my patches?). I did the sensible thing and connected a cable directly from the keyboard to the amp (bypassing my bespoke wiring/patching in my pedalboard). Everything worked fine.


    Explanation: I had used a TRS-TRS lead to connect the headphone socket to a balanced input on my monitor (normally that cable feeds a stereo/unbalanced TRS input on my Rolls mixer). It's a lesson I repeatedly learn every 10 years or so...


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. 4 hours ago, CyberGene said:

    Compact Piano? Clavier Portable? 

    Except that P-series (p-85 through p125) are more compact and "plus portable" than the CP-series (CP300, CP33, CP 1/4/5, CP 73/88). Yes this is less obvious is you compare CP73 and P515 - but my point is that the distinction between P and CP is not naturally one of compactness and "portabilité"


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 1 hour ago, JamPro said:

    I feel ya MD.  Discussing music theory with a pretty party-girl has never even gotten me a kiss.  (And wudenchaknoit: hasn't helped my relationships with guitar players either.)

    Plenty of pretty party-girl guitar players out there, but I wouldn't book a lesson with one.


    EDIT: I wouldn't book a music lesson with one.


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. 1 hour ago, AnotherScott said:

    If you want to show up with just your laptop/tablet and a keyboard (no rack, etc.), the clean single-wire connection between the devices, and solid 1/4" (and maybe XLR) outs from the keyboard would look to be probably the fastest, easiest, neatest, most solid/reliable way to go.

    Exactly my thinking: inspired by the ReezeKeys lightweight rig, but fewer cables.


    5 hours ago, davinwv said:


    The minute you have a rack, the situation is different. You can mount PSUs, USB hubs, audio interfaces in there, and don't need so much onboard. 


    8 minutes ago, Delaware Dave said:

    you guys love to speculate and wonder

    More "wish and hope", in my case. Something like I described would be a winner for me as an informal rehearsal/jamming board. 


    16 minutes ago, Stokely said:

    What *does* the YC and CP stand for, if anything?

    YC=Yamaha Combo, I believe. The P in CP would surely be Piano, but C?


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. There are plenty of meh-quality cheap controllers on the market, with lots of lights, pads and very little appropriate for live use. If I had to put my money down, that's what I think Yamaha would be building.


    Here's what would be really cool: built-in USB audio/MIDI interface (like the YCs and the P125), USB-C with power delivery, slot for an iPad. Instant iPad rig: just add cable.


    Cheers, Mike.



  11. 46 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:

    Since we're making stuff up, how about... Yamaha is re-entering the soundless controller market. CK could stand for Controller Keyboard.

    That was my first thought. All of it.


    CK is the new KX.


    Cheers, Mike.

  12. 23 minutes ago, bill5 said:

    But "has a USB connection" does not equate to "has a built-in audio interface." An audio interface is a separate unit entirely with mic pre-amps, etc. 


    Correct. A lot of boards have a USB connection and don't have an audio interface.


    The Numa has a USB connection and an audio interface. Admittedly, it doesn't have mic preamps, but it does convert digital audio (transmitted via USB) to analog(ue) audio, and plays it back through its speakers and audio out connections.


    Cheers, Mike.

  13. 5 hours ago, mcgoo said:

    Sorry to derail the thread,  but Ultimate Support is on my $hit list at the moment.  Not only do they not have parts for their legacy stuff,  they don't have parts for their current stands!  I've been waiting over a year for replacement parts for their V Pro Stand.  Grrr... 


    Rant over.  Sorry for the derail... 

    How things have changed! My vintage AX48's carry handle broke some years ago, they sent me one FoC. 


    Cheers, Mike.

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